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  1. 和上面一种格式一样,这种格式也是所有的段落都从居左。

    As in the full-block format , all lines in the simplified format begin at the left-hand margin .

  2. 本文从居群生态学的角度出发,结合生物演化的更替速率、成种速率及灭绝速率讨论了物种的生物学特征在生物绝灭事件中的可能影响。

    The possible effect of biologic properties of species on mass extinction has been discussed in terms of population ecology , rate of evolutionary turnover and rates of speciation and extinction .

  3. 在中国传统的父系家族体系下,嫁娶婚姻和从父居占绝对主导地位。

    Under the traditional patriarchal family system in China , patrilocal marriage is overwhelmingly dominant .

  4. 只要从夫居的婚姻方式仍占主流,女儿对父母财产平等继承的愿望是难以实现的。

    Thus , it was impossible for daughters to have equal inheritance right so long as virilocal marriage was dominant in the society .

  5. 从妻居是瑶族十分流行的一种婚嫁模式,这种婚嫁模式动摇了传统生育文化的内核。

    " Matrilineal Family ( living with wife 's family )", a very popular marriage mode for Yao people , shakes the core of the traditional bearing culture .

  6. 上海农村高比率从女居来自于仅生育女儿之父母必须仰赖和女儿同住以终老,城市地区则是由于住房短缺而需要寄住在女方家庭。

    In rural Shanghai , parents live with married daughters because they need children 's financial support in the old age and have no sons to live with .

  7. 通过对湖北省一些实行婚后从妻居地区的调查,发现这些地区的生育文化表现出与从夫居地区不同的特征。

    Through some investigations made in some districts of Hubei province , where uxorilocal residence is practiced , the author finds that in these districts the culture of procreation shows different features from the other areas where virilocal residence is practiced .

  8. 从住到居&当代居住环境设计中院的再生

    From Living to Housing - Regeneration of Yard in Contemporary Living Environment Design

  9. 尽管这些花费过多,从地上居的到树上爬的,甚至天上飞的动物们都会去做。

    Yet despite its high cost , creatures ranging from ground dwellers to tree climbers and even flyers do it .

  10. 本文从实行农居点公寓化的必要性、实效性两个方面着手提出农居点公寓化的运作对策。

    The article puts forward the countermeasures of peasants living district building apartment houses from two aspects of necessity and effectivity in carrying out the peasants living district building apartment houses .

  11. 随着经济水平的不断提高,人们对生活家居的要求已经从住有所居发展为更加关注家居环境的舒适性,方便化。

    With the continuous improvement of the economy , the requirements of home life have changed from having resting place to paying more attention to the comfort and facilitation of the home environment .

  12. 从π重迭布居和电荷分布分析,活化S2N2环上的硫原子应是合成夹心配合物的重要步骤。

    It is also predicated that from analysing overlap populations and charge distributions , activating the sulfur atoms on S_2N_2 ring should be a important step of synthesizing its sandwich complexes .

  13. 平淡自然与深厚醇美的统一&从《归园田居》看陶渊明田园诗的艺术风格

    A Unity of Being Plain and Natural & Being Deep and Mellow

  14. 从已经公布的居延汉简中看,汉代屯戍吏卒的“私去署”、“不在署”现象非常严重。

    According to public Jujan bamboo slips in the Han Dynasty , there existed a bad one 's post .

  15. 从中国29个居群采集到的样品,总酚酸含量为0.31%~1.44%。

    The contents of TPA of the samples collected from 29 populations in China varied from 0.31 % to 1.44 % .

  16. 近年来,我国城市社区的发展进入了一个高速化的轨道,城市单位形态发生重大转变,从传统的街居单位转变为以建筑实体为依托的服务型社区。

    In recent years , the development of urban community has entered a high-speed rail in our country , and there is a great change in the form of the urban units which shifts from the traditional street housing units to the construction entity relying on service-oriented community .

  17. 从分析传统窑居蕴含的朴素原生绿色思想出发,阐述了传统窑居对现代绿色建筑可持续发展的借鉴意义,并结合现代技术和设计手法,对传统窑居进行合理的发展与创新。

    Starting from origin green view contained by traditional cave dwelling , this paper illustrates the referential meanings of traditional cave dwelling for sustainable development of modern green building , and carries out rational development and innovation on traditional cave dwelling combined with modern technical and design method .