
Markets welcomed the announcement , with euro-zone bond futures falling and money-market rates easing in its wake .
Some derivatives deals such as government bond futures are traded on similar exchanges in Chicago and London .
A sophisticated bond-futures market is an important part of liberalizing interest rates .
In 1994 , China had bond futures and there were huge speculative bubbles and many people got burnt .
Another banker present at the meeting with exchange officials said trading on bond futures could happen within the next six months .
Of course , T-bond futures can be very volatile and can trade several tics in either direction in a matter of seconds .
' The exchange has done all the preparatory work it can to welcome the banks back to the market , ' one person present at the meeting said .
On the other hand , one of the biggest floor traders I ever worked with trades for his own account with an average position of500 Treasury bond futures at a time .
When change in the international market , the share market of China will make change consequently .
In USA , debts , futures , stocks , foreign exchanges , real estates and a large number of financial derivatives have become important tools to create wealth for American people .
The bond and futures market , though , see things differently . They put a roughly 50-50 chance on a rate increase in October and a slightly higher chance of a rise by year-end .
Fears that central banks around the world are planning a crackdown on rising inflation saw bond and futures markets move sharply yesterday , with a series of interest rate rises now priced into markets in the US , the eurozone and the UK .
In developed countries , where central banks want to keep rates low , regulators should be considering supplementary tools such as raising margin requirements on stock , bond and futures transactions , or raising down-payment requirements on commercial or speculative real estate deals .
We will energetically yet steadily develop the market for bonds and futures .
Stocks , bonds , and futures are the major concern of the paper .
Some scholars have studied the calendar effects of other countries since the middle of 1980s , the scope of the studies have extended from stock markets to bond markets and futures markets .
Similarly , if a bank that has liabilities with a shorter reprising period than its assets writes a call option on a bond or a bond future , it is actually reducing its interest rate sensitivity .
These futures contracts are highly leveraged , so the funds have plenty of spare cash to invest in bonds , using the bond income to pay for the futures contract , the management fee and any dividends .