
chǎn quán
  • property right;ownership
产权 [chǎn quán]
  • [property right] 财产(多指不动产)的所有权

  • 给汽车的产权保险

产权[chǎn quán]
  1. 要建立现代企业制度,产权明晰是核心。

    Property right perspicuity is the key to establishing modern corporational system .

  2. 一物只能且只须有一个产权。

    One independent object can only and only needs to establish one property right .

  3. 随着公司向知识产权公司转型,其业务规模显著下降。

    There was a significant decline in the size of the business as the company transitioned to an intellectual property company .

  4. 加强知识产权保护。

    We will strengthen protection of intellectual property rights ( IPR ) .

  5. 知识产权一般具有无形性、专用性、地域性、时间性特征

    IPR generally have the features of intangibility , exclusivity , territoriality and temporality .

  6. 要加强知识产权保护工作顶层设计。

    The top-level design for intellectual property rights ( IPR ) protection should improve .

  7. 与贸易有关的知识产权协定

    TRIPS Agreement on Trade-related Aspects of Intellectual Property

  8. 在中国,这通常代表一群当局委派的官员将产权据为己有

    It often refers to a bunch of party-approved village apparatchiks arrogating ownership rights for themselves .

  9. 倡导创新文化,强化知识产权创造、保护、运用。

    We will foster a culture of innovation , and strengthen the creation , protection , and application of intellectual property .

  10. 如果一个擅自占用者占有被遗弃土地并连续不受干涉地占用12年,原土地所有人的产权将消灭。

    Where a squatter occupies derelict land and continues in uninterrupted possession for 12 years , the owner 's title to land is destroyed .

  11. 要研究制定“十四五”时期国家知识产权保护和运用规划,明确目标、任务、举措和实施蓝图。

    China will create a national plan for IPR protection and application for the 14th Five-Year Plan period from 2021 to 2025 , specifying for innovation .

  12. 这是完善产权保护制度最重要的内容,也是提高中国经济竞争力最大的激励。

    This is the centerpiece of the system for improving property rights protection , and it would provide the biggest boost to the competitiveness of the Chinese economy .

  13. 2019年,欧盟知识产权局驳回了香奈儿的反对,认为这两个商标并不相似,也不会造成公众混淆。

    In 2019 , the trademark office dismissed Chanel 's objection , saying there was no similarity and no likelihood of confusion in the mind of the public .

  14. 路透社:欧洲法院裁定,香奈儿在与华为的商标纠纷中败诉这起纠纷始于2017年,当时华为曾向欧盟知识产权局申请,为其计算机硬件注册商标,图案为两个在垂直方向互联的半椭圆。

    The dispute dated to 2017 when Huawei sought approval from the EU Intellectual Property Office ( EUIPO ) , a trademark body , to register its computer hardware trademark which has two vertical interlocking semi-circles .

  15. 全国知识产权局局长会议1月6日在北京举行,会议指出,2019年,知识产权高质量发展取得新成效,知识产权塑造良好营商环境和创新环境取得新进展。

    China has made a series of achievements over the past year to create a friendly environment for business , innovation and high-quality intellectual property development , according to a meeting of the heads of intellectual property rights ( IPR ) administrations on Monday in Beijing .

  16. 所有权与控制权分离:NBA球队的产权制度分析

    Separating Control Right from Ownership : An Institutional Analysis for NBA Teams

  17. “黄帝”牌柴油颗粒捕集器采用重结晶碳化硅材料,拥有自主知识产权,产品性能达到欧V标准。

    Huangdi brand diesel particulate filter applies recrystallized silicon carbide with proprietary intellectual property rights and meets Euro V standard .

  18. FDI的后向联系效应、金融发展与知识产权保护&以中国电子及通讯设备制造业为例

    Backward Linkage of FDI , Financial Development and Intellectual Property Protection : Evidence from Electronic and Telecommunications Equipments Sector in China

  19. SOPC的设计以知识产权核(IPCore)为基础,以硬件描述语言为主要设计手段,借助以计算机为平台的EDA工具进行。

    The SOPC design , based on IP Core , uses hardware description language as main method and EDA tools as associated method .

  20. 片上系统技术通过知识产权核(IP:Intellectualproperty)的复用提高生产率,缩短产品上市时间,同时也显著提高了芯片的集成度。

    Relative to traditional ASIC ( Application Specific Integrated Circuit ), SoC improves the complexity remarkably , shortens the time to market and reduces the design cycle based on IP ( Intellectual Property ) core reusing .

  21. 随着3G的一步步临近,国内手机厂商也面临3G手机所涉技术专利和知识产权所带来的、来自两方面的经营风险和挑战。

    With the coming 3G era , domestic manufacturers are facing challenges in terms of 3G mobile telephone technology patents and other related intellectual property .

  22. 世界知识产权组织这份报告出台之际,中国正准备于本月在世界贸易组织(WTO)接受就其遵守知识产权保护条例情况进行的质询,包括网上出售假冒商品等事宜。

    The Wipo report comes as China prepares to face questioning in the World Trade Organisation this month on its compliance with intellectual property rules , including the internet sale of counterfeit goods .

  23. 请允许我感谢世界知识产权组织的工作人员协助世卫组织与新罕布什尔大学FranklinPierce法律中心开展合作。

    Let me thank WIPO staff for facilitating WHO collaboration with the Franklin Pierce Law Center at the University of New Hampshire .

  24. TRIPS协议是世贸组织中一部重要的知识产权保护文件,它对我国的商标立法和执法都产生了重大影响。

    As an important document about the protection of intellectual property rights in World Trade Organization , TRIPS Agreement has a great impact on legislation and execution of trade mark law .

  25. 费列罗的国际业务副总裁弗兰切斯卡保罗富尔奇(francescopaolofulci)说:“我们祝贺中国作出了有利于尊重知识产权的判决。”

    Francesco Paolo Fulci , Ferrero international vice-president , said : " we congratulate China for having decided in favour of the respect of intellectual property rights . "

  26. 至于刊登在商标条例下的公共启事,则需夹附知识产权署所发出的表格ip185正本。

    For an advertisement placed under the trade mark ordinance , a copy of the form ip185 issued by the intellectual property department must be attached .

  27. 知识产权交易包含了知识产权以及随后的产品和服务。

    IPRs transactions include IPRs and the subsequent products and services .

  28. 债权、知识产权与物权的界分

    Division of Creditor 's Right , Knowledge Ownership and Real Right

  29. 我国矿业权的产权属性研究

    The Attributes of Property Right of the Mining Industry in China

  30. 住宅小区车库产权归属之浅见

    Opinions about the property right ownership of garages in residential districts