
Transparency on SWF activity is poor , although , if Norway is any guide , equities could rise to 60 per cent of total portfolios .
The achievements by the usage of Payback Period Method indicate that the construction of BI system can recover the whole investment in less than 3 years , in this point of view , it is quite an appropriate investment projects .
Friends and accomplished business advisers gave me unanimous advice : this would be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and experience , but to make it worth the overall investment and to stretch my leadership abilities I would have to join a top MBA programme .
The film was fully financed by a Chinese company , New Pictures Film - with support from two banks : Bank of China and Minsheng - but the presence of one of Hollywood 's biggest stars is indicative of the close ties that have developed between the US film industry and China .
He wants to be financially independent by age 65 , which is why almost all of his retirement portfolio is given to individual stocks , stock mutual funds and exchange-traded funds , and alternative , hedge-fund-like investments .
Our research indicated the testing result is evident , the total increased yield is 2.01 × 10 4 t in one and a half year , wining the total investment .
Already , secondary transactions , in which private-equity firms sell whole investments to each other , make up a quarter of deals by value , according to Preqin , a data provider .
China has more than $ 250bn invested in mortgage and asset-backed securities in the US – but all apart from about $ 10bn of this money is in highly rated agency and agency-backed securities , says Wachovia , the US bank .
Ferretti , the Italian yachtmaker , recently restructured its debt to stave off administration , while candover , the UK private equity group , wrote off its whole investment in the company .
Both the all investment of the overall rent plan and the internal rate of return ( IRR ) of self-raised capital are far higher than the selected benchmark rate ( 8 % ) . It shows the good profitability of the whole project investment and the self-raised capital .
We are aiming for the complete recovery of the money invested .
Using the Investment Costs of Human Resources To Measure Human Resources Value
All the investment is taken back in half of heating period .
And the circulation for evaluation base day and coefficient should be revised .
He invested all his money in real estate .
Before the crisis , 40 per cent of all investment was in property .
The total investment in fixed assets would be recovered in 1 ~ 1.5 year .
We have already used up our total investment budget for the current fiscal year .
Then he wished that he could get the same return again when he invested30rmb .
This project has taken back all the investment , so the commercial test is successful .
The question now is how quickly the U.S.government exits its investment and whether it breaks even .
If the venture does not run well , the foreign investor may lows everything he has invested .
It receives more foreign direct investment each year than India has attracted cumulatively since its independence in 1947 .
Using some or all your investment proceeds , you can expand your portfolio by buying into other promising companies .
Under normal condition , theeconomic benefit obtained by the mill in1 ~ 2 years equals to the total investment .
Result of reformation indicates that productive capacity is increased by 25 % , total invest can be recovered in 5 months .
For those projects that drew all investment from abroad , every insurer could provide coverage in the form of a master policy .
The UK remained the destination of choice for private equity in Europe , attracting 33 per cent of all investments last year .
The directors of the above company states after the investors investment is fully paid the investor shall own20 % of the farm .
IRR of new plan is greater than the benchmark rate of return ; NPV is greater than zero , indicating the financial feasibility .