
  1. 爱与死&《野草》与《十夜梦》比较之一

    Love and Death & One Aspect of Comparative Study between Wild Grass and Ten-Night Dreams

  2. “爱与死”是鲁迅的《野草》与夏目漱石的《十夜梦》的一个共同主题。

    Although Love and death is one of the common motifs in Wild Grass by Luxun and Ten-Night Dreams by Natsume Soseki , some differences still exit .

  3. 十年一觉扬州梦,赢得青楼薄幸名。(杜牧《遣怀》)

    Waking up from my ten-year dream in yangzhou ,| I 've won the name of a fickle man among the pleasure quarters .

  4. 经过十年绚丽的梦,罪恶的消费闹腾一场之后美国人正开始减少消费。

    After a10-year bender of gaudy dreams and Godless consumerism , Americans are starting to trade down .