
The Issue of Encouragement in Controlling Public Management Behavior
So it need expanding in three respects : the object of litigation should be expanded to the inside administrative behavior , abstract administrative behavior , and the non-governmental public administration behavior ;
In recent years , international organizations have established international standards for public ethical conduct to be implemented in several countries for more consistent public management ethics .
It is not only a kind of public administration activity but also a responsibility that can not be given up for the government to monitor the teaching and learning quality of higher education .
The third chapter includes all the theories used in this thesis such as New Public Management , Organizational Behavior as well as Public Economics .
Based on the case of the Senior Cadre Bureau of Nanchang Municipal Party Committee , this thesis is focusing on the analysis of the retired cadres ' management and service in Nanchang through the comprehensive methodologies of public management , organizational behavior and statistics .
Pubic ethics is the system of norms and rules followed by public management agencies , which must be built up on the rational value 's ground , so that it can regulate , guide and standardize public management activities effectively in order to realize the goal of public management .
Therefore , under a pressure-type system , acts of county government and its officials who pursue their own goals that is to maximize achievements in his official career will inevitably be in conflict with local public administration acts which is the core of public interest .
It lacks procedural rules when citizens are becoming subjects of public management , participating in its activities , supervising its behaviors and taking part in e-management so it leads to the absence of the subjects , malposition of the activities and misconduct in the supervision .
The performance evaluation should be the unification of the subjective feeling of the audience and the objective performance production of relative sectors , the unification of the administrative behavior of the public sector and the result .