
  • 网络buddhistic law
  1. 现代社会的法律在立法理念和法律实践中与中国古代佛教法存在着一些相通之处,以上这些理念和做法都是可以为现代社会所用的。

    And all these ideas can be used by the modern laws which are similar with the ancient Chinese Buddhist law in legislative concept and the practice of law .

  2. 而非洲的习惯法却毫无困难地把土地,像印度法把佛像和佛教法把动物一样看成有权利和义务的个体。

    African customary law would have no difficulty with the first concept , as Hindu law would have no difficulty with the second or Buddhist law with the third .

  3. 其中佛教法的中国化主要体现在立法权、立法技术、立法理念和立法形式上的中国化。

    These two questions especially the fist one is the red line of this article . The sinicization of the Buddhist law in China manifests in the legislative power , the legislative technology , the legislative idea and the legislative form .

  4. 佛教法是由佛陀和僧团制定而为世俗政权承认的信徒个人行为规范和僧团管理规范的总称。

    The Buddhist law is the general name of the rules of the personal action of monks and nuns and the administrative regulations of the monastery , which is formulated by the Buddha or the sangha and acknowledged by the state .

  5. 原始佛教法是遵循自然法由佛陀所制定并且为世俗法所承认的,中国佛教法的效力渊源来自于两部分,一是佛教内部立法权的确立,此为佛教法立法权的继承。

    The primitive Buddhist law is formulated by the Buddha who followed the natural law and acknowledged by the state law . The power of the Chinese Buddhist law origins from two parts : First is the establishment of the internal legislative power which inherits from the primitive Buddhist law .

  6. “内观”是一种极端正统派、直探内心、集中密集的佛教禅修法,基本上就是“静坐”。

    Vipassana is an ultraorthodox , stripped-down and very intensive Buddhist meditation technique . Basically , it 's just sitting .

  7. 中国古代佛教高僧法显、会宁、义净曾到爪哇、苏门答腊居住和学习。

    Eminent Buddhist monks in ancient China such as Faxian , Huining and Yijing lived and studied in Java and Sumatra .

  8. 谈蒙古族佛教绘画及法舞、法乐艺术的审美

    On Buddhism Paintings of Mongolians and Appreciation of Religious Dance and Music

  9. 佛教绘画及法舞、法乐是以艺术形象和艺术手段为其信仰服务的宗教艺术。

    Buddhism paintings , religious dance and music are religious arts serving the belief in artistic form and means .

  10. 在结语里本文想要表达的是佛教对一切法存在性质探讨的意义,那即是如果没有对法性的正确把握,众生也就不能达到真正的解脱。

    In conclusion this article wants to express the Buddhist to all existence to explore the meaning of nature : If could not understand the original essence of all being , all living creatures can not get the real salvation .