
  • 网络Phase difference;phase retardation;Phase contrast
  1. 三波位相差作为描写三波耦合程度的量对于双频激光激发Langmuir波至关重要。

    The phase difference , describing the extent of three-wave coup-ling , is therefore of great importance in Langmuir-wave excitation by beating two-frequency la-ser .

  2. TEM组织观察表明蠕变之后亚晶粒边界清晰,亚晶之间的位相差很小,同时亚晶界位错间距减小,亚晶内位错密度几乎不变。

    TEM observation shows that after creep the boundary of subgrain is clear , the phase difference between subcrystals is very small , while the subgrain boundary dislocation spacing decreases , the dislocation density within subgrain almost unchanged .

  3. T/P观测和比容模型得到的全球MSL变化的位相差是一系统偏差。

    The phase difference in global MSL variations between TOPEX / Poseidon observation and steric model prediction implies a systematic difference between them .

  4. 提出三次曲面拟合法表示到达CCD屏的照明物光与参考光位相差分布,并通过对CCD探测图像数据处理获得物光复振幅分布的方法。

    Presenting the method of stimulant thrice curve to express distribution of phase difference , which formed by object light and reference light that reach CCD , and processing image data detected by CCD , we gain distribution of complex amplitude of object light .

  5. 然后基于四个干涉图法原理和相位去包裹方法,应用MATLAB软件编写程序,得到了物体变形的三维位相差图,从而实现物体变形的三维测量。

    According to the principle of four step phase shifting method and phase unwrapping method , using MATLAB software to compile the program , the three dimensional phase difference map of object deformation can be successfully obtained . Finally , the measurement of three dimensional deformation is realized .

  6. 方法对241例各类型肾小球疾病患者和88例非肾小球性疾病患者的血尿标本,用位相差显微镜观察并确定具有明显的芽胞状的红细胞(G1)。

    Methods Hematuria samples of 241 case with various glomerular diseases and 88 without glomerular diseases were observed under phase contrast microscope . A kind of specific spore shaped red blood cell ( G 1 ) was confirmed .

  7. 对干涉条纹,利用SCPM求取两波面位相差,在极坐标中将位相差径向迭加得到原始波面位相分布。

    The phase difference of the two wavefronts will be calculated by using SCPM , and the phase of original wavefront will be getted through adding the phase difference along the radial direct in the polar coordinates .

  8. 基于激光频率分裂的波片位相差测量方法

    Phase retardation measurement of wave-plate based on laser frequency splitting technology

  9. 协调交通信号控制位相差优化的理论算法

    A Theoretical Approach to Optimizing Offsets of Coordinated Traffic Signal Controls

  10. 利用非线性全息进行低噪声位相差放大

    Low noise phase - difference amplification by nonlinear holograms

  11. 两个源的位相差随时间逐渐移动。

    The phase difference between the two sources is gradually drifting with time .

  12. 全息位相差放大技术研究进展

    Research Progress of Phase Difference Amplification in Holographic Interferometry

  13. 一种弱位相差新的检测法&三缝全息干涉装置

    A new method for measuring small phase difference & three-slit holographic interference device

  14. 椭圆偏振态在不同坐标系时的位相差

    Phase Difference of Ellipse Polarized Light in Different Frames

  15. 高倍全息非线性位相差放大

    Nonlinear holographic phase difference amplification with high magnification

  16. 光束的振幅分布、位相差及偏振态等都会影响到外差效率。

    The amplitude , phase as well as polarization can affect the heterodyne efficiency .

  17. 本文介绍了位相差放大基本原理和研究进展。

    The principle and development for phase difference amplification is presented in this paper .

  18. 用矩阵方法分析原子干涉仪中的位相差

    The matrix methods in treating atomic interferometer

  19. 与非线性位相差放大比较,可得到更高的放大倍数。

    Higher magnification may be obtained with this method than that in nonlinear holographic interferometer .

  20. 结果表明:孔栅斜置带来附加位相差,导致了远场分布与通常的孔栅竖直放置的不同,给光强(从而功率、光束质量等)的测量带来系统误差。

    The results show that the systemic error of measurement of intensity ( power , beam quality , etc. )

  21. 当二脉冲具有不同的初始位相差和能量比时,脉冲在传输过程中的对称性将被破坏。

    When the two pulses have the different phase and energy each other , the pulses periodicities will disappear .

  22. 对应于不同的暗态,产生了两个振幅相等、位相差为π的终态子能级的任意相干叠加态。

    Corresponding to the double dark states , two atomic coherent superposition states with equal amplitudes and inverse phases present .

  23. 分别由两路位相差为90度的输出信号及零定位脉冲做为正、反转控制及复零控制。

    Two out signal with 90 ° phase delay and zero pulse are get as the rotate and reset controlled .

  24. 自旋向下电子的位相发生改变,与自旋向上电子的隧穿系数之间的位相差增大;

    The phase of the spin-down electrons moves so the phasic difference between the spin-up electrons and spin-down ones increases .

  25. 两次利用其高阶衍射可获得大于100倍的低噪声位相差放大。

    Using the high degree diffracted waves twice , we have obtained lower noise phase difference amplification of over 100 times .

  26. 本文对流体双折射方法做了简单的回顾。用位相差积分理论导出了具有对称平面双折射介质所适用的公式。

    The formulas which can be used for birefringent medium with a symmetric plane are derived by means of phase retard integration .

  27. 从这一导出过程可以清楚地看出高斯束相干场附加位相差的成因及其物理意义。

    From the derivation , cause and physical significance of the extra phase difference of the coherent field of Gaussian beams can clearly be seen .

  28. 尽管有这么多的模型和系统,它们无一例外都是使用启发式算法来优化信号的位相差。

    Despite the availability of so many models and systems , all of them have been designed by using heuristic algorithms to optimize the signal offset .

  29. 位相差放大技术是提高位相分辨率和测量精度的一种手段,在干涉计量领域,可用来检测光学元件的微弱畸变和由于物场变化引起的系统位相的变化等。

    Phase difference amplification can improve accuracy and resolution in phase measurement interferometers , which could be used to detect the faint distortion of optical devices .

  30. 对两种模态的计算结果表明:两种格式都有较好的精确度和一定的位相差。

    Results computed from two modes in Charney 's model show that there exist better accuracy and phase difference in the numerical solutions of both schemes .