
  1. 从而,为今后开展公民健康教育更好地、更自觉地运用公共管理原则提供可供借鉴的经验。

    Thus , for the future to carry out health education and better citizens , more conscious application of the principles of public administration to provide for reference of experience .

  2. 论公共管理的基本原则与价值取向

    A Study of the Primary Principle and Value of Public Management

  3. 新公共管理强调市场导向原则,重视消费者选择,鼓励竞争,注重绩效。

    New public management emphasizes the market-oriented principle , pays attention to the customer choosing , encourages competition and underlines achievement .

  4. 这些理论原则主要由美国创立,为西方国家所采纳,成为西方公共安全管理的理论原则。

    They were established by USA and accepted by other Western nations and thereby become the mainstream principles of Emergency Management in the Western world .

  5. 最终提出重庆市城市公共危机管理的基本原则,并分别提出打击、应对、防范黑恶势力应建立的危机管理机制和重庆城市公共危机管理的具体对策措施。

    Ultimately this paper put forward Chongqing city public crisis management basic principles , establish the crisis management mechanism to prevent , deal with establish the crisis management and the concrete measures of Chongqing urban public crisis management .

  6. 由于我国将森林火灾纳入突发公共事件的自然灾害范畴,森林火灾的应急管理应当遵循突发公共事件应急管理的原则。

    As our country regard forest fire as public natural disaster , emergency management of forest fire should follow the principles of public emergency management .