
  • 【化】cryogenic seal
  1. 低温密封副密封比压的确定

    Determination of Specific pressure for Sealing Liquid in Low Temperature

  2. 高压低温密封试验研究&试验装置及方法

    Research on Cryogenic Sealing Test at High Pressure : Test Method and System

  3. 样品处理用低温密封闷罐酸溶。

    Acid is used to dissolve the sample in an airproof vessel at a low temperature .

  4. 高压低温密封试验研究&部分试验结果讨论及理论分析

    Research on Cryogenic Sealing Test at High Pressure : Discussion of a Part of Results and Theory Analysis

  5. 种子千粒重和生活力在植株间存在极显著差异,低温密封贮藏并不改变这种差异特征。

    There was significant variation among individuals for 1000-seed weight and seed vitality , and it could not changed by air-tight cold storage .

  6. 本文介绍了这种卡箍的结构特点,制造工艺和气密、振动、弯曲疲劳、压力循环、耐压、破坏压力和低温密封试验的试验过程。

    The structural features and manufacturing process of the clamps , and airtightness , vibration , bending fatigue , pressure cycle , pressure resistant , destructive pressure and low-temperature sealing tests are discussed .

  7. CZ&3是我国第一次采用液氢和液氧作推进剂的火箭,由于液氢的温度极低而且易爆,所以火箭上采用了绝热结构,对低温密封和防爆也采取了相应的措施。

    CZ-3 is the first launch vehicle of China which employs liquid hydrogen and liquid oxygen propellant . Because of the cryogenic temperature and easy explosion of liquid hydrogen , adiabatic structure is applied on the vehicle ; and for cryogenic sealing and explosion-proof , some associated measures are adopted .

  8. 橡胶O形环在低温静密封中的应用

    The application of rubber O ring static seal at cryogenic temperature

  9. 低温静密封技术研究

    Study on the technology of the cryogenic static sealing

  10. 论述了某型号液体火箭发动机涡轮泵高压低温静密封检漏试验用真空室密封结构的设计问题。

    Vacuum vessel seal structure used in the leak test of a liquid rocket engine turbopump is discussed .

  11. 特种金属波纹管在火箭发动机系统中,既是动作的控制零件,又是低温动密封的主要零部件,是关键零件,起着其它零件不可替代的作用。

    Special metal bellows in rocket engine system is not only a control part , but also as a move part of seal of low temperature , it is a key part , with its key function could not be substituted by other parts .

  12. 低温阀门启闭密封试验研究

    Sealing characteristics experimental research of cryogenic valves

  13. 大型空间环境试验设备中的低温技术飞船分离密封板及摆杆机构空间环境试验技术

    Cryonetics in large space simulators the space environmental test techniques for separation sealing device and swinging mechanism of manned spacecraft

  14. 亲贝经过低温麻醉处理,密封包装103h运输的成活率96.85%。

    The survival rate of the parent clams is 96.85 % by 103 hours transported from USA with hypothermic anaesthetized and hermeticallysealed packed .

  15. 该爆破膜具有优异的抗低周疲劳与耐高低温性能,且密封性能好,能在低温、粘性和有腐蚀的环境中可靠地工作。

    Experimental results show that the properties of this type of bursting disc , such as resistance to fatigue loading , low and high temperature , are excellent .

  16. 本文根据液体在低温状态下,分子运动的特性,提出了低温密封液体的比压计算公式。

    Based on the molecular motion characteristics of liquid in low temperature , the paper presents the equations for specific pressure for sealing liquid in low temperature .

  17. 通过常温实验,表明气体增压器样机的结构设计合理,工作性能稳定;通过低温与常温实验的对比,验证了样机在低温下密封性能良好。

    Room temperature experiments show that the structure of gas booster prototype is reasonable , and prototype performance is stable . Through comparing low temperature experiments with room temperature experiments , it can be seen that the prototype also has good sealing performance at low temperature .

  18. 研究了奥氏体不锈钢在低温条件下的金属组织变化及尺寸变化机理,提高了低温阀门的密封性能。

    Researching and introducing the principles of austenite stainless steel 's structures transformation and dimension deforming in low temperature and find the ways to promoting the sealing performance for cryogenic valve .