
  • 网络Close to You;near you
  1. 玛;如果你让布姬塔亲近你,她也会告诉你的。

    M : Bargitta could tell you , if you 'd let her get close to you .

  2. 你妈妈和爸爸谁更亲近你。

    Who is closer to you , your mom or your dad .

  3. 所有见到你的男人都会想亲近你。

    All men who see you want to attack you .

  4. 亲近你的朋友,但更要亲近你的敌人。

    Keep your friends close , but your enemies closer .

  5. 他将会亲近你。

    He is going to be in your proximity .

  6. 亲近你的朋友,更要亲近你的敌人。

    Keep your friends close , your enemies closer .

  7. 你所拣选,使他亲近你,住在你院中的,这人便为有福。

    Blessed are those you choose and bring near to live in your courts !

  8. 18:14不可亲近你伯叔之妻,羞辱了你伯叔,她是你的伯叔母。

    Thou shalt not uncover the nakedness of thy father 's brother , thou shalt not approach to his wife : she is thine aunt .

  9. 谢里尔不仅是一位好朋友她还是我们的经济顾问之一正如那句老话所说--亲近你的朋友

    Sheryl is not just a good friend She 's also one of our economic advisers So it 's like the old saying goes , keep your friends close .

  10. 你所拣选、使他亲近你、住在你院中的,这人便为有福!我们必因你居所、你圣殿的美福知足了。

    Blessed are those you choose and bring near to live in your courts ! We are filled with the good things of your house , of your holy temple .

  11. 说出来:不要害怕叫毕业生调整一下她的帽顶上垂下的穗子或者叫兄弟姐妹里比较高的人站到后面去。亲近你的拍摄对象。

    Speak up : Don 't be afraid to tell the grad to adjust her tassel or the taller cousins to move to the back . Get up close and personal with your subject matter .

  12. 所谓富在深山有远亲,只要有钱大家都来亲近你,对你必恭必敬的不敢违背你的意思。

    They say that'rich man who even lives in the remote mountains has far relatives ' . As long as you are rich , people would come around you and obey your order with reverent and respectful attitude .

  13. 我明白和别人如此亲近难为你了。

    I know it 's hard for you to be close .

  14. 仔细注意,因为这个人和你是如此的亲近以至于你可能都没有发觉她/他。

    Open your eyes , for this person is standing so close you may not even see this generous , caring person .

  15. 你和自己最亲近,是你所有关系中的重心。

    Your relationship with yourself is the closest and most important relationship you will ever have .

  16. 和自然这样的亲近后,你会理解为什么冲浪是心灵的运动。

    Connect with nature like this and you 'll start to understand why surfing is so spiritual .

  17. 它和你亲近得像你的生命一样,但是你永远不能完全了解它。

    It is as near to you as your life , but you can never wholly know it .

  18. 你的另一半可能和他或她的家庭特别亲近,今天你能看到他们家的很多人。

    Your significant other could be exceptionally close to his or her family and you may see many of them today , too .

  19. 别顾虑,告诉和你亲近的人你的真正需求,即使看起来你得不到满意的结果。

    Don 't be afraid to tell those close to you exactly what you need , even if it seems that satisfaction won 't be forthcoming .

  20. 所有的宝宝都有著与生俱来的好奇心,喜欢盯著身边的人或物,如果感觉与你亲近,看你的眼神便会流露出不同寻常的感情。

    All babies are naturally curious and like to look at people and objects around them , but when your baby feels connected to you , you 'll notice a difference in the way she looks at you .

  21. 如果他是认真的话,他会想要向亲近的人炫耀你的。

    If he is serious , he should want to show you off to the people closest to him

  22. 我知道你最近工作事情多,加上家里的事,可能心情不好。我是你最亲近的人,你拿我出气,当然没问题。

    I 'm the closest person to you , so you took your anger out on me and it 's ok .

  23. 海蒂理查兹是您轻松亲近的人或你采取你的时间在发展有意义的关系?

    Heidi Richards Is it easy for you to get close to someone or do you take your time in developing meaningful relationships ?

  24. 学会用恰当的方式表达你的情感。让你亲近的人知道你为何事所烦恼是很重要的。

    Learn to express your feelings in appropriate ways . It 's important to let people close to you know when something is bothering you .