
cónɡ shēn fèn dào qì yuē
  • from identity to contract
  1. 人类社会在工业化、城市化的过程中实现了从身份到契约的转变。

    Human society has already changed " from identity to contract " during the time of industrialization and urbanization .

  2. 今人对梅因从身份到契约这一进步的规律赞誉不减。

    Contemporary scholars think highly of Maine 's From identity to Contract because they regard it as a law of development .

  3. 略论从身份到契约的转变&兼论其对中国身份社会的影响

    Analyzing the Transition from Status to Contract & Influence on Chinese Society

  4. 概括这一特定的历史现象,即是梅因所说的,从身份到契约的运动。

    As Maine said , this is a movement from status to contract .

  5. 论从身份到契约的转变

    Analyzing the Transition from Status to Contract

  6. 为什么不能从身份到契约

    Why not Develop from Status to Compact

  7. 从身份到契约&高校教师主体地位的错位和复归

    From Identity to Agreement & the Misplacement and Restoration of the Subject Status of the University Teacher

  8. 所有进步社会的运动,到此处为止,是一个从身份到契约的运动。

    All the progressive social movements , to here so far is a " from Status to Contract " campaign .

  9. 现代社会是契约社会,社会发展进步的方向是从身份到契约的运动。

    Modern society is a contract society , the direction of social development and progress is " from status to contract " .

  10. 从身份到契约的转变是人类社会文明史上的巨大进步和发展,它可以看作是由传统社会向现代社会转变的重要标志。

    The transition from status to contract is a large social progress and development . It is regarded as a important symbol of transition from tradition society to modern society .

  11. 民法现代化的理论模式主要有从身份到契约、从契约到制度(身份)以及近现代民法模式,它们都有一定的不足之处。

    The theoretical models of modernization of civil law include from Status to Contract , from Contract to System / Status and from Early Modernization to Modernization , which have some insufficient .

  12. 中国不能从身份到契约的原因在于:缺乏一个较为宽松的政治环境,没有发达的市场经济背景以及市场主体的普遍缺失。

    The reasons that status could not be developed to compact in China were that there was no good political environment , no developed market and the general shortage of market members .

  13. 从身份到契约的转变是现代社会人的主体地位实现的核心要素,也是国家治理从人治走向法治的重要标志。

    The transition from identity to agreement is a nuclear factor of realizing modern social man 's subject status . It is also a sign from rule by men to by law .

  14. 梅因以印欧民族的史料尤其是罗马法资料为基础,提出了迄今为止所有进步社会的运动是一个从身份到契约的运动的命题。

    Basing on the historical materials of Indo-European nations , especially Roman law materials , Maine advanced this thesis : the movement of the progressive societies has hitherto been a movement from status to contract .

  15. 本文主旨就是以梅因提出的从身份到契约的运动为视角,着重探讨国民人格从传统人格向现代人格的转变。

    The paper aims at probing into the transformation of the national personality from the traditional to the modern from the angle of the movement of " from status to contract ", which is advanced by Maine .

  16. 劳动关系的性质,曾经经历了一个从身份到契约的演变,如今并未出现从契约到身份的相反的社会运动。

    The nature of labour relationships , which had ever experienced a movement from Status to Contract from the Middle Ages to the late 19th century , has never been involved in any movement from Contract to Status .

  17. 随着社会、经济条件的变化,民法也在不断地向前发展,有学者将这种发展趋势归纳为所谓从身份到契约的反向运动&从契约到身份。

    With the development of the condition of society and economy , civil law is progressing . Some scholars call this trend " from contract to degree " which is reverse movement of " from degree to contract " .

  18. 正因如此,考察和梳理从身份到契约的历史变迁,分析和说明契约伦理的型构、特质与效应,就成了理解现代性的一个关键。

    For that very reason , observation and adjustment of the historical change " from status to contract ", and analysis of the types , special features and effects of contract ethics constitute a key to the understanding of modernity .

  19. 契约自由作为一种思想,是从身份到契约运动的先驱,作为一项原则,是契约法的灵魂与核心所在。

    The freedom of contract , as an idea , is the pioneer of the movement of " from the status to the contract "; as a matter of principle , is the core and the soul of the contract law .

  20. 现代企业实际上是一个合作竞争的经济团体,劳动关系的发展经历了从身份到契约和从契约到身份、契约的综合的过程。

    Actually , modern corporation is an economic group which includes cooperation and competition , and the labor relation went through a development process from figure relation to bond relation and from bond relation to a relation mixed with figure and bond .

  21. 从身份自律到契约机制&契约信息服务的实证分析

    From Identification Self-discipline to Contract Mechanism & A Case Study on Contract Information Service

  22. 从身份社会到契约社会

    From Status Society to Contract Society

  23. 在从身份社会到契约社会的历史变迁中,赎刑被新刑法典拒之门外。

    In the transformation from status society to contract society , it excluded out of the new criminal law .

  24. 这一根本变化主要通过从身份信用到契约信用,由政治信用到经济信用等过程得到实现。

    This fundamental transformation has been realized mainly through the process from the status credit to the contract credit and from the politic credit to the economic credit .

  25. 论居住权从身份性权利到契约性权利的变化&从罗马法到法、德民法

    The Right of Inhabitation Changed From the Right of Paternity to the Contractual Rights & From Roman Law to France Civil Law and Germen Civil Law