
  • 网络Your Morning
  1. 停止你的早晨日常八卦(以及其他浪费时间的事情)

    Get Rid of Your Morning Gossip Session ( and Other Time-Wasters )

  2. 你的早晨脸的照料能被在阵雨中或在洗涤槽做。

    Your morning facial care can be done in the shower or at the sink .

  3. 在夜晚来临之前就先开始准备好你的早晨。

    Start your morning the night before !

  4. 正确开始你的早晨,这一天就会紧随其后。

    Start your morning off right , and the rest of the day will follow .

  5. 以下是六个令人信服的理由,能快速使这一柠檬热水的混合品成为你的早晨惯例。

    Here are six compelling reasons to make this quick concoction part of your morning ritual .

  6. 你的配偶早晨喝咖啡吗?

    Does your spouse drink coffee in the morning ?

  7. 哦,你的堂兄今天早晨来到店里向我们解释了一切。

    Oh , your cousin came to our store this morning and explained everything .

  8. 我欢迎你来到圣诞的早晨。

    May I welcome you to Christmas morning ?

  9. 这个组合拥有丰富的坚果风味,富含有利于心脏健康的Ω-3脂肪酸和蛋白质,给你充满活力的早晨!

    This combo has a rich , nutty flavor and is packed with heart-healthy Omega-3s and protein that will keep you energized all morning !

  10. 但我要歌颂你的力量,早晨要高唱你的慈爱。因为你作过我的高台。

    But I will sing of your strength , in the morning I will sing of your love ; for you are my fortress , my refuge in times of trouble .

  11. 海恩斯站在门口朝外面眺望。12.把阳光当作你的生物钟早晨起床后,到户外面朝朝阳15分钟。

    Haines stood at the doorway , looking out . As soon as you get up in the morning , go outside and turn your face to the sun for 15 minutes .

  12. 当他朝大门冲去时,人群高喊:射门!12.把阳光当作你的生物钟早晨起床后,到户外面朝朝阳15分钟。

    " shoot ! " shouted the crowd as he ran towards the goal . As soon as you get up in the morning , go outside and turn your face to the sun for 15 minutes .

  13. 正因为如此,我整理了5条简易又高效的小技巧,来帮助你改变昏昏欲睡的早晨。其中大多数都是运动技巧,这样既能保证你的身体能量满满,同时也能唤醒你的大脑。

    It 's for these reasons that I have put together 5 Simple and Effective Techniques that require just a few basic changes to your morning - mostly physical changes that will guarantee not only an energized body , but a motivated mind that 's ready for action .

  14. 在充满你叮叮当当鼓声的早晨,我来追随你。

    In the jingle jangle morning I 'll come followin'you .

  15. 我想念我在你身边醒来的所有早晨。

    I miss all the mornings that I have woken up right beside you .

  16. 我想念阳光照在你的脸上,早晨的寒风让我们感到惊讶。

    I miss the way the sun shines at your face and the way the cold breeze of the morning surprises us .

  17. 第六:一天朗诵两遍你写好的告白,早晨起床时念一遍,晚上睡觉前念一遍。

    Sixth : read your written statement aloud , twice daily , once just before retiring at night , and once after rising in the morning .

  18. “不要搞错啊,”他对宰相说道,“虽然她是你的女儿,到早晨时,她的脑袋也必须砍掉。”

    " Do not err ," he said to the Grand Vizier . " Though she is your daughter , her head must be cut off in the morning . "

  19. 第六:一天朗诵两遍你写好的告白,早晨起床时念一遍,晚上睡觉前念一遍。念的时候,要有如亲见目睹一般,实际体会真正拥有这笔钱时的感觉。

    Sixth : read your written statement aloud , twice daily , once just before retiring at night , and once after arising in the morning . As you read -- see and feel and believe yourself already in possession of the money .

  20. 当忧郁的情绪骤然间降下,仿佛来自天空的悲泣的云团,滋润着垂头丧气的小花,四月的白雾笼罩着青山,将你的哀愁滋养于早晨的玫瑰,波光粼粼的海面虹霓.或者是花团锦簇的牡丹丛;

    But when the melancholy fit shall fall Sudden from heaven like a weeping cloud , That fosters the droop-headed flowers all , And hides the green hill in an April shroud ; Then glut thy sorrow on a morning rose , Or on the rainbow of the salt sand-wave , Or on the wealth of glob è d peonies ;

  21. 邦国阿,你的王若是孩童,你的群臣早晨宴乐,你就有祸了。

    Woe to thee , O land , when thy king is a child , and thy princes eat in the morning !

  22. 如果你的作息时间紊乱,那么你的身体在早晨起床的时候就会需要时间来做出调整。

    If you 've been keeping an erratic sleep schedule , then your body will probably need time to adjust to waking up at a certain time during the morning .

  23. 你可以躺在床上,慢慢醒来,开始你的早晨。

    You can begin your morning by lying in bed , slowly waking up . Stretching .

  24. 然后花一周时间看看你实际到底花了多久,然后用这个时间来规划你的早晨吧。

    Then for a week , track how long it actually takes you to get ready , and use that new estimate when planning out your mornings .

  25. 重新思考早晨。既然你已经知道了想要起床的原因,那就考虑重新安排你的早晨活动。

    Rethink mornings . Now that you know why you want to wake up , consider re-arranging your morning activities .