- profit on sales

The Union Probability Method in Forecasting Product Sales Profit
Economical Mathematical Models for Analysing Sales Profit of Products
According to analyzing the methods of forecasting the sales profit of some kinds of products in cmmon use .
Then those industries are classified in the light of Location Quotient and Relative Industry MarketingProfit Rate which are determined in the principle of market share and beneficial result .
For example , a business objective could be : " The data warehouse has to support the analysis of operational costs , and the analysis of profit from the sale of products . "
In this paper , the functional module of business analysis is a very important part of this system . The manager can select the statistical result of profit on sales , purchase commodities , sales class , different sales area through this functional module .
The majority of online transactions are largely price-driven - product sales yield small margins and much of the additional margin is extracted from the shipping and delivery of goods .
Study on How the Product Unit Cost Influences the Product Sales Profit In Industrial Enterprises
When industrial enterprises do financial analyzing work , they meet such an unsolvable question that the product unit cost will influence the product sales profit .
Intra-brand environment includes enterprise and consumer level . At enterprise level , the factors , including total fixed assets , market share , asset-liability ratio , product sales profit rate , exchange appreciate rates , management demonstration effect and technological innovation , influence the brand competitiveness .