
  • 网络Buddhist Psychology
  1. 心王与禅定:佛教心理学的研究对象与方法

    " Citta " and " Zen-Meditation ": The Research Subject and Method Of Buddhist Psychology

  2. 佛教心理学教导我们:情绪实际上是很具体的,是可以透过身体而被感觉得到的。

    Buddhist psychology teaches that emotions are virtually always embodied and so can be felt in the body .

  3. 乔·卡巴金博士创立的正念修行心理疗法,正是东方佛教与西方心理学的结合。

    Mindfulness Meditation Psychotherapy which was found by Jon Kabat-Zinn , is a combination of Eastern Buddhism and Western psychology .

  4. 即使是在将心理层面涵括在内的佛教思想中,心理学也仅处于次要的地位。

    Even in buddhism , where a psychological level is admitted , psychology is relegated to second-class status .