
  1. 克利夫兰诊所,一家医院运营商,已将其医务人员重组为不同的治疗团队,专门负责特定的治疗领域。

    The Cleveland Clinic , a hospital operator , has reorganised its medical staff into teams to focus on particular treatment areas .

  2. 弗兰克•马丁奴(FrankMartino)也通过运用IBM的培训课程完成了一次人员重组。

    Frank Martino also applied a lesson from the IBM training to complete a staff reorganization .

  3. 改革人事管理制度,实行科内人员重组;

    Reforming personnel system to conduct reorganization of staff in departments ;

  4. 人们预料,此次会议之后,还有另一个问题需要得到解决和宣布。那就是现任政府各部的人员重组问题。

    Another issue expected to be decided at the four-monthly meeting and announced following is the reshuffling of current government ministers .

  5. 然而,思科公司依然决定进行大规模人员重组,并宣布在当年的夏季裁员6500人。

    However , that didn 't prevent the company from announcing plans to lay off6,500 employees this summer as part of a larger reorganization .

  6. 在本周于内比都召开的例行会议(每四月举行一次)上,缅甸军政府据传将对其军区指挥官以及其他一些高级军事职位进行人员重组。

    During its four-monthly meeting in Naypyidaw this week , Burma 's military junta reportedly decided to reshuffle its regional military commanders and other senior military posts .

  7. 总结了并购后的整合过程,包括华立控股对昆明制药的战略整合、资产重组、结构重组、人员重组、业务重组、文化整合的步骤与内容。

    Summarized and buys after the conformity process , including the strategic conformity , the property reorganization , the structure reorganization , the personnel which KPC , service reorganization , the cultural conformity step and the content .

  8. 幸运的是,研究人员已经重组了香蕉的DNA重组,获得变种香蕉基因,这组基因或许隐含着预防疾病入侵的秘密。

    Fortunately , researchers have now sequenced banana DNA , producing the genome of a banana variety that may hold the secret to defeating the diseases .

  9. 针对这些问题,科研人员也从研制重组干扰素、抗体本身改造和治疗方案优化等方面进行了广泛的探索。

    To solve these problems , researchers apply themselves to the development of recombinant interferon , the transformation of antibody and optimization program carried out extensive exploration .

  10. 另外,我们希望不要因为这次新的药检规定而造成公司人员损失。这次重组加上新的公司章程将使我们减轻负担,提高效率。

    Hopefully , we won 't lose people because of the new drug testing regulation , either . gregory : This reorganization and the new company policies will make us leaner and meaner .