- 名Homeostasis;homoeostasis

The functional annotation of differently expressed genes revealed these genes involved in photosynthesis , calcium / calmodulin-mediated signal transduction , ABA homeostasis and transport and antioxidant defense systems .
A series of genes involved in calcium / calmodulin-mediated signal transduction , ABA homeostasis and transport and antioxidant defense systems were significantly induced under chilling stress suggesting might play a positive regulator in enhanced low temperature tolerance of poplar .
Homeostasis is the state of maintaining a constant composition of blood .
Any interference with homeostasis is likely to be damaging to the organism .
The goal is to maintain emotional balance in order to protect internal homeostasis .
Copper chaperones play an important role in the process of copper transportation and distribution in cells .
It can cause the body tissue activeness , adjusts in vivo to be balanced , enhancement immunity ability .
Metabolic Effect of Odd-numbered Medium Chain Fatty Acids on Glucose Homeostasis and Mobilization of Depot Fat in Fasting Rats
These cells are known as memory T lymphocytes , and will be poised and ready should the pathogen appear again .
Organisms can also develop detoxication mechanism for excreting Al and the internal equilibrium protection mechanism by mutation , natural selection and self-organized latent energy .
The return of the disequilibrated organ systems of the body to steady states or-dynamic stability is known as homeostasis . Crying serves a homeostatic function for the organism as a whole .
This tendency to escalate a situation into its worst possible conclusion is what I called awfulizing , and it can be a key factor in tipping the balance toward , illness or health .
There 's also another system called the sleep / wake homeostatis that tells your body when it 's time to sleep , which also occurs after you 've been awake for a long time .
Background : It is now known that the potential of a tumor cell to metastasize depends on its interactions with the homeostatic factors that promote tumor-cell growth , survival , angiogenesis , invasion and metastasis .
By 2 p.m. , you 've usually been awake for at least eight hours . Put those two systems together , alongside a heavy lunch , and it 's no wonder you want to take a nap .
' You move less , you 're harder to awaken , you sleep more intensely . ' Eventually the body will reset itself to a healthy state of normal sleep patterns , in what is called the homeostatic response .
Alkali stress especially high alkali stress could cause ion imbalance and pH instability , and sunflower synthesized organic acids to keep ion balance and adjust pH.5 .
AIM : To provide some evidence for the imbalance of Th1 / Th2 cells in patients with autoimmune thyroid disease ( AITD ) .
HFE protein was recently found to coprecipitate with the transferrin receptor and to affect the reaction between transferrin and the transferrin receptor .
Zhang believes SLE is mainly caused by invasion of pathogenic dampness and heat , which lead to imbalance of yin and yang inside the body , involve the heart , spleen , liver and kidney , resulting in deficient body constitution and excessive symptoms .
The results showed that 6-BA treatment not only improved the water balance of cut flower , stimulated blossom , puted on fresh weight and flower diameter , but also controlled petal solute seep out and delayed life of cut flower .
As an important effective factor , insulin-like growth factor binding proteins ( IGFBPs ) play the essential role on the life-process , such as maintaining the balance of blood glucose level , promoting cell proliferation et al .
Cholesterol absorption plays an important role in maintaining blood lipid homeostasis .
Water balance approaches of the different species in arid environment are varied .
Atrazine has a certain degree of interference effect on hormone balance of zebrafish .
Effects of Dietary Protein and Dietary Electrolyte Balance on Acid-Base Balance of Cage-Rearing Ducks
Inability of the kidneys to excrete wastes and to help maintain the electrolyte balance .
Submergence of plant organs perturbs homeostasis by limiting diffusion of oxygen , carbon dioxide and ethylene .
Zinc homeostasis in premature infants does not differ between those fed preterm formula or fortified human milk
Another mineral , potassium , works with sodium to regulate water balance and normalise heart rhythm .