
  • 网络Price;price concessions;price preference
  1. 星空音乐电子厂是以生产各种适合出口的AM/FM带MP3收音机为主,我们的产品品质优良,价格优惠。

    Star Electronic Factory is a production of music suitable for export AM / FM radio with MP3-based , our products quality , price concessions .

  2. 通过激励机制,改变Nash均衡解的利润分配,在价格优惠和一次性补贴下,使供应链伙伴均获得信息共享带来的收益增加。

    This incentive mechanism modifies the profit distributed at the point of balanced Nash solution and therefore , with a favorable price and a one-time allowance , the benefits brought by the information sharing of all the supply chain members have been increased .

  3. 那次价格优惠真的不可错过。

    The sale prices were too good to miss .

  4. 只有那些价格优惠的住房才会引起真想买房的人的兴趣。

    Only those homes offered for sale at competitive prices will secure interest from serious purchasers .

  5. 在GSPAY,我们保证灵活优质的客户服务,而且价格优惠。

    At GSPAY , we guarantee affordability , flexibility , quality and customer support .

  6. 我方价格优惠,你们肯定还会增加订货。

    In addition to this as our price be very favorable .

  7. 便民利民,价格优惠,让客户满意。

    Convenience and benefit , favorable price to customer satisfaction .

  8. 如果你方给的价格优惠,我们可以定一个大单。

    If your price is favorable , we can book a big order .

  9. 请将目录上产品的价格优惠5%。

    Please make a discount of5 % off the prices in the catalogue .

  10. 淡季看楼好处多多:舒适问题易发现价格优惠!

    Low season Kanlou benefits dos : yi found comfort issue price concessions !

  11. 诚信经营、数量充足、价格优惠。

    Credit management , adequate quantity and price concessions .

  12. 价格优惠,欢迎咨询购买。

    Price concessions , welcomed the consultation purchase .

  13. 本店位置佳,客流量大,价格优惠。接手直接可以干,好房不等人。

    To take over direct can do , good room not wait for anyone .

  14. 好品质知名品牌太阳镜配光镜架,价格优惠,欢迎零售和批发!

    We have SUNGLASSES , EYEGLASSES of many brand , welcome retail and wholesale !

  15. 价格优惠,包装精美,为馈赠佳品,同时也是营养丰富的美食。

    Price concessions , beautifully packaged for gifts to share and is also nutrient-rich food .

  16. 我公司专业生产不锈钢餐具,价格优惠。欢迎客户订购。

    Our company specialized production stainless steel tableware , has the requester please to relate .

  17. 他们只对最新、高质量、价格优惠的产品感兴趣。

    They are only interested in the most up-to-date , high-quality products at a keen price .

  18. 公司资金雄厚、各类现货充足,开发能力强,产品价格优惠。

    Powerful capital , various types of cash sufficient to develop strong , the product price .

  19. 若贵方价格优惠,我方可以向你方大量订货。

    We 'd like to place a large order with you if the price is favourable .

  20. 包括股票,立即一个小的损失,如果股价高于这个价格优惠。

    Cover the stock for a small loss immediately if the stock breaks above this price .

  21. 性价比高:比同类型产品价格优惠;

    Good price : the price is lower than that of those products of the same kind .

  22. 本公司大量生产磷矿石和磷矿粉,价格优惠,欢迎来电洽谈!

    Mass production of the companys phosphate and phosphate rock , favorable price , please call to discuss !

  23. 相比一个价格优惠,我更希望对方能与我在运货时间上抓抓紧,因为那批货我急着要。

    I want the better delivery date rather than a price discount because I needed the merchandise urgently .

  24. 我店经营进口名牌手表,品质优良,价格优惠,服务周到。

    Our shop deals in imported Brand-name watches of fine quality at preferential prices and provides good service .

  25. 环保电解电容,质量保证,高频和低频电容,厂家直销,价格优惠。

    Electrolytic Capacitor environmental , quality assurance , high-frequency and low frequency capacitance , factory outlets , discount prices .

  26. 品种齐、质量好、价格优惠、欢迎新老客户光临惠顾,来样订做。

    Qi variety , good quality and price concessions to welcome new and old customers coming patrons to the target .

  27. 专业化的团队、高质量的服务、规范的翻译流程、价格优惠、质量上乘,普特,你最理想的选择!

    With professional team , high-quality service , standard translation procedures and reasonable price , PUT is your ideal choice .

  28. 在这项计划的激励下,符合条件的驾驶人在购买新车的时候,可以得到3千美元的价格优惠。

    Under the deal , qualified motorists will get a $ 3,000 discount on the purchase of a new vehicle .

  29. 公司拥有自己的工厂,产品质量稳定,价格优惠,深受广大客户的一致好评!

    We produce and provide high-quality products with competitive prices and have enjoyed good reputation from our customers for a long time .

  30. 伯南克先生最初只是向持有非流动性证券的银行提供价格优惠的融资,以便缓解去杠杆化的压力。

    Initially Mr Bernanke sought to ease the pressure to deleverage by offering to finance banks'holdings of illiquid securities on easy terms .