
bǎo xiǎn dài lǐ rén
  • insurance agent;insurance broker;underwriting agent;substitution
  1. TPCD公司保险代理人激励系统分析

    The Analysis of Motivation System to Insurance Agent in TPCD Company

  2. 寿险业转型期完善保险代理人制度的对策研究

    Study on Improving the Insurance Agent System in the Transitional Period

  3. 本文主要根据实现保险代理人的管理信息化的内容、方法、手段,开发实现了基于Web的保险代理信息管理系统。

    This paper studies the insurance agents to achieve the contents of the internal management information , methods , and means , develops and implements this Web-based insurance agency information management system .

  4. 怎样重建消费者对保险代理人的信任,成为当前关注的焦点。

    How to rebuild this trust is becoming a key topic .

  5. 基于委托代理理论的保险代理人佣金设计

    Incentive Contract for Insurance Agents Based on Principal - Agent Theory

  6. 信息不对称问题对保险代理人的管理影响巨大。

    The asymmetric information problems have serious effects in insurance agents management .

  7. 第三部分:我国的保险代理人制度。

    Part 3 : The insurance , agent system in our country .

  8. 他给我的感觉更像是律师或是保险代理人。

    He looked more like a lawyer or insurance agent to me .

  9. 防范保险代理人风险的激励与约束机制

    Take Precautions against The Incentive and Tied Mechanism of Insurance Agent 's Risk

  10. 保险代理人道德风险形成及防范的经济学分析

    The Economic Analysis of Formation and Prevention of Insurance Agents ' Moral Hazard

  11. 保险代理人每卖出一张保险单便可得到一笔佣金。

    The insurance agent receive a commission on every policy that he sell .

  12. 第四部分:我国保险代理人制度的不足与完善。本部分是本文的重点部分,前面的一切论述皆归于此。

    Part 4 : The weakness and perfection of our insurance agent system .

  13. 这款新型香水的理念来源于法国的一个保险代理人——卡蒂亚·阿帕拉特圭。

    The idea for the perfumes belongs to French insurance agent Katia Apalategui .

  14. 而保险代理人的花卉则更加饱满、更加鲜绿。

    The insurance agent 's plants though , were much fuller and greener .

  15. 你保单过期那天遇到个保险代理人是巧合。

    Meeting an insurance agent the day your poiicy runs out is coincidence .

  16. 对保险代理人道德风险防范的激励机制的研究

    The Research on the Incentive Mechanism of Avoiding Moral Hazard of Insurance Agents

  17. 通知保险代理人以转移财产、火灾和汽车保险。

    Instruct your insurance agent to transfer property , fire , and auto insurance .

  18. 保险代理人管理中的信息不对称问题&一个理论分析框架

    The Asymmetric Information Problems in Insurance Agents Management

  19. 对保险代理人诚信缺失风险的防范

    Precautions against Loss of Honesty among Insurance Agents

  20. 对我国保险代理人的监督管理

    On Supervising Management of Insurance Agents in China

  21. 今天早晨有一位保险代理人给我打电话。

    An insurance agent called me this morning .

  22. “你碰到过意外吗?”保险代理人问道。

    " Have you ever met with an accident ?" asked the insurance agent .

  23. 由于保险代理人的特殊作用,注定了它的存在是不可以被取代的。

    Owing to the special function of the insurance agent , it cannot be replaced .

  24. 浅析保险代理人制度改革

    About the Reform of Insurance Agent System

  25. 保险代理人制度是保险中介制度的重要组成部分之一。

    The system of insurance agent is an important part of the insurance broker system .

  26. 保险代理人的义务与责任

    Insurance Agent 's Obligations and Liabilities

  27. 中国保险代理人制度浅析

    On Insurance Agency Systems in China

  28. 论保险代理人的义务

    On the Obligation of Insurance Agent

  29. 论保险代理人的法律地位

    On Law Position of Insurance Agency

  30. 当地的保险代理人杰克·迪斯正在接他客户的电话。

    Jack Dees , a local insurance agent , is getting phone calls from his clients .