
  • 网络product group
  1. 经过一次显著的变革后,关注曾被忽视的广告体验已经变成了每个产品集团的主要职责。

    In a notable change , the advertising experience , once an afterthought , was turned into a key responsibility for every product group .

  2. 芯片制造商英特尔(Intel)和韩国电子产品集团三星(Samsung)等先行者已在越南设厂并在扩大生产。

    Pioneers like chipmaker Intel and Samsung , the South Korean electronics group , have already set up factories in Vietnam and are ramping up production .

  3. 尽管增长惊人,但电视剧制作公司与该国三星(Samsung)等电子产品集团或造船企业在销售额上仍不可同日而语。

    Despite the impressive growth , the soap-opera makers are in no danger of overtaking the multibillion-dollar sales of the country 's electronics groups such as Samsung , or shipbuilders .

  4. 荷兰电子产品集团飞利浦(philips)中国区总裁张(davidchang)表示,过去4年,对于制造商而言,中国成为一个更为稳定的市场。

    China has become a more stable environment for manufacturers over the past four years , according to David Chang , President of China at Philips , the Dutch electronics group .

  5. 乌克兰农产品集团一直寻求与国有粮食交易商中粮(Cofco)等中国企业达成投资和出口协议。

    Ukrainian agricultural groups have sought investment and export deals with Chinese companies such as Cofco , the state-owned grains trader .

  6. 3G的领导者是三个巴西人,他们的投资资金是从全球最富有的家族募集的。3G将目标锁定于难以保持增长的美国大型消费者产品集团,这些集团如果采取积极的削减成本措施,就能迅速提高盈利能力。

    Led by three Brazilians who invest funds raised from the world 's wealthiest families , 3G wages its campaigns on large US consumer groups that have struggled to grow and where aggressive cost-cutting measures can rapidly improve profitability .

  7. 法美电信设备生产商阿尔卡特-朗迅(Alcatel-Lucent)及日本电子产品集团NEC昨日宣布成立新的合资企业,集中力量研发LTE技术。

    Alcatel-Lucent , the Franco-American telecoms equipment maker , and NEC , the Japanese electronics group , yesterday announced a new joint venture under which they will pool their research and development on LTE .

  8. 她还在平台集成问题上为产品集团提供建议。

    She also advises product groups on platform integration issues .

  9. 某跨国工业产品集团的子公司,专业设计、生产和销售电子产品和特种塑料原件。

    A subsidiary of a worldwide , diversified manufacturer of Industrial products , designs , manufactures and markets highly engineered electromagnetic products and specialty plastic components .

  10. 国有企业中粮(COFCO)与来宝集团(NobleGroup)组建了一家农业合资公司,另外还购入荷兰农产品贸易集团Nidera的控股权,这些举措似乎是在遵循上述战略。

    The move by COFCO - or China National Cereals , Oil and Foodstuffs Corp - where the state-owned group took a stake in an agriculture joint venture with Noble Group , and separately purchased a controlling stake in Dutch agricultural trading house Nidera , seems to follow that strategy .

  11. 拉什·奈尔是福特全球产品开发集团的负责人。

    Raj Nair is Ford 's head of Global Product Development .

  12. 提出了对不合格率低的产品进行集团检验方法,提出了一次抽样、二次抽样的检验方法,并对样本量和临界值的选取方法进行了分析。

    This paper studys the group sampling inspection , introduces single sampling and double sampling , and gives the method of choosing sample size and critical value .

  13. 总部位于北京的联想控股,是在香港上市的电子产品制造商联想集团(Lenovo)的最大股东,并涉足房地产、农业和资产管理等许多行业。

    Beijing-based Legend is the largest shareholder of Hong Kong-listed electronics maker Lenovo , and has holdings across various industries including real estate , agribusiness and asset management .

  14. 产品管理:集团产品业务覆盖固话、宽带、移动、数据专线等全业务,较公众客户更为复杂。

    Product Management : Corporate Product include fixed line , broadband , mobile , data lines and other all-service , is more complex than the public one .

  15. 项目介绍项目内容:引进国外先进技术,开发新型乘用车系列产品,使集团形成年产各类汽车20万辆的生产能力。

    PROJECT CONTENTS : To introduce advanced foreign technology to develop new type series passenger vehicles so as to form annual production capacity of200,000 different motor vehicles .

  16. 由于阿里巴巴本身并不在其网站上销售产品,该集团的收入仅相当于亚马逊的十分之一左右,但利润率却高得多。

    Alibaba 's revenue is about one-tenth of Amazon 's because the Chinese company doesn 't sell products on its site . But Alibaba is far more profitable .

  17. 虽然去年市场环境艰困,但婴儿及儿童鞋的需求仍然稳定,令童鞋产品系列成为集团可靠的收入来源。

    Last year also proved that market demands for baby and children shoes were much more stable in tough market conditions , making this product category a reliable income source .

  18. 林先生说,在整个项目中,人力需求最密集的部分是研究哪些产品和顶新集团有关联,然后给它们拍照,输入到一个可疑产品的图形数据库中。

    The most labor-intensive part , according to Mr. Lin , was researching the products linked to Ting Hsin and photographing them to assemble a graphical database of items that should be flagged .

  19. 乔布斯推出的上一款产品iPhone,为集团贡献了三分之一的收入,并推动苹果的股价在一年里翻了一番。

    Mr Jobs ' last launch , the iPhone , accounts for more than a third of group revenues and sparked a doubling of Apple 's shares in a year .

  20. 作为一家私有企业,安利得以避免了其他一些直销公司因监管和投资者监督带来的麻烦。例如,今年年初,个人护理产品制造商美国如新集团(NuSkinEnterprises)因夸大产品功效遭到中国监管当局罚款。

    As a privately owned company , Amway has been spared the drama that has slammed some of its other direct-selling peers that faced regulatory and investor scrutiny : personal care products maker Nu Skin EnterprisesNUS - 3.63 % was fined earlier this year by Chinese authorities over its product claims ,

  21. 英国BPB集团成立于1915年,是以石膏板、矿棉板及其系统材料为主打产品的全球性跨国集团公司。

    The British BPB group establishes in1915 , regarding gypsum plank , the mineral cotton plank and its system material as principle beat the global multinational group company of product .

  22. 中国实施了一系列政府主导下的复苏国内乳品产业的努力,包括规定奶制品供应商应投资建立自己的奶牛场,由国有农产品企业巨头中粮集团(COFCO)出面收购曾经的顶尖民企蒙牛(Mengniu)。

    State-led efforts to revive the domestic industry have included regulations that dairy product suppliers invest in their own dairy farms and the acquisition of formerly private market leader Mengniu by state agribusiness giant Cofco .

  23. 晶化石产品项目是ZH集团公司根据国家西部大开发战略决策和自身实施精品化、多元化经营发展战略投资建设的科研产业化项目。

    The crystal stone product project is the ZH Group according to the national west big development strategy decision-making and own implementation high-quality goods , the multiplex management developmental strategy investment construction scientific research industrialization project .

  24. “christophorus”杂志是保时捷公司自己的出版物,其内容包括公司的产品和信息以及集团的活动。

    The Porsche magazine , christophorus , is a company publication that provides information on the company , the activities of the group and its products .

  25. 电子商务巨头阿里巴巴最近调整了旗下的一款旅游产品,而Priceline集团增持了在携程的股份。携程是去哪儿网的主要竞争对手之一。

    The Alibaba Group , the e-commerce behemoth , recently revamped one of its travel offerings , and the Priceline Group has grown its stake in Ctrip , one of Qunar 's main rivals .

  26. 中国的消费电子产品市场由国内集团主宰。

    Consumer electronics in China is dominated by local groups .

  27. 我国体育产品生产应走集团化之路

    Sports products producing in China should be organized

  28. 具体表现为首先各上游子公司以边际成本的价格为下游子公司提供中间产品,以使集团利润达到最大。

    The operation steps are the upstream divisions supply the intermediate products on marginal cost price firstly .

  29. 产品为中国一汽集团、玉柴集团、奇瑞轿车有限公司、常发集团等几十家国内知名企业配套。

    Products for the China FAW Group , Yuchai Group , Chery cars Limited , and often the Group of dozens of well-known domestic enterprises supporting .

  30. 全球最大的合约电子产品制造商富士康科技集团上周四宣布,自己旗下一子公司向中国滴滴出行投资1.199亿美元(约合人民币8亿元)。

    Foxconn Technology Group , the world 's largest contract electronics manufacturer , revealed last Thursday its subsidiary had invested $ 119.9 million in Chinese ride-hailing company Didi Chuxing .