
  1. 在激活自己的新iPhone7之后,一位姓黄的女士惊呆了,因为她发现手机相册中有82张陌生人的照片。

    A woman surnamed Huang was astonished after activating her new iPhone7 and finding 82 photos already in the phone 's album .

  2. 几天前,一位姓“小泉”(koizumi)的男子在日本国会站起身来,就一项法案投了反对票。

    A few days ago , a man named Koizumi stood up in the Japanese parliament to vote against a bill .

  3. Apple(苹果)这个姓常常把人逗乐以前我可没有这种幽默感,直到遇见一位姓Orange(橙子)的女士,我才感到好笑但我从没想过会有记者打电话来。

    People are often tickled by the name Apple - the humour had escaped me until I met a woman with the last name Orange and found it hilarious - but I hadn 't expected reporters to come calling .

  4. 因为你与一位姓金的韩国男子结过婚。

    Because you were married to a Korean man surnamed kim .

  5. 我们去到一位姓梁的工厂女工家里。

    We went to the home of a woman factory worker named liang .

  6. 有一位姓魏的先生想报名参加一个活动。

    A man surnamed Wei would like to sign up for an activity .

  7. 是一位姓陈的来电话。

    It 's a Chen on the phone .

  8. 这儿有三位姓铃木的。

    There would continually be three Suzukis here .

  9. 北京一位姓黄的美容师说,女性希望自己的外表更像白种人。

    A Beijing-based cosmetic surgeon surnamed Huang said women wanted to look more Caucasian .

  10. 我们这儿有3位姓法利的。

    There are three people here named fraley .

  11. 一位姓陈的女士借过我的钱。

    A Miss Chen borrowed money from me .

  12. 一位姓甄的财主正需要仓库,他来看了这些房子。

    Zhen , a local rich man who also needed warehouses , inspected the property .

  13. 根据官方机构挪威统计局的数字,挪威共有35位姓萨斯的人。

    According to the state agency Statistics Norway , there are 35 Sars in Norway .

  14. 有位姓德贝维尔的有钱夫人住在特兰里奇那边

    A great rich old lady by the name of D'Urberville , out by Trantridge .

  15. 这种独特的授课方式最先是被西南财经大学一位姓黄的同学发布到微博上去的。

    The unusual classroom activity was first publicized on the microblog of a SWUFE student surnamed Huang .

  16. 在另一个事例中,一位姓蒋的男人在相亲中爱上一个女孩。

    In another case , a man surnamed Jiang fell in love with a girl during a matchmaking event .

  17. 一位姓黄的生产商专程从华东的江苏省(赶到北京)寻找非洲的合作伙伴。

    A producer surnamed Huang came all the way from East China 's Jiangsu Province to look for African partners .

  18. 以下就是某项目队的一位姓陈的年轻管理员亲口讲给我听的真实故事。

    Following are some true stories told personally by a young man called Chen , an administrator of a project .

  19. 有一段时间,他有意娶该村一位姓帕博林格的年轻小姐为妻,但斯特兰奇看不上这位小姐和她那一班朋友。

    While there he had conceived a wish to marry a young lady of the village , a Miss Parbringer .

  20. 一位姓彭的人士称:中国现在经济发展很快,最近几年,中国的城市化进程已在快速平稳的发展了。

    With the fast economic development , China has seen steady yet rapid urbanization in recent years , Peng said .

  21. 在参加活动的间隙,山西省统计局一位姓王的女同志向记者证实,她确实会去市场买菜。

    Wang from the Shanxi provincial statistics office confirmed in the margins of the event that she did buy vegetables .

  22. 一位姓叶的大学学生表示,时间限定太严格了,因为每个人的习惯不同。

    A university student , surnamed Ye , argued that the time limit was too strict as everyone has different habits .

  23. 仔猪的主人是位姓钟(音译)的农民,他说他已经收到了买家的钱,但不愿意卖掉它。

    Owner : The farmer surnamed Zhong says he has been offered cash for the piglet but will not part with it .

  24. 在中国,一位姓王的歌手说,他在14岁的时候第一次听到了迈克尔-杰克逊的声音,那是一首名为“危险”的歌曲。

    In China , 28-year-old musician Ray Wang says he heard his first Michael Jackson song ," Dangerous ," when he was14 years old .

  25. 还有一位姓陈的家长打电话到服务中心投诉说,他的儿子是一名初中生,最近因遭同学殴打而致使面部受伤。

    Another parent surnamed Chen called the center to complain that his son , a junior school student , received facial injuries from his classmate .

  26. 比如,一位姓陈(音译)的毕业生和她的男友都毕业于中国中部湖北武汉的华中师范大学。

    For example , a graduating student surnamed Chen and her boyfriend are both from Wuhan-based Huazhong Normal University in Central China ` s Hubei Province .

  27. 另一位姓沈的同学认为,这一工具可以管理秩序,也能有效防止同学们短时间离开后座位被占现象的发生。

    Another student , surnamed Shen , believes the new tool manages order well as it effectively prevents seats from being occupied when students leave temporarily .

  28. 但是有一位姓陈的“慷慨”的母亲,甘愿为了他的女儿能够在高考中良好而花重金租用豪华婚车接送女儿高考。

    But one generous mother surnamed Zhen wanted to rent a lavish wedding car for her daughter as an incentive to perform well in the examinations .

  29. 近日,上海一位姓方的男士以6元的价格(折合约1美元)将两台旧手机卖给了一家回收店。

    A man surnamed Fang in Shanghai recently sold two old cell phones at the price of six yuan ( about 1 US dollar ) to a recycling store .

  30. 高力国际的研究部一位姓罗的主任表示,高房价并不一定会伤害香港吸引企业的能力。

    However , Simon Lo , director of research for property firm Colliers International , says higher rents are not likely to hurt Hong Kong 's ability to attract businesses .