
rén ɡōnɡ shòu jīnɡ
  • artificial fertilization
  1. 山女鳟人工受精孵化技术初步研究

    The preliminary research on artificial fertilization technology of Oncorhynchus masou masou

  2. 鹌鹑的人工受精试验研究

    Study on Techniques for Artificial Fertilization of Quail

  3. E组:多次人工受精失败行体外受精-胚胎移植,共21个周期。

    Group E : 21 cycles with artificial insemination by husband ( AIH ) failure for more than three times .

  4. 卵泡刺破及宫腔内人工受精患者的护理

    Nursing Care for the Patients with Follicular Aspiration and Intrauterine Insemination

  5. 拟行宫内人工受精的夫妇禁欲时间对妊娠率的影响

    Effect of ejaculatory abstinence period on the pregnancy rate after intrauterine insemination

  6. 研究人员已经成功地通过人工受精的方法繁殖出一群考拉。

    Researchers have successfully produced a group of them using artificial insemination .

  7. 人卵的人工受精和体外培养

    In vitro fertilization and culture of human ova

  8. 看来这次人工受精很成功。

    Looks like the insemination was successful .

  9. 新生殖技术的法律问题&人工受精中的财产继承纠纷及赡养问题之初探

    Legal Problems of New Genital Technology

  10. 据报道,席琳迪翁第六次人工受精试验成功,已经怀上了一对双胞胎。

    Singer Celine Dion is reportedly pregnant with twins after her sixth attempt at in-vitro fertilisation .

  11. 三年前,玛格达勒诺接受人工受精后,生下三胞胎。

    Three years ago , Magdaleno gave birth to her triplets after undergoing in vitro fertilization .

  12. 法国研究人员从12000例不育夫妇的超过21000例人工受精中收集数据。

    French researchers have collected data from more than 21000 artificial inseminations involving 12200 infertile couples .

  13. 比较来曲唑与克罗米芬联合促性腺激素在宫内人工受精周期中的应用:一项初步研究

    Use of letrozole versus clomiphene citrate combined with gonadotropins in intrauterine insemination cycles : a pilot study

  14. 醋酸亮脯利特对控制下卵巢过度刺激和宫内人工受精的妇女黄体期功能的影响

    Impact of leuprolide acetate on luteal phase function in women undergoing controlled ovarian hyperstimulation and intrauterine insemination

  15. 我要接受手术,人工受精怀上你的孩子,有你没有你都无所谓了。

    I 'll have surgery and I 'll be inseminated with your child , with or without you .

  16. 从精子银行购买了精子后,该男子的老婆帮助他进行了人工受精。

    Beatie 's wife Nancy said she inseminated him with a syringe using sperm purchased from a bank .

  17. 还对这四种方法的人工受精和自然受精对受精率的影响进行了比较和分析。

    The results of in vitro fertilization and natural fertilization were also compared and analysed in this paper .

  18. 所有的通过外力生育的情况都可能增加流产的危险,尤其是子宫内受精或人工受精。

    All types of assisted reproduction were associated with increased risk , particularly intrauterine insemination or artificial insemination .

  19. 即便只是摸着石头过河,人工受精可能也是拯救这个物种的唯一途径。

    Even if it 's guesswork , artificial insemination may be the only chance to save the species .

  20. 世界上首只人工受精犀牛在匈牙利首都布达佩斯动物园降生。

    The first ever rhino to be born by artificial insemination has been born in Budapest Zoo , Hungary .

  21. 比提与妻子从一个冷冻精子银行买回精子,并在家接受了“人工受精”。

    He and his wife bought donor vials from a cryogenic sperm bank and he was inseminated at home .

  22. 我们下一步要去检测在巴西的不同区域是否会产生不同的人工受精结果。

    Our next step is to check if there is any difference in the ICSI outcomes in different regions in Brazil .

  23. 人绒毛膜促性腺激素可能提高排卵机能障碍妇女接受枸橼酸氯米芬促排卵行宫腔内人工受精的妊娠率

    Women with ovulatory dysfunction undergoing ovarian stimulation with clomiphene citrate for intrauterine insemination may benefit from administration of human chorionic gonadotropin

  24. 同样重要的是,那些想要孩子的单身妇女,可以通过克隆来代替体外受精或人工受精。

    Equally important , women who are single could have a child using cloning instead of in-vitro fertilization or artificial insemination .

  25. 自2002年和老公大卫结婚以来,现年34岁的凯丽·霍伦经历过流产,而后的三次人工受精手术也都宣告失败。

    Kerry Horan , 34 , suffered a miscarriage and three rounds of failed IVF since her marriage in2002 to husband David .

  26. 因此进行人工受精的话,我们会在母犬排卵后的第二天把精子注入,这样精子在第2,3天就可以发挥作用了。

    So when breeding artificially , we put chilled semen in on day2 after ovulation , thus the sperm cover day2 and3 .

  27. 他们买下了一个人工受精的装备,两个月后用特里先生的精子终于使费尔法克斯小姐成功受孕。

    They bought an artificial insemination kit and after two months of trying using Mr Terrys sperm , Miss Fairfax became pregnant .

  28. 作为新生殖技术之一的人工受精技术一出现,便对传统亲子观念提出了挑战和冲击。

    As one of new genital technology , artificial insemination has challenged traditional concept of child and parents , since it was discovered .

  29. 不明原因生育能力低下且妊娠预测为中等水平的夫妇在控制性超排卵下的宫内人工受精与期待疗法的疗效比较:一项随机临床试验

    Intrauterine insemination with controlled ovarian hyperstimulation versus expectant management for couples with unexplained subfertility and an intermediate prognosis : a randomised clinical trial

  30. 本研究采用单精子卵母细胞浆内显微注射技术治疗男性因素不育症、多次人工受精失败的不明原因不孕症以及前次受精失败患者。

    The present study was conducted to apply ICSI for clinic treatments on male infertility , idiopathic infertility and in vitro fertilization failure .