
  • 网络danshen injection;salvia miltiorrhiza injection;Danshen Zhusheye
  1. 丹参注射液中丹酚酸B对丹参素药代动力学影响

    Effects of salvianolic acid B on the pharmacokinetics of danshensu in Danshen injection in rats

  2. 复方丹参注射液加CF方案胸腔内注射治疗恶性胸腔积液33例临床观察

    Clinical effect of Fufang Danshen injection integrated with CF by thoracic injection on malignant ascites

  3. 对照组口服脑益嗪片、维生素C片、静滴复方丹参注射液。

    The control group was treated with oral cinnarizine , vitamine C and compund salvia miltiorrhiza intravenously .

  4. 联用复方丹参注射液和大剂量维生素C治疗急性病毒性心肌炎疗效观察

    Observation on therapeutic effect of composite salvia miltiorrhiza injection and high doses vitamin C on acute viral myocarditis

  5. 复方丹参注射液对脑出血CT及脑脊液LDH的影响

    Effects of Composite Salvia Miltiorrhiza on CT and LDH of CSF during Cerebral Hemorrhage

  6. 复方丹参注射液、辅酶Q(10)治疗病毒性心肌炎疗效观察

    Observation of injection of salvia miltiorrhiza compound and coenzyme Q_ ( 10 ) in the treatment of viral myocarditis

  7. 实验二丹参注射液中丹参素在家兔体内的药代动力学研究:健康大耳白兔8只,肌肉注射丹参注射液2ml/kg。

    Healthy rabbits were intramuscularly injected the injection of radix salviae miltiorrhizae with 2ml / kg .

  8. He-Ne激光与丹参注射液联用对牛中性粒细胞呼吸爆发的影响

    Effects of He-Ne Laser Irradiation Combined with Salvia Miltiorrhiza Injection on the Respiratory Burst of Bovine Neutrophils

  9. 丹参注射液对模拟缺血预适应引起兔心室肌细胞动作电位和ATP敏感性钾电流变化的影响

    Effects of Salvia Miltiorrhiza on Action Potential and ATP-Sensitive Potassium Currents Interfered by Ischemic Preconditioning in Ventricular Myocytes of Rabbit

  10. 丹参注射液对COPD患者肺功能、痰生化指标及机体免疫功能的影响

    Effect of danshen injection on the pulmonary function , biochemical indices of sputum and immunological function in patients with COPD

  11. 丹参注射液及其活性成分与低强度He-Ne激光联用对牛中性粒细胞呼吸暴发的抑制效应

    Effects of Salvia Miltiorrhiza Injection Combined with Low Intensity He-Ne Laser Irradiation on the Respiratory Burst of Bovine Neutrophils

  12. 大剂量654-2、硝普钠和丹参注射液辅助呼吸支持治疗ARDS

    The effect of combined large-dose anisodamine , sodium nitroprusside and salvia miltiorrhizae on the supportive treatment of ARDS

  13. 方法将100例急性盆腔炎患者随机分为A组(丹参注射液+青霉素注射液+甲硝唑注射液)、B组(青霉素注射+甲硝唑注射液)2组,运用药物经济学方法比较其成本-效果。

    Methods 100 cases of acute pelvic inflammatory disease were randomly divided into 2 groups : group A and group B.The cost and effectiveness of the 2 groups were compared by using pharmaceutical economics .

  14. 丹参注射液对梗阻性黄疸大鼠肝内NO、MDA、ET的影响及其意义

    Relationship between NO , MDA and ET in liver tissues and liver injury caused by obstructive jaundice and the protective effect of Danshen on liver

  15. 结论丹参注射液对老年慢性肺心病患者血液粘度有明显降低作用,并使血浆ET-1水平显著降低。

    Conclusion Danshen injection can decrease blood viscosity and the level of plasma endothelin-1 in senile pulmonary heart disease .

  16. 结论:丹参注射液通过抗氧化作用、调整氧化/抗氧化平衡,对ALI大鼠具有较好的保护作用。

    Conclusion : RSM injection has protective effect on ALI in rats by anti-oxidation and adjusting oxidation / anti-oxidation balance .

  17. 结论:复方丹参注射液治疗HIE疗效满意,值得推广。

    Conclusion : Compound danshen injection has satisfactory curative effect to cure HIE , and is worth spreading .

  18. 丹参注射液具有增强CTX诱导肿瘤组织细胞凋亡的作用,增强其化疗效果。

    Danshen injection increased tumor cell apoptosis of CTX , enhance their chemotherapy . 6 .

  19. 结论:复方丹参注射液对汞中毒家兔血浆及肾组织LPO有清除作用。

    CONCLUSION : Compound Salvia miltiorrhiza is effective for eliminating LPO in blood and kidneys of rabbits after mercurialism .

  20. 目的:评价地塞米松联合复方丹参注射液辅助治疗重症急性胰腺炎(SAP)的疗效。

    AIM : To estimate the effect of dexamethasone and composite salvia miltiorrhiza injection used as adjunctive therapy for severe acute pancreatitis ( SAP ) .

  21. 结论:复方丹参注射液及胞二磷胆碱佐治新生儿HIE能提高治愈率,减轻伤残。

    Conclusions : Citicoline and salvia miltiorrhiza injection in addition to routine treatment can raise cure rate , reduce disability .

  22. 目的观察尼莫地平联合复方丹参注射液治疗新生儿缺氧缺血性脑病(HIE)的疗效。

    Objective To observe the outcome of Nimodipine and Salvia Miltiorrhiza Composite in treating newborn hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy ( HIE ) .

  23. 丹参注射液对ICM患者血清细胞因子和心功能的影响

    Clinical study of Danshen parenteral solution on cytokines and cardiac function in patients with ischemic cardiomyopathy during heart failure

  24. 注射OA前1h经腹腔注射丹参注射液12ml/kg作为干预措施。

    One hour before the injection of OA , 12 ml / kg RSM injection was injected into the peritoneal cavity as the pretreatment measure .

  25. 目的:从基因水平探讨复方丹参注射液防治环孢菌素A(CsA)慢性肾毒性的机理。

    Objective : To explore the mechanism of protective effect of Compound Salvia Injection ( CSI ) on experimental cyclosporin A induced nephrotoxicity .

  26. 结论:合理应用地塞米松联合复方丹参注射液辅助治疗SAP可显著改善其病程及预后。

    CONCLUSION : The adjunctive therapy with dexamethasone and composite salvia miltiorrhiza injection for SAP may shorten the course of disease , improve the prognosis and decrease the complications .

  27. 慢性肾炎血瘀证血尿Col-ⅣLN的改变及丹参注射液的作用初探

    Clinical Studies on the Contents Change of Serum Urinary Collagen ⅳ and Laminin in Chronic Glomerulonephritis with Blood Stasis Troubles and the Effect of Compound Danshen Injection

  28. 实验观察丹参注射液对大鼠部份肝切除后肝脏DNA合成率、DNA含量,肝细胞标记核数、肝细胞核分裂相以及再生肝重变化的影响,探讨了丹参对肝再生的促进作用。

    The aim of our experiment is to observe the positive effect of Salvia Miltiorrhiza to liver regeneration of partially hepatectomized rats through the rate of DNA synthesis , DNA content , labelled nuclei , mitosis and regenerating liver weight .

  29. 结论:“活血化瘀汤”和丹参注射液联用激素是治疗PNS的有效方法。

    Conclusions : The treatment with decoction of PBC and RBS , salvia miltiorrhiza injection , and steroid for PNS is an effective method .

  30. 目的:对比观察采用丹参注射液预防人工全髋关节置换(THR)术后下肢深静脉血栓形成(DVT)的临床效果。

    Objective : To evaluate the efficacy and safety of Salvia miltiorrhiza Bge in preventing deep-vein thrombosis ( DVT ) after total hip replacement .