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  1. 几内亚和佛得角非洲独立党他也并非进不了佛罗伦萨的上层社会。

    He was not unlikely to get into the best Florentine society .

  2. 保守党称,没有进过课堂的师范生越来越多,而更多的人则做了兼职和提前退休。

    The Tories said growing numbers of students who trained as teachers never entered the classroom , while more were working part-time and retiring early .

  3. 两个人之间的欧洲议会议员和东正教神职人员党谁越过他进了北一废弃东正教教堂和墓地那里参观。

    The two were among a party of MEPs and Christian Orthodox clergymen who had crossed into the north on a tour of derelict Orthodox Christian churches and cemeteries there .

  4. 40年前,撒切尔女男爵的保守党将英国带进欧盟,如今它已分裂成两派。一派希望同欧盟保持正常的关系,另一派希望走出欧洲大陆,此派的阵营正在壮大。

    Baroness Thatcher 's Conservative Party , which took Britain into Europe four decades ago , is divided between those who long for an arm 's-length relationship and those who want to walk out .