
  • 网络Insurance Market;Health Insurance Exchange
  1. 近年来,公司面临的风险种类增加且逐步加剧,随着资本市场的不断发展,国外金融保险市场上出现了诸多新型风险管理工具,如ART产品等。

    In recent years , companies face more and more risks . With the continuous development of capital markets , there are a number of new risk management tools in foreign financial and insurance markets , such as ART products .

  2. 本文通过基于向量误差修正VEC模型的因果关系检验和Granger因果关系检验,分析我国各类保险市场发展水平和金融发展之间的长期与短期关系。

    By applying causality test based on VEC model and Granger causality test , this paper analyses the long and short term relationship between insurance markets and finance in China .

  3. 不利的经济形势阻碍着美国保险市场的复苏。

    Unfavourable economic conditions were blocking a recovery of the American insurance market

  4. 加入WTO,我国的保险市场面临巨大的机遇和挑战,对于保险法的研究日益重要。

    With China 's entering WTO , the domestic insurance market is facing with big opportunities and challenges .

  5. 随着中国加入WTO,中国保险市场的竞争达到了空前的激烈程度。

    Entry the WTO along with China , the competition of the Chinese insurance market comes to the unprecedented and vigorous degree .

  6. 在我国加入WTO后,国内保险市场面临国内需求剧增的机遇和国外保险公司抢摊的危机。

    After China 's entry into WTO , Chinese insurance companies will encounter an increasing domestic demand and the threat from foreign insurance companies .

  7. 我国向WTO承诺开放保险市场后,保险业面临着外资保险大量涌入,与内资保险激烈竞争的局面。

    After China promised to open insurance market , more and more foreign-funded insurance companies entered into China . The domestic insurance industry is facing the intense competition with foreign-funded insurance companies .

  8. 随着WTO后,中国保险市场更加放开,保险供求关系的根本性转变使团体保险直接面对全球化竞争。

    For the time of being an official member of WTO , the insurance market has opened to the world more . At the same time the radical change of the relation between insurance supply and demand has made group insurance face the global competition directly .

  9. 中国加入WTO后,中国的保险市场将日益对外开放,中国保险事业将更为繁荣,保险在减少社会问题,维持社会安定,促进经济繁荣等方面将发挥日益重要的作用。

    After China enters WTO , insurance market of China will be opening widely and insurance industry will be prospering . Insurance will play more and more important role in the field of reducing social problems , safeguarding social stability facilitating prosperity of economy and so on .

  10. 试析保险市场秩序的公平公正因素

    On Fair and Impartial Factors for the Order of Insurance Market

  11. 秦皇岛市人寿保险市场抽样调查与分析

    The sample survey and analysis of life insurance market in Qinhuangdao

  12. 市场经济需要一个开放有序的保险市场。

    Market Economy requires an open and ordered Insurance Market .

  13. 我国保险市场开放的环境分析和策略

    Analysis and strategy of Insurance Market Opening Conditions in China

  14. 保险市场的信息不对称及其规避策略研究

    Research on the Asymmetric Information and Its Risk-averse Strategies in the Insurance

  15. 中国保险市场利益主体行为分析

    The Analysis on Behavior of Interests Main Body in China Insurance Market

  16. 论我国责任保险市场的发展与规范

    A Research on the Development and Standardization of Chinese Liability Insurance Markets

  17. 中国并非唯一一个信用保险市场封闭的国家。

    China is not unique in having a ring-fenced credit insurance market .

  18. 我国三农保险市场开发探讨

    Tentative Discussion of Developing Insurance Market Concerning Agriculture , Countryside and Farmers

  19. 21世纪的安徽保险市场构建与发展

    Building and Developing of Insurance Market of Anhui in the 21st Century

  20. 我国保险市场理论与实证分析

    An Academic and Experiential Analysis of Insurance Market in China

  21. 论市场经济条件下保险市场的培育与发展

    Fostering and Developing of Insurance Market under the Conditions or Market E-conomy

  22. 江西省保险市场发展问题与对策研究

    Research on the Development and Countermeasures of Jiangxi Insurance Market

  23. 发展保险市场优化金融结构

    Developing the Insurance Market , Optimizing the Financial Structure

  24. 在保险市场,最重要的是净化保险从业人员环境,树立良好的保险机构形象。

    To purify the insurance environment and establish sound insurance corporations ' reputation .

  25. 中国保险市场与金融发展互动关系的实证研究

    An Empirical Analysis on Interaction between Insurance Markets and Finance Development in China

  26. 对中国保险市场开放的新思考

    New Points About the Opening of Chinese Insurance Market

  27. 浅析我国汽车保险市场发展战略

    Analyze the Developed Strategy of Our Automobile Insurance Market

  28. 第三部分,中国保险市场现状分析。

    The present situation of the Chinese insurance market .

  29. 我国寿险业银行保险市场研究

    Research of the Development of Bancassurance Market in China

  30. 文章运用经济学的原理对医疗保险市场的道德风险进行了分析,并在此基础上,重点探讨了抑制道德风险的方式。

    This paper analyzed moral risks in medical insurance market and discussed the solutions .