
  1. 铜陵农民在获得城市福利的同时还可以保有土地。

    They can keep their land and still get urban benefits .

  2. 蔡昉说,允许农民工享受城市福利的改革可以扩大劳动力规模,进而支持中国经济增长。

    Reforms that allow migrants to tap urban benefits could boost the size of the labor force , supporting China 's growth , Mr. Cai said .

  3. 但根据重庆市的要求,农民必须在三年内放弃自己的土地以换取城市福利,许多农民不愿这么做,在这些农民眼中,土地就像一张保险单。

    But Chongqing requires farmers to give up their land within three years in exchange for urban benefits and many balk , figuring that their land acted as a kind of insurance policy .

  4. 在这一制度下,农村移民大多无法享受各项城市福利,包括医疗、教育、养老或其它社会保障福利,现如今,他们大多被禁止在大城市购房,即便他们买得起。

    Under this system , rural migrants mostly have no access to urban services , including healthcare , education , pensions or other social security benefits and these days they are mostly not allowed to buy property in the big cities even if they could afford it .

  5. 我国城市社区福利服务的弱可获得性及其发展

    Urban Community Welfare Services in China : Low Availability and Development

  6. 探讨我国城市社区福利模式的建立

    Discuss on the Construction of Urban Community Welfare in China

  7. 并重点指出了在城市社区福利制度建构中对灵活的创新机制关注的重要性。

    Furthermore it particularly points out the importance to establish flexible management systems and operation mechanisms .

  8. 现代城市社会福利事业的兴起、变迁与模式转换

    The Rise , Changes of Social Welfare Services in Modern Cities and the Transformation of Its Models

  9. 二元的户籍制度可以让城里人高枕无忧的享受着城市的福利待遇。

    The dual lateral economic ties may let the city person have no more worries are enjoying the urban welfare treatment .

  10. 本文依据制度的要素组成从城市社区福利制度的理论、组织、设备、规范四个系统对社区福利进行了制度建构。

    In this article it is divided into four types , according to system essential factor : theory , organization , equipment , norm .

  11. 本文阐述了社区福利与社会福利、单位福利之间的区别和联系,进而界定了城市社区福利模式的内涵。

    This article illuminates the difference and relation between community welfare , social welfare and enterprise welfare , also explains the pattern of community welfare .

  12. 第二章考察了现代城市社会福利事业兴起的社会背景,主要包括历史背景、客观背景和主观背景。

    The second chapter reviewed social background of the rise of social welfare services in modern cities , which mainly includes historic , realistic and ideological background .

  13. 本论文对近代以来主要是20世纪中国城市社会福利事业的兴起与变迁进行了考察研究。

    This thesis reviewed and studied the rise and changes of social welfare services in cities in China after 1840 , especially in the 20 ~ ( th ) century .

  14. 我国城市贫困儿童福利研究:回顾与展望

    Research on Urban Poor Children 's Social Welfare in China : Review and Prospect

  15. 税费改革使农民的福利得到改善,同时城市居民的福利又未恶化,是典型的帕累托改进。

    Tax-fee reform improved the welfare of farmers and did not make urban resident welfare worse , which was typical Pareto improvement .

  16. 户口决定了一个人在其工作城市享有社会福利的程度,此外还会影响到购置房产,甚至是买车。

    It determines to what extent one can enjoy the social welfare of the city one works in , and affects property investment and even car purchases .

  17. 经济适用住房对城市中低收入家庭福利状况影响研究

    The Impact of Economical Houses on Family Welfare of Urban Low & Middle Income Class

  18. 农村劳动力参与城市就业竞争的福利经济学分析

    An analysis of welfare economics of the rural labour forces ' participating in the urban employment competition

  19. 多数专家认为计算机对于解决人口增长、城市居住以及公共福利是不可缺少的。

    Most experts agree that computers are essential to solving the problems of increasing population , city living and public welfare .

  20. 运用层次分析法确定影响农地城市流转的农户福利效应因素的权重,结合第三章的测度方法得出了农地城市流转后的农户福利效应变化。

    Firstly , the analytic hierarchy process is used to determine the weight of the factors of farmers ' welfare effects of rural-urban land . And then combined the measure in chapter three , we come to changes of the farmers ' welfare effects in rural-urban land conversion .

  21. 在计划经济时代,城市建设是非生产性建设,过于强调城市基础设施的福利性、公益性。

    City construct is nonproductive to excessively emphasize welfare and commonweal of basic establishment in planned economy age .

  22. 我国城市供水起步较晚,早期的供水价格仅仅补偿供水生产成本,到1949年以后,国家对城市供水实行福利供水,形成一种价格倒挂现象,增加了国家财政负担。

    Urban water supply hadn 't run for a long time , in the history the price of water supply only compensate water cost . After 1949 ' , urban water supply put in practice along with welfare , so water price is lower and increase country finance burden .