
  • 网络Insurance Law
  1. 作为保险法学中的重要的法律制度,强制临时保险制度处处体现了对投保人利益的维护。

    As the important legal system of insurance law , forced temporary insurance system reflects the interests of the maintenance of the applicant everywhere .

  2. 在理论基础上,代位求偿权的本质根源于民法学中的公平原则,保险法学中的损失补偿原则。

    Based on the theory , the nature of subrogation is rooted in the principle of fairness in the civil law and the compensation principle in the insurance law .

  3. 商品房按揭与保险的法学思考

    A Law Thinking on Merchandise Housing Mortgage and Insurance

  4. 机动车保险理赔问题主要涉及保险学和法学两个领域的专业知识。

    The question of motor vehicle insurance claim mainly involves the insurance study and the legal science .

  5. 保险利益尤其是人身保险利益的探讨在保险法学的研究中日益占据重要地位。

    The insurable interest is in the research that the study of the insurable interest learns in the insurance method to occupy an important position increasingly .

  6. 财产保险标的转让是2009年《中华人民共和国保险法》修订的重要内容之一,也是保险法学界极为关注的问题。

    The assignation of the object in property insurance is not only a crucial revision of the 2009 insurance law of PRC , but also of great concern to insurance law experts .