
  • 网络paulson;hank paulson;Henry Paulson;Paulsen;John Paulson
  1. 但正如对冲基金经理约翰•保尔森(JohnPaulson)愿意证明的那样,反向投资可能带来回报。

    But as hedge fund manager John Paulson would testify , it can pay to play the contrarian .

  2. 曾经因成功押注于美国房地产泡沫破裂而一举成名的约翰•保尔森(JohnPaulson)位居季军。

    The third highest hedge fund earner was John Paulson , who made his name successfully betting against the US housing bubble .

  3. 相比之下,保尔森却将高盛(GoldmanSachs)和花旗集团同等看待。

    By contrast , Mr Paulson lumped Goldman Sachs and Citigroup together .

  4. Wells资本管理公司的保尔森表示:交易员世界已经改变,但投资者市场还未改变。

    The trader world has changed , but the investor market has not , says Mr Paulsen of Wells .

  5. 换言之,保尔森当时拯救AIG,是不是为了救高盛?

    In other words , did Mr Paulson save AIG to save Goldman ?

  6. 巴克莱(Barclays)有兴趣,但保尔森和美联储都低估了英国政府方面的保留态度。

    Barclays was interested , but Paulson and the Fed underestimated the British government 's reservations .

  7. 保尔森不会让中国再拿一批波音(boeing)订单来打发。

    Mr Paulson will not be fobbed off with yet another batch of Chinese Boeing orders .

  8. 美国财长汉克•保尔森(HankPaulson)将于本周访问北京。

    Hank Paulson , the US Treasury secretary , is to visit Beijing this week .

  9. sec进一步指控,高盛向投资者做出虚假陈述,称保尔森公司也将买入这种证券。

    The SEC further accuses Goldman of falsely representing to investors that Paulson & Co. would buy into the security .

  10. 证券交易委员会称,高盛使ACA误以为保尔森基金将会与其共同投资。

    The SEC alleges that Goldman misled ACA into believing that Paulson would co-invest with it .

  11. 作为高盛(goldmansachs)前任董事长,保尔森希望人们关注已在该地区得到释放的创业活力。

    The former Goldman Sachs executive wanted to call attention to the entrepreneurial energies that have been unleashed in the region .

  12. 保尔森希望把这些投资纳入一款新cdo。

    These were the investments Paulson wanted included in a new CDO .

  13. 公司目前由私募基金中桥合伙公司(CenterbridgePartners)、保尔森基金公司(Paulson&Co.)和黑石集团(BlackstoneGroup)所有。

    The company is now owned by private equity firms centerbridge partners , Paulson & Co. and Blackstone Group ( BX ) .

  14. 一个有趣的结论是,曾任高盛(GoldmanSachs)首席执行官的保尔森可能让纳税人错过了一个巨大的盈利机会。

    One fascinating conclusion is that Paulson , a former chief executive of Goldman Sachs , may have missed a huge money-making opportunity .

  15. 即便在一场由华尔街引发的危机中,由保尔森担任美国财政部长,而非保罗•奥尼尔(PaulO'Neill)或保尔森前任约翰•斯诺(JohnSnow),也让人感觉更安全。

    Even in a Wall Street-induced crisis , it feels safer to have Mr Paulson at the US Treasury than Paul O'Neill , or John Snow , his Main Street predecessors .

  16. 财政部长保尔森在与AIG达成协议、向他们提供八百五十亿美元的贷款之后,才通知国会有关事宜。

    Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson informed Congress of the $ 85 billion loan for AIG only after the deal was done .

  17. 雷曼员工把大头针扎在保尔森的照片上,还有他们遭人唾骂的老板理查德富尔德(richardfuld)。

    Staff at Lehman stuck pins in a picture of him , along with their reviled boss , Richard Fuld .

  18. 那个空头投资者便是保尔森,但高盛和aca与ikb一起进行了投资,都亏了钱。

    That investor was Paulson but both Goldman and ACA made investments alongside IKB that lost money .

  19. 这一突破是在周四晚间保尔森、美联储主席本伯南克(benbernanke)和美国国会议员召开危机会议期间取得的。

    The breakthrough came in a crisis meeting between Mr Paulson , Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke and legislators on Capitol Hill on Thursday evening .

  20. 高盛遂将Abacus出售给客户,而没有告诉他们保尔森的真正角色。

    The investment bank then sold Abacus to its clients without telling them about Paulson 's true role .

  21. 但是,当他2006年竞争美国财政部部长一职又败给汉克•保尔森(HankPaulson)后,他跳槽去了高盛(GoldmanSachs)。

    But after he ran second to Hank Paulson for the job of US Treasury secretary in 2006 , he jumped ship to Goldman Sachs .

  22. 次日,时任美国财长汉克•保尔森(HankPaulson)不得不改变姿态,决定拯救美国国际集团。

    By the next day Hank Paulson , then US Treasury secretary , had to reverse himself and come to the rescue of AIG .

  23. 在上周末日本大阪举行的G8财长会议上,保尔森重申支持强势美元。

    At last weekend 's meeting of G-8 Finance Ministers in Osaka , Japan , Henry Paulson repeated his support for a stronger dollar .

  24. 它对待IKB就像对待交易对手,而保尔森获得了客户的特权。

    It treated IKB like a trade counterparty while Paulson got the privileges associated with a client .

  25. 保尔森告诉投资者,曾经有人与他协商,要他加入tpg牵头的财团收购华盛顿互惠的股权,但他拒绝了。

    Mr Paulson has told investors he was approached to join the TPG group in buying a stake in WaMu but declined .

  26. FDIC迅速采取行动,或许有助于敦促国会批准财政部长汉克•保尔森(HankPaulson)的银行业救助方案。

    Quick action by the FDIC could help to press Congress into agreeing to Treasury secretary Hank Paulson 's bailout plan for the banks .

  27. 这一突破是在保尔森会同美联储(FederalReserve)主席本·伯南克(BenBernanke)请求国会采取行动,拯救美国金融体系免遭崩溃10天后取得的。

    The breakthrough came 10 days after Mr Paulson and Ben Bernanke , chairman of the Federal Reserve , had asked Congress to act in order to save the US financial system from collapse .

  28. 市场的反应毫无疑问会让北京的决策者们感到高兴,尤其是当他们回想起美国财政部长汉克•保尔森(HankPaulson)开出的一些支票只在纽约获得有气无力的回应之时。

    The reaction doubtless delighted Beijing policymakers , particularly when recalling the limp response in New York to some of US treasurer Hank Paulson 's cheques .

  29. 保尔森坚称,在目前的职位上,他只关心美国纳税人,然而高盛却是美国财政部和美联储(Fed)近期干预行动的主要受益者之一。

    Mr Paulson insists that , in his current job , he cares only about the American taxpayer , yet Goldman has been one of the prime beneficiaries of recent interventions by the Treasury and the Federal Reserve .

  30. 美国国会众议院否决了财长保尔森(hankpaulson)提交的救市方案,就此判断,它认为可以冒险再经历一次大萧条。

    Judged by its rejection of the plan put forward by Hank Paulson , US Treasury Secretary , Congress believes it is time to risk another one .