- 名the theory that great men determine history;Great Man Theory

Kant 's theories about art and genius are the natural extension of his subjectivity thought in the field of art creation .
Ancient Roman period of diligent-and-talented theory in which it was no use if one was only diligent with no talent and so was it when one was only talented with no diligence .
Theory of human nature is the centre of his classicism views of literature , nomal humanity and life experiences are the objective criticism standard of his classicism views of literature ; theory of talent is his somewhat platonic interpretation about factors of reason and ability existing distinct differences .
Frederic Chopin : A Great Pianist and Poet The concept of Schema Theory dates back to Sir Frederic Bartlett in his most significant and influential work Remembering ( 1932 ) .
Started from subjective aesthetics , Kant stipulated work of art as the work of genius , thus it formed his genius art view .