
  • 网络industry organization policy;Industrial Organizational Policy
  1. 在此结论基础上,提出了我国制药工业摆脱技术创新困境所需要的产业组织政策。

    In this case , this paper puts forward the industrial organizational policy that can help Chinese pharmaceutical industry to get rid of its innovation puzzledom .

  2. 有效解决这一组矛盾的关键在于调整目前的产业组织政策,引导保险产业组织的有效竞争与和谐发展。

    The key measure taken to resolve these problems is to adjust the industrial organizational policy for the moment and guide insurance industrial organization to effective competition and harmonious development .

  3. 本文以SCP框架为基础对流通产业组织政策的建立与健全进行了具体分析,并提出了相应的对策建议。

    By using the SCP frame the paper discussed the organizational policies for the industry of circulation , and put forward some advices .

  4. 基于全面建设小康社会的支柱产业组织政策研究

    How to Build Pillar Industries in an All-Round Way Well-Off Society

  5. 开放条件下我国产业组织政策研究

    A Research on Chinese Industry Organization Policies in Open Economy Environments

  6. 要制定科学、合理、有效的产业组织政策。

    Establish scientific , reasonable and valid industry organization policy .

  7. 论建立健全流通产业组织政策

    Setting Up and Perfecting the Organizational Policies for the Industry of Circulation

  8. 二要完善产业组织政策;

    Second , we have to improve the policy of industrial organization ;

  9. 我国汽车产业组织政策思考

    Thoughts on The Organization Policy for China 's Automotive Industry

  10. 为此,我国相关的产业组织政策应当进行调整。

    Therefore , some adjustments have to be made concerning industrial organization policies .

  11. 垄断与中国的产业组织政策选择

    Monopoly and the Choice of China Industrial Organization Structure

  12. 在产业组织政策中:提出要加强宏观调控,促进绿色食品产业的发展;

    The industrial organization policy mainly includes : to make perfect administrative mechanisms ;

  13. 论国家战略利益对政府产业组织政策的影响

    The Influence of the National Strategic Interest on the Government Industrial Structure Policies

  14. 第四部分从产业组织政策角度,对政府推动零售业产业组织合理化的目标和具体措施提出了建议。

    Industry the last part is the advice for the policy on retail industry organization .

  15. 论文最后指出了中国保险产业组织政策的选择调整方向。

    Finally , the paper puts forward the adjustment direction of our insurance industrial organization policies .

  16. 高市场势力导致经济效率缺损是阻滞经济增长速度的主要原因,因而我国现阶段的产业组织政策应以促进竞争为主要目标。

    The market power is the antitrust main talent of the present stage in our country .

  17. 有效竞争与产业组织政策

    Effective Competition and Industrial Policy

  18. 对自然垄断的不同认识与界定,直接会导致不同的产业组织政策。

    Different kinds of recognition of natural monopoly will directly leads to different policies of industry organization .

  19. 传统的产业组织政策着眼于国内市场垄断与竞争的协调与处理,为保护国内消费者自由选择和生产者自由竞争的权利,反垄断成为产业组织政策的主流。

    Traditional polices on industrial organization stresses the coordination of domestic monopoly and competition , and antimonopoly is their mainstream .

  20. 因此,不考虑跨国公司进入条件下的产业组织政策,往往会出现在限制垄断的同时,也削弱竞争力的结果。

    The paper states that the entry of the cross-national companies could give rise to the reversion between competition and monopoly ;

  21. 完善的流通产业组织政策是实现流通产业的合理化、促进流通产业升级的必要保证。

    The rationalization and upgrading of the industry of circulation are based on perfected organizational policies for the industry of circulation .

  22. 在支柱产业组织政策的研究中,提出了支柱产业组织集中化政策和产业组织协作化政策;

    In the research of the industrial organization policy , it proposes the cooperating industrial organization policy and the concentrating industrial organization policy .

  23. 企业自组织理论与产业组织政策理论为汽车产业组织制定奠定了坚实理论基础。

    The theory of the firm self-organization and the policy of Industrial Organization lay a foundation to policy-making of Chinese auto industnal organization .

  24. 以我国现阶段的制度和经济环境为背景,以上述评价标准为基础,本文对我国现有的产业组织政策的作用机制和效果进行了分析。

    I evaluated the current industry organization policies theoretically by the evaluation system with the current constitution and economic environments in the background .

  25. 基于上述分析研究,论文将从产业组织政策的角度提出有利于快递业的发展建议。

    On the basis of the above analysis study in Industrial Organization Policy Perspective , conducive to the development of express delivery industry recommendations .

  26. 如果存在,就可以制定相应的产业组织政策,以充分利用市场规模的潜在力量,推动相关产业的市场结构改革,改变这些产业不合理的集中状况,促进有效竞争的形成。

    If exists , policy should be made in order to use the power of market size to improve the condition of market concentration .

  27. 运用产业组织政策,优化产业组织结构,为产业结构调整创造良好的微观基础。

    Applying the industrial organization policy to optimize the industrial organization structure and accordingly to create a benign micro foundation for the industrial structure adjustment .

  28. 在行政势力引导的西部大开发过程中,建立有效防范地方行政势力创造市场势力的产业组织政策具有重要的现实意义。

    Setting up and taking precautions against local administration force creating market power have important realistic meanings in the course of development of western regions effectively .

  29. 形成过度竞争的内在机理是:在强化竞争一定增进效率这种错误认识指导下的产业组织政策,以及对国有煤矿企业性质的错误认识。

    The inner reason of over-competition is both false policy that strengthening competition can promote efficiency and false conception of the character and property of state-owned coal enterprise .

  30. 其四,提出了解决过度竞争问题的基本产业组织政策是要建立寡头垄断型市场及其须采取的相应的系列政策建议。

    So this dissertation proposes a series of policy recommendations and that the basic industrial organization policy is to establish an oligopoly market to solve excessive competition problems .