
  1. 企业义务:促进股东、员工参与并采取措施改善慕克的可持续性表现。

    The enterprise obligations : promote shareholder , employee participation and take measures to improve the sustainability performance for MAXBO .

  2. 企业有义务拿出证据证明产品安全、拿出措施提升产品和服务质量、拿出诚意解决涉及到的消费者诉求。

    Enterprises are obliged to produce evidence to prove product safety , take measures to improve the quality of products and services , and meet demands of consumers with sincerity .

  3. 企业的义务由它所在的挂牌市场决定。

    Companies'obligations depend on the market on which they are listed .

  4. 欧盟竞争事务专员玛格丽特.维斯特格(MargretheVestager)表示:企业有义务在并购调查期间向欧盟委员会提供准确的信息。

    Margrethe Vestager , EU competition chief , said : Companies are obliged to give the commission accurate information during merger investigations .

  5. 工作流程管理是和谐企业组织义务和入程以便获得最大出产效力的技术,一般的工作流程包括审批流程和更改流程管理。

    Work flow management is technology of arrange organize mission and process to get the most production efficiency , it contain approving and changing flow .

  6. 因此,商学院和企业有义务向未来的领导者提供工具和知识,以在动态的商业世界中开辟出一条领先之路。

    For that reason , it will be incumbent upon business schools and corporations to give the next generation of executives the tools and knowledge to forge pioneering paths in a dynamic marketplace .

  7. 由于废钢中含有有害物质,所以从环境保护的角度出发,钢铁企业有义务回收他们的废旧产品,并且将他们投入到新的和高质量的产品生产中以节约自然资源。

    Since the scrap steel contains hazardous materials , the iron and steel-making facilities has responsibility to take-back their end-of-life products from the points of environmental protection and reuse them to make new and high quality ones for the purpose of saving nature resources .

  8. 然后,在概念界定的基础上对物业服务企业安全保障义务及其主要内容做出分析和界定。

    Secondly , it defines the security obligations of the property services enterprise .

  9. 外国企业和扣缴义务人必须按照规定的期限,缴纳税款。

    Foreign enterprises and withholding agents must pay their tax within the prescribed time limit .

  10. 反思与重构:电网企业强制缔约义务立法完善研究

    Reflecting and restructuring : research on Legislation improvement of Power grid company ′ s Mandatory contract

  11. 任何一个企业都有义务将自身的发展与自然资源、社会发展相协调。

    Any enterprise has an obligation to coordinate its development with natural resources and social development .

  12. 此外,普通合伙人就企业债务和义务仍承担无限责任。

    In addition , the general partners retain unlimited liability for the debts and obligations of the partnership .

  13. 最后是从其他角度来探讨该如何完善我国的物业服务企业安全保障义务制度。

    Finally , from other angles , it explores how to improve our property services enterprise security safeguards obligations system .

  14. 但是,我国安全保障义务的一般规定和物业管理专门立法对于物业服务企业安全保障义务的规定,还存在一定的缺陷,司法实践中也出现了缺乏判断标准而裁判不一的现象。

    However , our security obligations legislations for the realty service enterprise exist some flaws . Lacking of criteria makes varying referee in similar cases .

  15. 主导电信企业权力与义务的不对称可能引发其对政府规制的挑战,挑战规制存在两种可能的结果,规制突破或者规制强化。

    The imbalance of the rights and duties of those leading industrial enterprises may arouse its challenge to the government regulation , which will result in either the breakthrough of regulation or its reinforcement .

  16. 企业的环境义务主要体现在环境责任上,这种责任包括企业的环境法律责任和环境道德责任,法律责任需要法律上的强制与规范,道德责任需要依靠环境道德规范和引导。

    Environmental obligations of enterprises mainly reflected in the in environmental responsibility , including corporate environmental laws responsibility , and legal responsibility need for mandatory law and norms , moral responsibility need to rely on environmental ethics and guidance .

  17. 考虑预计负债因素后的负债要素的定义是:过去的交易、事项形成或很可能形成的企业的现时义务,履行该义务预期会导致经济利益流出企业。

    The definition of liability element after considering estimated liability is : the present obligation arising or possible arising from past transaction or events , the settlement of which is expected to result in an outflow of economic benefits from the enterprise .

  18. 今后需从国家预算、发行特种国债、建立补偿基金、发行生态环保彩票、开征生态环保税、争取国际资金、引导城市工商企业投资、义务认管方式等多方面来筹措资金。

    In the future , the compensation funds should be raised from state budget , issue special national debt , establishment compensation funds , issue ecological lottery , collection ecological tax , trying for international capital , enterprise investment , compulsory claim , etc.

  19. 种粮劳动报酬管理,论述了粮农和粮食种植服务企业权利、义务关系,提出粮农报酬应当遵循兼顾粮农、消费者和粮食种植企业三方利益的原则。

    In the part of grain planting remuneration management , it discusses the rights and obligations between the farmer and the enterprise that offers grain planting services and suggests the principle that grain planting remuneration should give consideration to the interests of the farmer , consumer and enterprise .

  20. 业务战术目标&在实施PCI遵从性方面,通过跟踪失败的登录尝试,识别正常数量和系统受到攻击时的非正常数量,确保企业尽到勤勉义务。

    In enforcing PCI compliance-Ensure that due diligence is ensured through tracking of failed login attempts and identifying what is the normal amount and what constitutes a system under attack .

  21. 论循环经济发展中企业的减量化义务

    On the Duty of Enterprise 's Reduction in Circular Economy Development

  22. 该义务是企业承担的现时义务;

    That obligation is a current obligation of the enterprise ;

  23. 论外商投资企业股东违反出资义务及其法律防范

    On Violating Contributing Obligation of Shareholders of Foreign Investment Enterprise

  24. 这显然与《邮政法》规定的邮政企业应承担的义务相违背。

    This view is clearly against the Postal Law provisions of the obligations of postal enterprises contrary .

  25. 民办企业初探论民办义务教育

    A Primary Discussion on Enterprises run by Local People Thinking about Managed by the People Compulsory Education

  26. 提供信息会产生成本,正因为如此,企业才会对这些义务颇有微词。

    There are costs to providing information , which is why these obligations have proved unpopular with companies .

  27. 资产弃置义务会计处理则是对企业在资产弃置义务的确认、计量和披露等方面的规范。

    Accounting for asset retirement obligation is the framework and regulation of confirmation 、 measurement and disclosure for asset retirement obligation by companies .

  28. 尤其是对安全问题落实最关键的一环,移动互联网企业的责任和义务进行了详细的分析。

    Especially on security issues most critical part of the implementation of the mobile Internet , corporate responsibility and obligations of a detailed analysis .

  29. 依法纳税是每个企业应尽的义务,税法遵从度是企业依法纳税的程度。

    Tax payment according to law is a compulsory duty for every enterprise , and tax compliance is the extent to which such duty is fulfilled .

  30. 物业服务企业承担安全保障义务是《侵权责任法》的规定,更是保障居民安全利益的客观要求,因而具有重要的立法价值。

    It is an objective requirement for the property services companies to assume security obligations , so as to protect the interests of the safety of the residents .