
rén cái péi yǎng
  • personnel training
人才培养[rén cái péi yǎng]
  1. 基于e-Learning学习平台的物业服务企业人才培养模式研究

    The Study on Personnel Training Mode for Property Service Enterprise Based on E-Learning Platform

  2. 高等职业教育作为知识创新和高层次人才培养的主体,如何充分利用Internet网在学校建立起现代化的管理信息系统,是我们需要深入探讨和解决的一个重要课题。

    Vocational education as knowledge innovation and high level personnel training body , how to take full advantage of the Internet network at the school to establish a modern management information system , is that we need to discuss and resolve an important issue .

  3. 要努力构建德智体美劳全面培养的教育体系,形成更高水平的人才培养体系。

    We should build an education system which comprehensively fosters the students ' all-round moral , intellectual , physical and aesthetic3 grounding with a hard-working spirit , in a bid to bring the country 's personnel fostering system to a higher level .

  4. WTO与高等中医药教育的人才培养

    WTO and the Talent-training of College Education of Chinese Medicine

  5. 加入WTO之后,高校人才培养的环境发生了变化:国际国内对高层次人才的需求上升,人才需求及人才标准国际化,防止西化分化的任务艰巨。

    After acceding to WTO , the environment of training talented persons in colleges and universities has changed ; the demands for advanced talented persons in rising ;

  6. 通过教育训练、人才培养与专业企管顾问公司辅导,从ISO日常管理、来建立学习型组织。

    Through the education training , talents training and professional business consultant company counselling , from ISO daily management , to establish learning-oriented organization .

  7. TAFE人才培养模式探讨

    TAFE Talent Training Pattern

  8. 广东商学院针对经济管理类专业本科传统教学方式的弊端,进行了以ERP实验教学为突破口,以模拟体验式教学为主要内容的经济管理本科人才培养方式创新。

    In view of the limitation of traditional teaching model in economics and management , a talent cultivation model with the core of experience-based simulation teaching and the foundation of ERP experimental teaching was innovated upon by Guangdong University of Business Studies .

  9. 通过开放性实验与GIS专业人才培养关系的讨论,提出开放性实验改革的几个关键问题,并针对在专业人才培养中如何设计开放性实验进行一些探讨。

    On the basis of discussion on relationship between open test and cultivation of GIS-specialized talented persons , several key problems about open test reform are put forward and probe is also made in the paper into design of open test in cultivation of specialized talented persons .

  10. 加入WTO后,中外银行的激烈竞争促使我国商业银行必须尽快提高认识,优化服务手段,完善人才培养机制,防范市场风险,加快发展中间业务。

    After WTO entry , the drastic competition between Chinese banks and foreign banks spur Chinese commercial banks to increase the recognition , optimize the service methods , perfect the talents cultivating mechanism , prevent the market risks , and speed up the development of the intermediate business .

  11. KAQ人才培养模式

    KAQ Talent Fostering Mode

  12. 通过对CBA职业联赛后备人才培养的现状调查,发现我国CBA联赛后备人才呈现萎缩状态,人才流失严重。

    Through investigate the present condition of the reserve talents ' cultivation in CBA , the paper discovers that the current situation presents to atrophy of appearance , and the loss of talented people is serious .

  13. 新世纪创新人才培养途径的探索与实践

    Exploration and Practice of Cultivating Innovative Talents in the New Era

  14. 农村中医药人才培养的相关政策研究

    Study on Correlated Policy in Cultivation of Rural Doctors of TCM

  15. 数控技术人才培养探索

    A Probe into the Training of Personnel in Numerical Control Technology

  16. 动物科学专业的人才培养目标应包含如下几个重要方面。

    The orientation of animal science teaching includes several important aspects .

  17. 21世纪体育教育专业人才培养模式的构建与实施

    The construction and implementation of PE talents-training model in 21 century

  18. 探索软件人才培养模式为地方经济发展服务

    Exploring Software Talents Training Mode to Serve for Local Economy Development

  19. 再谈新世纪中医药学发展和人才培养问题

    Re discussion on TCM Development and Personnel Training in New Century

  20. 高等学校人才培养模式改革

    Research on reforms of talents cultivation mode of colleges and universities

  21. 加快体制创新强化学科建设和人才培养

    Fasten systemic creation and strengthen discipline construction and personnel training

  22. 《高等职业院校人才培养工作评估方案》导读

    Introduction to The Evaluation Program of Personnel Training in Higher Vocational Colleges

  23. 特殊群体:高校人才培养必须关注的话题

    Reflections about Nurturing the Special Groups of Students in Colleges and Universities

  24. 创新人才培养模式对提高教学质量的影响&兼谈盘锦职业技术学院人才培养模式的实践探索

    On Effect of Innovation in Talent-Training Model to Improvement of Teaching Quality

  25. 高校创新人才培养中的制约因素分析及对策思考

    Restrictive Factors in the Training of Creative Talents : Analysis and Solutions

  26. 加强实验室开放建设创建人才培养平台

    To Strengthen Opening Laboratory Building and Establish Talents Training Platform

  27. 信息安全专业人才培养模式探讨

    The Discussing on Cultivating Mode of Information Security Specialty Talents

  28. 我国高等工程人才培养模式研究

    A Research on Model of Talent Cultivation for Chinese Higher Engineering Institutions

  29. 社区卫生服务人才培养模式研究

    A study of training model on community health service talent

  30. 物流人才培养的教学过程研究

    The Teaching Procession in Training Talents About the Modern Logistics Management Science