
  • 网络argument pattern
  1. 本论文主要研究S.E.图尔敏的论证模式。

    This paper is mainly to study S.E.

  2. 第二种论证模式把争论作为验证过程。

    The second model for arguing regards arguments as proofs .

  3. 第一部分介绍了图尔敏论证模式产生的背景。

    The first part introduces the background of Toulmin 's model of argument .

  4. 山东齐鲁化学工业园水资源可持续性论证模式探讨

    Study on Demonstration Model of Sustainable Water Resource of Qilu Chemical Industry Area

  5. 第二,法律推理的总体思维模式属于演绎论证模式;

    Second , the thinking mode of legal reasoning on the whole belongs to " deductive demonstration mode " .

  6. 这种论证模式,十分普遍,被称为,最佳解释推理

    This pattern of argument , which is ubiquitous , is called " Inference to the best explanation . "

  7. 最后,在离开帝国这一话题前,我们还想进一步阐明我们论证模式的另一个细节。

    Finally , before leaving the theme of Empire , we should clarify one other peculiarity of our mode of argumentation .

  8. 这种论证模式使演绎推理的过程更为具体化,有利于论辩者掌握更为清晰的论辩结构。

    This method made the deductive reasoning more specific , and it was good for the person to master the structure of the argument .

  9. 在探讨自发秩序论的重要意义时,本文认为,哈耶克对自发秩序论的阐述,采取了一种类似追问自由主义何以可能的思维进路,改变了以往对自由主义的论证模式;

    This thesis generalizes the significance of spontaneous order theory as follows : Hayek 's thought pattern of seeking the possibility of liberalism hi explanation of spontaneous order theory has changed the discussion pattern of liberalism ;

  10. 本文论证了模式匹配法相对收敛性问题是由于没有取本征模完备正交集中连续的前N项所致。为了解决这一问题,本文提出首先对本征模完备集进行排序,然后进行模式匹配。

    The relative convergence problem arouse in model matching method is discussed and a mode sorting technique is presented to solve this problem .

  11. 工程可行性论证结论模式的探讨

    A Study on the Conclusion Model of Feasibility Demonstration of Engineering

  12. 3提出并建立移动式海岛水循环经济模式,着重从技术、经济和环境效益等方面论证这种模式的可行性。

    A mobile water-recycling-economy-mode for islands is established , and its feasibility is discussed from three sides , including technology , economy and environment .

  13. 如果仅仅从书本知识出发来研究现实问题,我们难免陷入循环论证的模式中,这种模式无法产生新的知识。

    If you just starting to study the knowledge from books practical problems , we will inevitably fall into a tautological model , this model can not generate new knowledge .

  14. 第三章为运用证券投资基金模式优化上市公司股权结构的法律可行性分析,即是在法律层面探讨该模式的现行法律支撑、发展状况和趋势,论证该模式的法律上的可行性。

    The last chapter is to analyze the law feasibility of the way , that is , to probe into the present law support , developing condition and trend to prove its law feasibility .

  15. 同时,文中还从理论上论证了模式编码量化检测方法与基于相似性理论的模式检测方法的等效性,证明任何用相似性理论实现的入侵模式检测算法均可用编码量化处理来等效实现。

    At the same time , it also was proved that the patterns detection methods based on pattern encoding is equal to the methods with similarity theory , as a result , any intrusion pattern detection algorithms based on similarity theory can be realized by pattern encoding .

  16. 介绍了BOT项目的特点,论证实施BOT模式是中国建筑企业发展的一条新出路。

    This paper introduces the characteristics of BOT projects , and argues BOT operating pattern is a new road for the development of Chinese construction enterprises .

  17. 其次分析了BOT与基础设施建设的关系,并论证了BOT模式应用于基础设施建设的合理性。

    Secondly , this paper analyzes the relationships between BOT and infrastructure building , and demonstrates that the BOT model used in infrastructure construction is reasonable .

  18. 本文通过实证和规范研究论证自主GVC模式是中国汽车产业升级的可靠路径。

    Based on empirical study and standardize research , this paper demonstrates that independent GVC model is the dependable upgrading path for Chinas automobile industry .

  19. 本文就CDJ-4型船用电磁计程仪的现场数据进行了可靠性分析与计算,从而提出了显示器并联冗余及全系统后备冗余方案的论证及数学模式。

    Abstract This paper analyses and calculates the reliability of the Electromagnetic Log Type CDJ-4 on the basis of field test data . Thus , a duplex level redundancy of the indicator and a cold redundancy of the log system with their mathematic models are presented .

  20. 哈耶克对自由的论证及其解释模式

    Hayek 's Demonstration of Liberty and his Explanation Mode

  21. 第一章试图对哈耶克对自由的论证及其解释模式作出一个初步的描述。

    The first chapter tries to describe preliminarily Hayek 's demonstration of liberty and his explanation mode .

  22. 第五章采用实证案例论证图书配送模式的选择方法以及不同模式下各种策略的正确性。

    In chapter five empirical cases are used to prove the three different book distribution models and a variety of distribution strategies .

  23. 论证该创新模式的核心内容是政府牵头,‘十农’联手的组织模式创新。

    The core of innovation model argues that " the Government takes the lead ,' 10 departments ' work together ," Organizational Innovation .

  24. 作者简单陈述了营销概念的发展变化过程,从理论上论证了营销模式的变革和创新其实也是营销理论丰富和发展的必然结果。

    The evolvement of the concept of marketing is stated . That the transformation of marketing mode is the necessary result of development of marketing theories is reasoned in theory .

  25. 文中应用响应谱的离散形式将模式谱的计算结果与北半球(1881&1980年)年平均温度距平序列的实际谱进行了统计检验,从而论证了随机模式模拟全球温度变化的适用性。

    The correspondence between the computed spectra by the model and the observed ones of annual mean temperature anomalies in the Northern Hemisphere from 1881 to 1980 is statistically examined .

  26. 本文通过对诊断式培训模式在天津石化公司高级管理人员培训中的实例应用的介绍和诠释,进一步论证了该模式所具有的特色以及对于天津石化公司员工培训的重要意义和实际价值。

    Consultation training mode is successfully applied for the senior management personnel , which fully shows the special characters of this method and its importance and practical value in TPCC for talents training and planning .

  27. 接下来论文尝试提出一种改进的工程质量政府监督机构设置及运行模式,并论证这种新模式是否真正有效控制和提高工程质量。

    As followed , the paper tries to propose an improved establishment and operation modes of governmental organizations for project construction quality supervision , and demonstrates the effectiveness of such a new mode for controlling and improving the project quality .

  28. 首次论证了横向模式干涉效应对相位调制脉冲幅频效应的影响,研究了小宽带脉冲及模场的传输放大特性。

    The impact of intermodal interference on the FM-AM effects of the phase modulated pulse in the broadband LMA fiber laser was first advanced . We studied the amplification and transmission characteristics of the broadband singal pulse and the transverse modes of the LMA fiber .

  29. 为了论证此培训模式的合理性。本文首先对职业生涯管理与公务员培训的关系进行了分析,进而分别从不同的角度阐述了职业生涯导向的公务员培训模式的可行性与必要性。

    In order to verify the feasibility and necessity of this mode , the paper firstly analyze the relationship between the career management and the public servants training , and further analyze the feasibility and necessity of the career oriented civil service training mode from the theory and the practice .

  30. 因此,笔者期望运用在EMBA中所学的营销管理知识,针对项目开辟四方顾客价值共赢的新型营销开发途径,完善国内商业地产的开发模式。论证这一新模式的实施可行性和局限性。

    Therefore , I expect to use marketing management knowledge which I have learned in EMBA , open up new ways of marketing to achieve win-win for customers , to improve the domestic commercial real estate development model and to demonstrate the feasibility and limitations of this new model .