
ér tónɡ yóu xì
  • King of Castle;game
  1. 中国古代儿童游戏

    Children 's   Games   in   Ancient   China

  2. 捉迷藏Hide-and-seek捉迷藏是一种流行的儿童游戏,其中至少有两个玩家隐藏在一个固定环境中,另一个或多个搜寻者来寻找他们。

    Hide-and-seek is a popular children 's game in which at least two players conceal9 themselves in a set environment , to be found by one or more seekers .

  3. 一种方式是从审美和功能上反映这种多样性,例如托卡博卡公司(TocaBoca)的儿童游戏app。该公司在旧金山和斯德哥尔摩设有办事处。

    One response is for design projects to echo that diversity aesthetically and functionally , as the San Francisco and Stockholm-based company Toca Boca does in its children 's play apps .

  4. 另一家电子玩具制造商伟易达(VTechHoldingsLtd)称,11月公司曾遭遇一轮网络攻击。顾客在登录公司网站下载儿童游戏、书籍及教育材料后,个人信息会遭到泄露。

    Electronic toymaker VTech Holdings Ltd said in November that it was the victim of a cyber attack that compromised information about customers who access a portal for downloading children 's games , books and other educational content .

  5. 在这个儿童游戏“头和尾”(TopsandTails)的学术版本里,研究人员使用Photoshop处理图片,调换身体和头部,调整身高,以降低结果受到评判对象身高和外形吸引力影响的可能性。

    In an academic version of the children 's game Tops and Tails , the researchers Photoshopped the images , switching the bodies and heads and manipulating heights , to take account of the possibility that results could be skewed by how tall or attractive the subjects were .

  6. 儿童游戏对人类而言,是通常而必须的。

    The games of children are common and necessary for mankind .

  7. 在儿童游戏场里有秋千和滑梯。

    There are swings and slides in the children 's playground .

  8. 城市儿童游戏场空间研究

    A Study on the Space of Children 's Playground in City

  9. 儿童游戏的本质&基于文化哲学的视角

    Reflection on Children 's Play from the Perspective of Cultural Philosophy

  10. 珍妮在儿童游戏室里和孩子们一起看电视。

    Jenny is watching TV in the den with the kids .

  11. 玩具是儿童游戏进行不可缺少的物质条件。

    Toys for children 's games are indispensable material conditions .

  12. 论儿童游戏的生活本质

    On the Essence of Life of Children 's Playing Games

  13. 城市开放空间中儿童游戏场所规划设计探析

    Plan and Design of Children 's Play Environments in Urban Open Spaces

  14. 探寻儿童游戏意义的新视野

    On the Probe into the New Vision of Children Games ' Significance

  15. 在生活世界视野下对儿童游戏的反思

    A Probe into Children 's Games : a Husserl 's Life-world Perspective

  16. 试析移民背景下儿童游戏的文化价值

    The Cultural Value of Children 's Play in the Background of Immigrantion

  17. (儿童游戏书“寻找瓦多”)我觉得装扮比赛我会赢哦。

    I think I 'm gonna win the costume contest .

  18. 客厅旁边的区域是儿童游戏区。

    The area right next to the living room is the kids'play area .

  19. 我们需要在乡村地区增设更多的儿童游戏组和幼儿园。

    We need to open more playgrouds and nursery schools in country areas .

  20. 学前儿童游戏择伴的研究

    Research on Playmate Selection for Pre - School Children

  21. 一种儿童游戏,为虚假情谊交换接吻。

    A children 's game in which kisses are exchanged for pretended letters .

  22. 国际保护儿童游戏权利协会

    International Association for the Child 's Rights to Play

  23. 居住区景观与儿童游戏场地设计现状与反思

    Present Situation and Reconsideration of the Community Environment Landscape and Children Playground Design

  24. 居住区环境景观设计中的儿童游戏场地开发

    The Development of Children 's Playground in Environmental Landscape Design of Residential District

  25. 住宅区儿童游戏空间的创造

    Creation of Children Pleasure Space in Residential Quarter

  26. 中国古代儿童游戏研究

    A Study on Chinese Ancient Games of Children

  27. 论儿童游戏与儿童文学的游戏精神

    On Games and Game Value of Juvenile Literature

  28. 哲学视角下儿童游戏的意义

    On children 's games from a philosophical perspective

  29. 大家一致同意把村中的草地改为儿童游戏场所。

    By common consent the village green was turned into a playground for children .

  30. 儿童游戏时欢乐的声音

    The happy sounds of children at play