
  • 网络child care
  1. 成功地把人们从福利转向工作的关键在于职业培训和儿童照顾。

    The key to the success of moving people from welfare to work is through job training and child care .

  2. 哮喘儿童照顾者心理状况及家庭环境调查

    To survey the psychologic states of asthmatic children 's attendants and family circumstances

  3. 未届学龄儿童照顾工作证书课程

    Certificate Course in Work with Pre-school Children

  4. 我们希望彩虹项目能成为中国残疾儿童照顾的典范。

    We want Project Rainbow to become a model for care for the disabled children in China .

  5. 孤独症儿童主要照顾者家庭支持,朋友支持,其他支持及支持总分得分均低于正常儿童主要照顾者,差异有统计学意义(P0.05)。

    And the differences were significant ( P0.05 ) . ( 3 ) Primary caregivers of children with autism got lower scores in family support , friend support , other support and total social support than those of normal children .

  6. 方法采用《一般情况调查表》、STAI、LES[1]量表,对62例哮喘儿童的照顾者及50例门诊非心理行为障碍患儿的照顾者进行调查分析。

    Methods To investigate and analyze 62 asthmatic children and 50 non psychology and behavior disorders children in outpatient with General Conditions Form and the scales of STAI and LES .

  7. 等他们见到萌狗集团合格的儿童室内照顾专家

    Wait until they meet puppy co 's certified inhouse childcare expert

  8. 大学医学顾问委员会学前儿童日间照顾服务

    University Medical Advisory Committee day care for pre-school children

  9. 弱能儿童学前照顾、教育及训练工作小组

    " Working Party on Pre-school Care , Education and Training of Disabled Children "

  10. 儿童住宿照顾服务发展委员会

    Residential Child Care Services Development Committee

  11. 她日夜照看、服侍他。学前儿童日间照顾服务

    She watched over him and waited on him day and night . day care for pre-school children

  12. 学前儿童日间照顾服务

    Day care for pre-school children

  13. 目前我国对孤残儿童的照顾模式主要包括机构养护与家庭寄养两种。

    At present our country to the orphans and handicapped children care model including machine maintenance and family foster care two .

  14. 同时,该医疗小组提出了新的针对被确诊为自闭症儿童的照顾和治疗的指导方针。

    At the same time , the medical group provided new guidelines for care and treatment of children once they are identified as autistic .

  15. 村委会在留守儿童的照顾方面远远不够,而邻里照顾却起了相当大的作用。

    Village in the care of children left behind is far from enough , and neighbors to take care of it played a significant role .

  16. 国家注意到了凄惨的童年生活会破坏一个人将来人生成功的机会,从而越来越关注婴儿与学步儿童的照顾问题。

    Mindful that a poor start can blight a person 's chances of success later in life , the state has intervened ever more closely in how babies and toddlers are looked after .

  17. 此外,克洛娃说,儿童往往成为照顾家庭者。

    Also , Lucie Cluver says the children often become the caregivers .

  18. 这就意味着1200多名儿童的家长要照顾自己的孩子。

    That means the parents of more than 1 , 200 children have to find childcare .

  19. 该组织提供财政、教育、心理安抚给儿童和他们的照顾人。

    The organization provides financial , educational , and psychosocial support to the children and their caregivers .

  20. 对影响体质的有关因素进行了逐步回归分析。结果表明:学前儿童体质受遗传、营养、体育锻炼、出生体重、开始独立行走时间、儿童的主要照顾者及父亲职业等多方面影响。

    The result of stepwise regression analysis showed that many factors ( including heredity , nutrition , physical activity , birthweight , starting time of independent walk , child 's attender and paternal occupation ) may influenced the constitution of children .