
  1. 哇!你的样子太酷了!

    Wow ! You look terrific !

  2. 陈宴开导他说:“看你的样子并不像坏人,你这样做,恐怕也是被贫困逼出来的。不过你应当好好反省,改邪归正。”

    Chen Shi enlightened him by saying : " Judging from your appearance , you don 't look like a bad man . Perhaps you are driven by poverty to steal . But you should carefully examine yourself and turn over a new leaf . "

  3. 而你的样子是最不象“那个人”的。

    And you most certainly do not look like the man .

  4. 我希望把你的样子尘封在记忆里。

    I wish to keep your image locked in my heart .

  5. 你的样子好象中了暑似的,警长。

    You look like you had a touch of sun , chief .

  6. 噢,不,你的样子象是见到了一个鬼。

    Oh , now , you iook like you seen a ghost .

  7. 他又没变成你的样子杀人,陷害你。

    One didn 't turn into you and frame you for murder .

  8. “快别说你的样子了,”他异常激动地说。

    " Damn your looks !" he said with a swift violence .

  9. 从你的样子来看进行得挺顺利

    From the looks of things , it went well .

  10. 麦克斯,我永远不会忘记你的样子

    Max , I could never forget that face .

  11. 你的样子和不可思议的举动让人以为真出了什么非常可怕的事哩。

    From your looks and mysterious ways that was something very dreadful indeed .

  12. 那时我也学着你的样子戴上面具原谅了你。

    When I learned from your skill and masked myself to forgive you too .

  13. 詹妮:看你的样子,是狗给你洗澡吧!

    Jenny : By the looks of it , the dog was washing you !

  14. 我们究竟距离多远,使得梦中你的样子已模糊!

    How far we are that your face have turned to dim in dream !

  15. 我照你的样子做了一件衬衫。

    I made a shirt after your fashion .

  16. 你的样子糟透了,咱们走吧。

    You look horrible . let 's go .

  17. 你的样子真好笑。

    You are such a funny sight .

  18. 没办法!你的样子太好笑了!

    Come on ! You are ridiculous !

  19. 听着,我不喜欢这些家伙看你的样子。

    Listen , I don 't like the way those guys just looked at you .

  20. 当我开始忘记你的样子的时候。

    When I start forgetting your face .

  21. 实际上,今后你的样子和她现在并不相同。

    Actually , how you will be will be different than how she is right now .

  22. 她站到他对面时又补充了一句:“你的样子太棒了。”

    He flushed and , when she stood opposite him , added , " You look amazing . "

  23. 在每个月的那几天里,他们想尽办法试图安抚你的样子。

    The way they try to comfort you in everyway when you are experiencing that time of the month .

  24. 我关上灯,你的样子在黑暗中那么明晰,所以我又把灯打开。

    I Shangdeng Commissioner , you look in the dark , so clear , so I open the lights again .

  25. 确保他们认识你的样子,在他们需要的时候,知道如何接近你。

    Make sure they get to know your face so that they know who to approach if they need to .

  26. 抱歉,我绝对不会乱喷,要不是你的样子实在…

    Listen , I 'm so sorry . I would have never fogged you ... if you hadn 't looked so ....

  27. 酒吧女招待:这是红馆。我们曾经见过,我不会再忘记你的样子了。记住了?

    Barmaid : it 's the red light . we 've met before , and I never forget a face . remember ?

  28. 你的样子不过是舒服的睡眠和休息,若你亲临,一定会带来更美的享赐;

    From rest and sleep , which but thy pictures be , Much pleasure ; then from thee much more must flow ,

  29. 可是我看你的样子很苍白,亲爱的先生;看来你在荒野中的这次旅行过于疲惫不堪了。

    But methinks , dear sir , you look pale ; as if the travel through the wilderness had been too sore for you .

  30. 你的样子那么真,深深烙进我灵魂。等待这一生,再爱一次不离分。

    Your looks are so true , deeply printed in my soul . I 'll keep waiting all my life , and never part in another love .