
  • 网络Debt Security
  1. 广义上的证券可分为有价证券与无价证券,包含范围广泛,而本罪中的证券,仅限于有价证券中的资本证券,具体分为股权证券与债权证券两种。

    In a broad sense , securities can be classified into negotiable securities and priceless securities . But the securities in the crime are limited to the capital securities which belong to negotiable securities , and classified into stock securities and debt securities .

  2. 房地产抵押债权证券化研究&以SPV为中心

    Research on Securitization of Real Estate Mortgage Obligations & Center for the SPV

  3. 金融租赁债权证券化研究

    The Study on Finance Leased Asset Securitization

  4. 房地产抵押债权证券是房地产权益的一种证券创新。

    Securities based on creditor 's rights of the real estate mortgage is a kind of securities innovation on property right .

  5. 交易结构和种类房地产抵押贷款债权证券化是结构性融资,构造具有破产隔离机制的交易结构是资产证券的核心和生命。

    The second chapter is " the structure and kind of exchange " . The securitization of mortgage-backed loans is structure financing .

  6. 在不动产抵押贷款债权证券化的评价过程中,提前清偿率是影响评价的重要因素之一。

    In the valuation of mortgage backed securities , the prepayment is one of the important factors affecting the price of mortgage backed securities .

  7. 本文分四章进行了论述。一、房地产抵押贷款债权证券化的含义和特征:资产证券化概念包含三层含义:资产是指那些缺乏流动性,但具有可预见未来现金收入的金融资产;

    In the concept of asset securitization , " asset " is referred to those financial assets which lack liquidity but have expectable cash revenues ;

  8. 那些衍生金融产品是债权抵押证券(CDO),是由次级住房抵押贷款支持的。

    Those are collateralized debt obligations , or CDOs , which were backed by subprime home loans .

  9. 电力债权资产证券化及其风险管理的研究

    Study on Securitization of Power Creditor'Assets and Risk Management

  10. 本文主要讨论付担保不动产不良债权的证券化问题。

    This paper mainly probes into issues of securitisation of debt claim of warranted property .

  11. 本论文除第1章介绍研究动机、目的及论文结构外,其结构如下:第2章介绍国外的债权抵押证券市场的现况和趋势,市场架构和分类以及主要的参与者。

    Chapter Two is to summarize the CDOs in the overseas market including its types , structures and market participants .

  12. 债权让与是资产证券化融资的第一步,也是其成功与否的关键所在。

    Assignment of credit is the first step of finance securitization , and the key step of its success .

  13. 资产证券化是一项融合债权、担保、证券于一体的金融创新,它既是一个经济过程,同时也是一个法律过程。

    It is a financial innovation integrating credit , guarantee and security . It is an economic process and a legal procedure as well .

  14. 随着现代商品经济和市场交易的发展,客观上要求加大债权的流通性,债权证券化的呼声也日益高涨。

    The development of modern commodity economy and market exchange objectively calls for a freer flow of the creditor 's right and necessitates the securitization of the creditor 's right .

  15. 本部分主要介绍了破产债权的涵义、审查原则、理论上对破产债权的界定、证券公司破产债权的形成原因、种类、以及实务中对证券公司破产债权的认定。

    This part will mainly introduce the meaning of the bankruptcy claims , the review principle of the bankruptcy claims , the definition of the bankruptcy claims in theory , the reason and species of the bankruptcy claims and the cognizance of the bankruptcy claims in practice .