
  • 网络Public Policy Environment
  1. 中国退休返聘公共政策环境分析

    Analysis on Public Policy Environment for Post - Retirement Employment in China

  2. 三是通过改善政治环境、提高经济发展水平、塑造服务型主导的文化以及理性应对国际环境这四方面来优化公共政策环境。

    Thirdly , optimize the public policy environment by improving the political environment , improving the level of economic development , building service type dominated culture as well as a rational response to the international environment these four aspects .

  3. 介绍了美国、丹麦、芬兰三个国家公共政策环境影响评价制度的基本情况。

    Describes the public policy of environmental impact assessment United States , Denmark and Finland .

  4. 新闻传播政策政治职能伴随着包括新闻传播政策在内的整个公共政策环境尤其是政治环境的演变而演变。

    The political function of news communication policy has been evolving with the whole surroundings of the public policy , especially the environment of news communication policy .

  5. 杰弗里斯塔克与公共政策组织呼吁环境安全与稳定奠定了基础。

    Jeffrey Stark is with a public policy organization called the Foundation for Environmental Security and Stability .

  6. 公共政策执行的环境、方式和能力,决定着政策执行的效果。

    The effect of policy implementation is decided by the environment , method and ability of policy implementation .

  7. 社会转型使我国公共政策面临的客观环境发生了深刻而全面的变化,使中国的政策环境今非昔比。

    That society transforms has made objective environment facing the common policy of our country changing deep but all-round , makes Chinese policy environment be no longer what one was .

  8. 从模型的拟合结果来看,公共政策执行对于创新环境和人力资源环境方面的扶持可有显著提升,特别是融资环境的效果最明显。

    Results from the model fitting , implementation of public policy for the " innovation environment " and " human resources and the environment " of the support can be significantly improved , especially the " financing environment ," the most obvious effect .