
  1. 丈夫:亲爱的你的脸色看起来很糟。

    Husband : Honey you look awful .

  2. 好吧莱纳德,亲爱的你知道,

    Penny : Okay , Leonard , honey , you know ,

  3. 亲爱的你能帮我加点柠檬吗?

    Honey , could you get me some lemon , please ?

  4. 亲爱的你爸爸能够照顾自己

    Honey , your daddy can take care of himself .

  5. 亲爱的你不想回到从前吗?

    And baby don 't you want it back ?

  6. 亲爱的你我真的好想见你的!

    I loved you really good to see you !

  7. 亲爱的你必须成为光。

    You have to become Light , dear ones .

  8. 亲爱的你请你相信。幸福离你不远。

    Happiness leaves you not to be far .

  9. 亲爱的你到底有什么魔力?

    Why did it have to happen ?

  10. 不亲爱的你要你要去上学

    No , sweetheart . Yes , you are . You are going back to school .

  11. 从简单的到复杂的,我希望亲爱的你能和我一块儿学习。

    From the easy to the complicated , I hope you my darling can study together with me .

  12. 亲爱的你一个梦想即将结晶,不管它是,你的朋友或群体的联系似乎扮演一个角色。

    A dream dear to you is about to crystallize , and whatever it is , your association with friends or groups seems to play a part .

  13. 出什么事了,我最亲爱的?你看起来很疲惫。

    What 's wrong , my dearest ? You look tired .

  14. 8点15分了,亲爱的,你的早餐已经做好了。

    It 's eight-fifteen , dear , and your breakfast 's ready .

  15. 亲爱的,你如果处在我的位置会怎么做?

    What would you have done in my place , my dear ?

  16. 亲爱的,你什么时候需要人帮忙照看孩子,只要开口说一声就行。

    Any time you want a babysitter , dear , you only have to ask

  17. 亲爱的,你对我来说很重要。

    You 're very special to me , darling

  18. 亲爱的,你很多地方都很像我。

    You 're a lot like me , dear

  19. 伊莎贝尔放下杂志,平静地说道:“亲爱的,你来得太晚了。”

    Isabel put her magazine down and said in a neutral voice , ' You 're very late , darling . '

  20. 我这辈子一直带着:"亲爱的,你的篮子很特别,"妈妈说,轻轻地擦去我的热泪。

    I 've taken with me through my life : " Honey , Your basket is extra-special , " Mom said , gently wiping away my hot tears .

  21. 亲爱的!你来到这里多让人高兴啊!

    My darling ! How sweet of you to come !

  22. 这就是夸口,亲爱的。你明知道你不必吹

    Now you 're bragging , darling . You know you don 't need to brag .

  23. 布朗夫人给她女儿拨了个电话,然后高兴地说:”哎,亲爱的,你好吗?“

    Mrs. Brown dialed her daughter 's number and sang out , " Hello , darling . How are you ? "

  24. 那个老家伙抬起头嘟囔着说:“一点儿不错,亲爱的。你看起来一点也不像个老妇人。”

    The fellow lifted his head and muttered under his breath : " That 's quite true , darling . You don 't look like an old lady at all . "

  25. calmdown:冷静亲爱的,你冷静下。

    Rufus : Honey , you have to calm down . -

  26. 亲爱的,你可以帮我看一下VCD播放机吗?它不能播放了。

    Honey , could you help me operate the VCD player ? It can 't play .

  27. 男爵夫人:亲爱的,你不用做什么。

    Baroness : You don 't have to , my dear .

  28. 亲爱的,你闪亮的让阳光都觉得羞愧。

    Darling . don 't you put the sunshine to shame .

  29. 亲爱的,你需要好好休息一下。

    Well , you need to get some rest , sweetie .

  30. 亲爱的,你的父亲是做什么的?

    Pure West Virginia . What 's your father , dear ?