
  1. 任何人如果心中还有贪、瞋、痴,佛陀说那样的心比粪便还臭。

    If anyone 's mind still has greed , hatred and delusion , the Buddha says that it stinks more than excrement .

  2. 佛陀说我们带着很多这样的微妙的习惯,在(习惯的)“阿赖耶”或者说家园中,而这是真正觉醒的一种障碍。

    The Buddha says that we carry many such subtle habits , in the " Alaya " or the home ( of habits ), which are a hindrance to true awakening .

  3. 佛陀说,他的弟子们应该像火炼金那样检验他的话。

    The Buddha said that his disciples should try his words as gold is tried by fire .

  4. 在法句经中佛陀说涅盘是“最高的幸福”。

    The Buddha in the Dhammapada says of nirvana that it is " the highest happiness " .

  5. 他走向佛陀说:‘沙门,也许你已经看到我的牛了吧!’

    He approached the Buddha and said to him : " May be you 've seen my oxen , ascetic ?"

  6. 佛陀说:「学了教导但却从不去看自己念头的人,就像是一只白蚁只会挖洞和咬书本。」

    Whoever has studied but never seen his or her own thoughts , says the Buddha , are like a termite that makes holes and eats books .

  7. 当你听到佛陀说的这些话,就要依著去修行,不能只做个凡夫就满足,要修行提升到人类、天神、大梵天神的层次,或甚至努力修心成为圣者。

    When you have all heard this , practice accordingly and don 't stop at just being a person ; cultivate until you 're a human being , an angel a Brahma god or develop your mind to be a Noble one .

  8. 你是否曾听过佛陀教导说「法本来存在」呢?

    Have you ever heard of the Buddha having taught that the Dhamma exists already ?

  9. 然后佛陀所说的近岸是比喻作六根门、对岸比喻作六尘-这里面有什么意义呢?

    Then , what does the Buddha mean when he compares the near bank with six sense-doors and the far bank with six sense-objects ?

  10. 佛陀坚持说,这后一个层次是不可描述的,即便以存在与非存在角度也不可能,因为言辞只适于有限事物。

    The Buddha insists that this level is indescribable , even in terms of existence or nonexistence , because words work only for things that have limits .

  11. 真是如佛陀所说的:「我们从生到死,众生就是用这个妄心,导致我们反复地出入生死。」

    It truly is the case that to the end of our days we living beings make use of the false mind which causes us to enter birth and death repeatedly .

  12. 《法句经》据说都是佛陀所说。佛陀是公元前6世纪时在印度创立佛教的人。《法句经》的语句是诗意的,有时寓意很深刻。

    The poetic and sometimes profound sayings of the Dhammapada , which can be translated as " Way of Truth ," are attributed to Buddha , who founded Buddhism in India in the6th century BC .

  13. 我曾试著问自己,佛陀为什么要说忏悔法呢?

    And I kind of ask myself why Buddha spoke the Dharma of repentance .

  14. 如佛陀曾经所说,止与观两者对证得良好、有力的诸种定境都是必要的。

    As the Buddha once said , both tranquility and insight are required for getting good strong states of absorption .

  15. 佛陀慈祥地说,“告诉我你想吃什么,我都会给你。”

    The Buddha kindly said ," Tell me what you want to eat , and I 'll get it for you . "

  16. 佛陀接著继续说:「只要我们活著,我们就不能避免痛苦的体验&亦即第一支箭。

    He went on to say , that as long as we are alive , we can expect painful experiences-the first arrow .