
  • 网络Value Engineering Analysis
  1. ERP软件选型的价值工程分析

    Value engineering analysis of selecting ERP software

  2. 紧接着,将SWOT分析方法和价值工程分析方法相结合,制定企业发展最佳战略。

    Then , combined with the methods of SWOT and value engineering analysis , it achieves the best development strategy of an enterprise .

  3. 采用价值工程分析评价了CO2焊焊接起重机主梁的可行性。

    The parer evaluates the practicability of CO_2 arc process to weld crane main beam from the analysis of value engineering law .

  4. 从软件综合价值工程分析入手,利用AHP方法建立起软件综合评价模式,该模式符合评价技术理论,能够较好地反映软件的高科技特性品质和商品产业化的趋势要求。

    In this paper , according to analysis of software synthetical value engineering and AHP method , a model of software synthetical assessment is set . This model is in line with theory of assessment technique .

  5. 轴承式下胶圈张力辊的应用与价值工程分析

    Application of Bearing Lower Tension Rollers and the Value Engineering Analysis

  6. 几种建筑给水管材的价值工程分析

    The value engineering analysis of several pipe material in building water supply

  7. 档案信息开发利用的价值工程分析

    Value engineering analysis on exploitation and utilization of archives information

  8. 煤矿物资采购价值工程分析研究

    Research on value engineering in material purchasing of coal mine

  9. 品牌竞争力及其价值工程分析方法

    The Competitiveness of Brand and Value Engineering Analysis Method

  10. 供应链的现金流价值工程分析;

    Cash flow analysis of SCM with value engineering ;

  11. 工程方案选择与价值工程分析

    Choice of Engineering Projects and Value Analysis

  12. 价值工程分析方法及其在机场项目中的应用

    Value Engineering Analysis and Its Application to the Construction of the Second Beijing Capital Airport

  13. 商业企业顾客满意战略价值工程分析

    An approach to the commercial enterprises ' strategic works of value of satisfaction of customers

  14. 人力资源的价值工程分析

    The Value Engineering of Human Resources

  15. 用价值工程分析砌体结构加固方案

    Analyzing masonry structure with value engineering

  16. 运用价值工程分析的理论提出新产品目标价格的标定方式来确定产品成本控制的目标,介绍了成本控制的策略和方法,包括价格谈判的技巧。

    Using Value Engineering Analysis theory , author determines the target cost of the new product , introduces the cost control strategy and process , including price negotiation with suppliers .

  17. 通过产品生命周期、竞争态势矩阵、波士顿矩阵分析明确了设计的方向,通过价值工程分析对产品进行了改进。

    Through an analysis of life period of product , competition state matrix and Boston matrix , the design direction is made clear and through value engineering analysis , product is well improved .

  18. 运用价值工程分析改进了产品结构,将原来绕线式电机改成永磁式电动机,就大大节省了有色金属材料。

    The product structure is improved on the base of the value engineering analysis , changing the former enwind-motor into the permanent magnet motor , in this way the material are greatly reduced .

  19. 此外,还运用价值工程分析方法对其结构设计和设计思想进行论证分析,以求把产品的功能特征指标与成本确定在最优选择的基础上。

    Besides , engineering cost analysis is used in this paper to justify the structural design and design plan so that the optimal functional characteristic and cost of the product can be decided .

  20. 引入价值工程分析方法构建发电设备维修决策过程,研究决策过程中的设备状态分析、维修费用分析、维修决策及优化等关键技术。

    Value engineering analysis method has been introduced to design the maintenance decision-making process of the plant set , and to research equipment state analysis , maintenance cost analysis , maintenance decision-making and optimization technology in the process .

  21. 我国大型体育场馆建设与营运的价值工程思维分析

    To Analyse on VE Thinking for Sports Stadiums Building and Operating of China

  22. 然后,本文采用价值工程的分析步骤对内部组织价值链进行分析。

    And then the thesis analysed internal organization value , adopted analysis approach of value engineering .

  23. 本文所研究的内容是从我国和外国工程造价控制的实际情况出发,应用价值工程的分析方法对大园大厦项目的设计、招投标、施工、竣工阶段进行造价全过程控制分析。

    The content of research on project cost is based on the study of situation , applying value engineering method to analyze design , tendering , construction and completion of Dayuan building project in the whole process .

  24. 为了解决现有工程招标评标方法存在的问题,采用了价值工程的分析方法以改进现有招标评标方法,通过功能评价、成本评价及价值评价系数的计算,为择优评标提供了有力的科学依据。

    Based on the analysis of the existing issues in the valuating system , this paper provides some improvement on the current valuating methods and scientific basis for choosing the best bidder through calculating the value coefficient such as function , cost and value .

  25. SH大楼项目运用价值工程及层次分析,结合其他项目管理工具,有效地在设计阶段控制了项目的投资,达到了预期的投资目标,并略有结余。

    The SH building project use both value engineering and analytic hierarchy process , combined with other project management tools , to effectively control the investment of the project at the design stage , to achieve the desired investment objective , and still slight surplus .

  26. 关于价值工程的价值分析

    Study on Value-Analysis of Value Engineering

  27. 第4章运用价值工程的方法分析了精益造船的价值链。

    The fourth chapter analyses the lean shipbuilding value chain by means of Value Engineering methods .

  28. 针对这一特点,结合价值工程的功能分析与功能评价等方法,对贸易竞争情报的功能和价值进行研究。

    In view of this character , we analyze the function and value of trade competitive intelligence by the method of value engineering .

  29. 从价值工程角度,分析了带式输送机平面弯曲装置在弯曲巷道中应用的经济意义。

    From the view point of value project , this paper analyses the economic significance of the application of belt conveyors ' plane bended device in bended roadway .

  30. 本文从我国蓬勃发展的住宅产业化前景出发,以价值工程(价值分析)的方法探讨深化住宅设计的问题。

    The developing prospects in Chinese housing industry are forecasted and the fitting assembling systems to adapt to the future housing construction of China are discussed in this paper .