
  • Starting over;start all over again;back to square one
  1. 你是不是说我们必须从头再来一遍?

    You mean we have to start all over again ?

  2. 他从来都不害怕失败:他是个冒险家,随时准备到别处从头再来。

    He had never been afraid of failure : he was a gambler , ready to go off somewhere else and start all over again .

  3. 想到一切都得从头再来,我的情绪一下子低落了。

    My spirits sank at the prospect of starting all over again .

  4. 我们不得不将原有的线路全部拆除,从头再来。

    We had to strip out all the old wiring and start again .

  5. 请你从头再来一遍吧——我还是搞不清楚。

    Can you start from the beginning again ─ I 'm in a muddle .

  6. 如果这个建议得不到采纳,我们就得从头再来了。

    If this suggestion isn 't accepted , we 'll be back to square one .

  7. 被拒绝的时候尽管我们很难过,但是我们会鼓起勇气,重新振作,从头再来。

    When we are rejected , although we have been hurt we can pick ourselves up , dust ourselves off and start again .

  8. 那样摆设的话,这套家具就不能全放进去,因此我想只好从头再来。

    The furniture won 't all fit in that way so I am afraid it 's back to the drawing-board .

  9. 但是众议院发言人NancyPelosi表示,民主党不能将整个立法过程从头再来。

    But House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said the Democrats would not start the legislative process all over again .

  10. NancyPelosi:“我们的所作所为必须和他们的生活息息相关。对他们来说,他们没有时间等待我们从头再来。”

    NANCY PELOSI : " What we do here must their lives . And for them , they don 't have time for us to start over . "

  11. 影响历史进程,他要把一个好端端的社会摧毁掉,按照他的治国思想从头再来。

    Affect the course of history by affirming a new order .

  12. 两年后,你就能从头再来

    Two years from now , you can be starting over .

  13. 如果有机会从头再来,你应该抓住机会。

    To make things right again , you should take it .

  14. 那好,让我们从头再来吧。

    Peter : Yes , let us stsrt all over again .

  15. 喂,怎么样,是不是我们要从头再来一遍。

    Well , shall we start the whole thing over again .

  16. 岁月永远不剥夺我们从头再来的时间

    The years will never take away our chance to start anew

  17. 但是生命只有一回,我们不能从头再来。

    But life 's just one of the games we play .

  18. 如何从头再来,投入新的恋情,等等。

    getting back on your feet romantically , and more .

  19. 它避免了你编写代码时从头再来和对功能的画蛇添足,减少了代码的反复研究和调试。

    It limits back-tracking and gold-plating and it reduces code-study and debugging .

  20. 我只好从头再来。还好,我的论文最后还是得了优秀。

    Then maybe my nightmare will have a good ending , too .

  21. 教训:振作精神从头再来。

    The lesson : pick yourself up and go at it again .

  22. 加油,明年我们还会从头再来的!

    Refueling , next year we will start all over again in !

  23. 他说如果他能从头再来一次。

    He 's saying that if he could do it all again .

  24. 我不知道能不能从头再来!

    I 'm not sure if I can come back !

  25. 好吧,让我们从头再来一次!

    All right , Let 's take it from the top again !

  26. 从头再来一遍,准备好后便开始。

    Take it from the top and start when you 're ready .

  27. 一切愿意从头再来吗?当作不认识。

    All are willing to start over it ? Deemed not to know .

  28. 不会因为失败而感到畏惧有机会从头再来

    Not to be afraid of a failure , the opportunity to begin again

  29. 也许也可以用这些钱从头再来。

    Maybe you can use it to start over .

  30. 毕竟我们还有时间和机会可以从头再来。

    Andway , we still have time and chances to start over again .