- 网络incomplete property right;fragmentary property rights

Non-public Forestry with Incomplete Property Right
Analysis of the cause for appearance of rural surplus labor force & On the influence of incomplete property right of peasants'land on agricultural production factor relocation
On Fragmentary Property Rights , Benefit Game and Social Conflicts
Policy Instruments , Truncated Property Rights and the Reform of State-owned Enterprises
Incomplete Property Righs Organization Game Analyze the development of China 's CATV net in the institution transformation
The defect worker force property makes profits of human capital investment lower and causes the mechanic shortage .
The major cause for this is the deviation of state-owned enterprises used as a policy instrument from profit maximization .
Incomplete Property Rights : Realistic Predicament of Land Contractual Management Right Transfer & Investigation on Taigu and Zuoquan of Shanxi
Social security function is a main reason to the flow the rural land contract right compared with remnant property rights .
The preceding researches have analyzed the circulation of rural lands from the angle of property rights , however , these explanations are not complete .
The shortcoming of property rights is a sort of general phenomenon in developing country , it is also serious threat power to social stability .
As the property power incomplete of State-owned business enterprise make direct supervision and in direct supervision lessening the agency problem efficiently give little play ;
The Incompleteness of Contracting and Operating Right to Rural Land , and the Dilemma that the Market Liquidity is In : an Analysis of the Theory and Policy
The incomplete property rights of land and the low degree of systematism seriously restrict the improvement of agricultural productivity and the development of rural economy , hindering the process of agricultural industrialization .
In state-owned companies or state-holding the controlling stake companies , the un-integrity features of property rights of human capital are generally existing , and produce apparently negative impacts to the effect of corporate governance .
The root cause for the inefficiency of state-owned enterprises is not the absence of real owners but the truncated property rights , namely the asymmetric relationship between the right to benefit from and the right to control .
In our country , the incompleteness of property rights affects the efficiency and vitality of state owned enterprises heavily . For this reason , establishing the system of complete property rights is the core for performing a reform in a state owned enterprise .
Any one of the four powers was believed to influence the behavior selection of bureaucrats .
The author emphasis genetic issues and the reason of issues in the houshold contract responsibility system currently , and finds three reasons : the absence in subject of ownership , the shortage in contents of property rights and the contortion in structure of property rights ;
The original reason of these problems lies inour faulty property right system in rural land .
Defects of the existing tenure of land in rural China are characterized by ambiguity in ownership , lack of right for farmers , small-scaled running and unhealthy land rotation system .
But due to various limitations in economical system , law , markets and the like , high-tech enterprises bring with them many problems , such as vague property boundary , incomplete property relationship , closed property and simplistic property .
Last but not the least , it is urgent need to deepen the reform of property rights , and solve the problem of truncated property rights gradually .
However , if the property rights is irrelevantly limited or have deformity , the transfer will be suffocated , which result in morbidity of market system and distortion of market price , affecting the market efficiency of resource allocation .
According to the Human Capital Theory , we argue that the human capital has the nature of private ownership , handicapped self-debasement , dependence and un-mortgage .
The property right is fuzzy , the property right is unstable , the property right is incomplete and the property right is dispersed is that China 's collective forestry 's property relations reform the problem faced .
The essay analyses the damage to farmland 's property rights caused by present farmland expropriation system directly and the incompleteness of farmland 's property rights reflected during the operation of present expropriation system .
The labor property rights are consisted of an array of rights . The system of employment in the countries of capitalism brought about the imperfection of the labor property rights , and the income of capitalist was taken from the exploitation to the employee .
This text put forward with the main problem of the property rights arrangement and the corporate governance structure in the state-owned firm is the government-owned produces the power do not arrive ," the internal person controls ", the manpower capital produces the incomplete etc.
This paper , by means of analyzing the definition of Entrepreneur Human-Capital , the ability of entrepreneur and the motivation mechanism of entrepreneur , figures out the reason of bad performance in state-owned enterprises , mainly being lack of property right of entrepreneur human-capital .