
xiān jìn jì shù qǐ yè
  • technologically advanced enterprise
  1. 国家鼓励举办先进技术企业和产品出口企业。

    The State encourages the setting up of technologically advanced and export-oriented enterprises .

  2. 2005年上海进道获得“上海外资先进技术企业”荣誉称号。

    In2005 , Shanghai C & Jindo was honored as " Shanghai foreign joint venture with advanced technology " .

  3. 高新技术企业、鼓励类外商投资企业、外商投资先进技术企业或者外商投资产品出口企业。

    High and new technology enterprise , encouraged foreign investment enterprise , foreign investment advanced technology enterprise or foreign investment export enterprise ;

  4. 公司连续五年被评为“安亭十强”企业,多次获区政府的综合实力奖,获先进技术企业认证,2006年被评为上海市技术中心,多项产品获国家专利。

    Meanwhile , the Company is certified as the Enterprise R & D Center of Shanghai in2006.Many products are patent-protected by the State Patent Bureau .

  5. 再投资于产品出口企业或先进技术企业的,可以全部退还其再投资部分已纳的所得税税款;

    If the profit is invested to export-oriented enterprises or technologically advanced enterprises , all the income tax paid on the reinvested amount can be refunded .

  6. 产品出口企业和先进技术企业的外国投资者,将其从企业分得的利润汇出境外时,免缴汇出额的所得税。

    When foreign investors with export-oriented enterprises and technologically advanced enterprises remit abroad profits gained from their enterprises , income tax of the remitted amount shall be exempted .

  7. 外商投资设立的先进技术企业,可按规定减免税期后,还可以延长三年减半征收企业所得税。

    Foreign invested High-tech enterprises , upon the expiration of the above income tax policy , may enjoy another three year 's extension of the half income tax policy .

  8. 公司就可以成为采用先进技术的企业。

    ' We can become an advanced-technology company . '

  9. 武汉双虎涂料股份有限(集团)公司近几年通过转变经营机制,引进先进技术,企业面貌发生巨大变化;

    The Double-tiger Coatings company limited changes a lot in this few years by transforming the'operating mechanism , by introducing advanced technologies .

  10. 企业为了确保在激烈的市场竞争中取胜,必须运用信息技术、计算机技术等先进技术提高企业质量管理的水平,增强质量保证和质量控制的有效性。

    In order to ensure success in the keen competition of markets , enterprises must improve quality management to enhance the effectiveness of quality assurance and quality control by using such advanced technologies as information technology and computer technology .

  11. 随着加入WTO,对外开放和经济改革的进一步深入,我国企业不可避免地要面对拥有雄厚资金和先进技术的外国企业的挑战。

    With China 's entering WTO successfully , and the deepening of its opening and economy reforming , Chinese enterprises will inevitably be faced with challenges from foreign opponents who have abundant fund and master advanced technologies .

  12. 应用先进制造技术推进企业发展

    Apply Advanced Manufacturing Technology to Promote Enterprise Development

  13. 面向21世纪先进制造技术与企业竞争的关系

    On the Relation between Advanced Manufacturing Techniques and Enterprises ' Competition in 21st Century

  14. 先进制造技术与企业振兴

    Advanced Manufacturing Technology and Business Development

  15. 在这些先进的技术在企业产品研究开发的实施过程中产生了大量的电子文件和设计数据。

    The application process of advanced technology in R & D of product incompany generate much digital document and design data .

  16. 因此,先进制造技术为企业过程优化研究提出了的新的发展方向:决策化、动态柔性化和信息化。

    Therefore , Advanced Manufacturing Technologies have put forward a new developed direction for business processes optimization , which is decision , dynamic flexibility , and information supporting .

  17. 提出了在先进制造技术、企业建模与诊断方法、集成框架与平台工具的支持下,实施企业信息化整体解决方案的途径。

    Based on advanced manufacturing technology , enterprise modeling and diagnosis methods , and integration framework and integration tools , an implementation method for total solution is put forward .

  18. 本文通过对科技发展与变革的叙述,分析了先进制造技术对企业的影响,并针对我国发展现状提出若干对策。

    This article relates the development and change of science and technology , analyses the influence of advanced manufacturing technology , and raises some countermeasure for our countries present .

  19. 第一章引言部分首先简要回顾了MRPII/ERP系统的发展历程,对与MRPII/ERP系统密切相关的先进生产技术及企业生产管理模式的发展趋势进行了综述;

    In Chapter One , it firstly reviews the development of MRPII / ERP System , and summarizes the advanced manufacture technology having close relations with MRPII / ERP System , and the developing trend of enterprise management pattern in production .

  20. 为其它冶金企业如何结合自身特点,采用经济合理的手段,运用现代先进技术,解决企业存在的技术难题,提高产品质量,降低生产成本,增强市场竞争力,塑造出一个可以借鉴的范例

    It is a representative case concerning how to apply the material science to the industrial activities , being pretty valuable as a reference to be used by metallurgical enterprises for improving product quality , reducing operation costs and sharpening their competitive edges with relevant the state-of-art technologies

  21. NET先进技术在电力系统企业级应用的广阔前景。

    NET has particular advantages in power system enterprise application .

  22. 近年来,越来越多的企业采用产销一体化和CIMS(ComputerIntegratedManufacturingSystem)等先进技术,提高了企业的整体效率和市场竞争能力。

    In recent years , more and more many enterprises used the production and marketing integration and CIMS ( COMPUTER INTEGRATED MANUFACTURING SYSTEM ) and so on .

  23. 大多数发展中国家积极吸引FDI的主要原因都是期望通过FDI接受全球技术转移与技术扩散,获得先进技术并提高本国企业的自主研发和创新能力,实现国民经济增长。

    The reason why many developing countries attracting FDI is to get the global technology transfer and technology spillover , and enhance the independent research and development capacity , eventually realize the economic growth .

  24. 所以,本研究从非RD活动入手,着眼于制造业企业最常见的三种非RD活动(设计、培训、采用先进生产技术)对企业创新绩效的影响研究。

    Therefore , this research started from the non-R D activity , focusing on the impact of three most common non-R D activities of manufacturing enterprises ( design , training , the use of advanced production technology ) on the enterprises ' innovation performance .

  25. 基于对S公司CRM系统应用的研究,作者提出以下论点:1、CRM客户关系管理系统的目的在于应用先进的信息技术建立企业与客户的新型关系,最终达到企业持久赢利的目标;

    Base on the research on S company 's CRM system , the author point out : 1 . The target of CRM system is to build up a new client relationship through the advanced information technology , this will finally bring the long-term profit to the company ;

  26. 基于先进物流技术的制造企业竞争力提升研究

    The Research on the Competitiveness Improvement of Manufacturing Enterprises Based on Modern Logistics Technology

  27. 先进制造技术在现代化企业的优化组合

    Optimization of advanced manufacturing technology in modern enterprises

  28. 所以,与拥有先进技术的国家或企业进行合作就成为了一种可能。

    It is a good possibility to cooperate with relative countries and companies which have the advanced technology .

  29. 运用先进技术,依托供电企业实时通信信息系统,建立农村配电变压器台区监测系统是必要且可行的。

    Apply advanced technique and depend on real time communication information system establish countryside transformer region monitoring system is especially important and reasonable .

  30. 如何顺利地借助跨国并购手段获取先进技术,进而实现企业技术水平和产业链升级的跨越式发展,是政府和企业普遍关心的问题。

    How to smoothly get advanced technology by depending on cross-border M & A and achieve great-leap-forward development of enterprises ' technical level and industry chain are what the government and enterprises are concerned .