
A case control study matched with 1:1 was carried out in 300 low birth weight infants in Fuzhou city in April and May 1989.The data were analysed with Chi square test and conditional logistic regression model .
Content and Type of Community Nursing of Very Low Birth Weight Infant
Short-term outcomes in low birth weight infants following antenatal exposure to betamethasone versus dexamethasone
Nursing care of 12 cases of low birth weight neonates undergoing corrective operation of transposition of the great arteries
Oral probiotics prevent necrotizing enterocolitis in very low birth weight neonates
Observation on thyroid function in neonates with low body weight at birth
We measured the concentrations of thyroid hormone in serum for 38 asphyctous new borns , 11 low birth weight newborns and 54 homochronous healthy control newborns .
The floating population newborn rank order of cause of death are birth asphyxia , premature delivery and low birth weight , newborn tetanus , congenital abnormal and pneumonia .
Newborn compliction : small for gestational age infant 、 asphyxia of newborn 、 nenonatal aspiration pneumonia hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy 、 malformation and so on , in total 16 cases , the occurrence rate was 55.2 % .
Three detection of the lower body weight newborn had the distinct difference comparing to the normal group ( P < 0 . 01 ), but their brain 's function and movement ability would regain gradually with the increase of the days .
The percentage of stillbirth , low birth weight and transferred newborn care unit in meconium stained amniotic fluid group were higher than that in normal amniotic fluid group ( P < 0.001 ) .
Newborn 's asphyxiation and lower body weight was an important factor , which influenced the brain function and movement ability of the newborn . The early intervene would be in favor of promoting the trauma brain function .