
  1. 它可以让你的手机播放音乐,新闻,体育评论,播客,和更多。

    We can read of many such instances in books and commentaries .

  2. 电视上会有一孤岛余生秘籍些体育评论。

    There 'll be some ort reviews on TV .

  3. 体育评论还是体育赛事信息与受众之间的桥梁。

    Sports comment is also a bridge between sports event information and audience .

  4. 一个小小的例子是体育评论。

    One petty example is sports commentary .

  5. 当代报纸体育评论初探

    On Sports Comment of Current Newspaper

  6. 对2008年北京奥运会我国电视体育新闻评论节目的思考

    Sports commentary TV program in 2008 Beijing Olympic Games

  7. 通过体育电视评论,受众可以尽可能多的获取自身需要的信息。

    Through television sports review , audience will acquire needed information as much as possible .

  8. 所谓网络体育新闻评论是指社会各界通过网络平台针对体育新闻事件所发表的言论的总称。

    The so-called network sports news comment refers to the community through the network platform for the sports news comments .

  9. 我国网络体育新闻评论具有海量集纳性、快捷即时性、个体自主性、互动平等性、多元开放性、影响双重性等特点。

    Our country sports news comment on network with a massive collection of real-time , fast , individual autonomy , interaction of equality , openness of multiple effects , dual characteristics .

  10. 再者,通过设计调查问卷等形式,从网络体育新闻评论受众、内容、质量等方面,对目前网络体育新闻评论的现状进行数据分析、实例取证,指出网络体育新闻评论主要存在的问题。

    Furthermore , the problems of the sports news comment on network is pointed out through data analysis , case evidence of the questionnaire from the audience , content , quality and other aspects .

  11. 这一时期的评论都是政治性比较突出,而体育专业性评论和生活娱乐化的评论文章较少。

    This period is political comment , and the sports have more outstanding professional comments and life more entertaining commentary is less .

  12. 第二部分就体育类报纸体育评论的发展历程进行追踪溯源,并探索其在发展过程中所担当的社会功能的演进;

    While in the second part , it looks deep into the history of sports comment and explores its social features during the developing process ;

  13. 经电视化后的体育包括了体育消息、体育评论、体育专题、电视体育竞赛现场直播或实况转播、电视体育杂志栏目、体育纪录片等。

    After sports been presented on TV , which will include sports news , sports commentary , sports themes , sports competitions live on television or live , TV sports magazine columns , sports and documentaries .

  14. 第三部分,就我国当前报纸(具体分为综合性日报和专业体育报纸)、广播、电视、网络四种媒介的体育评论进行优劣势比较,以便认清优劣,扬长避短;

    In the third , comparing with four medium of newspapers ( classified into daily newspaper and sports newpaper ), broadcasting , TV , networks in order to recognize its predominance as well as its advantages ;

  15. 电视体育节目是通过电视播出体育比赛的实况画面、报道与体育有关的新闻评论、展现体育内涵的传播活动。

    TV sports programs are broadcast through the television screen live sports events , news reports and sports-related comments , showing the spread of activities , sports content .