
  • 网络Product designer;Production designer;Industrial Designer
  1. 三年前,克莱恩开始邀请一些工匠每年花一周时间来比弗布鲁克举办讲习班,学生们可以付费学习建造技巧。比如,产品设计师汤姆·博纳米奇(TomBonamici),他擅长木工活和木屋骨架制作。

    Three years ago , Mr. Klein began inviting artisans like Tom Bonamici , a product designer with an expertise in woodworking and timber framing , to hold annual weeklong workshops at Beaver Brook for paying students to learn building skills .

  2. 设计产品设计师丽娜梅耶尔和平面设计师莎拉凯雷宁-格拉姆纳,谁是创意工作室Yra两人后面。

    Designed by product designer Lina Meier and graphic designer Sara Keranen-Gramner , who are the creative duo behind Studio Yra .

  3. Sandy是工厂经理,而Mike是产品设计师。

    Sandy is the plant manager , while Mike is the lead production engineer .

  4. 原来是建筑师的产品设计师托马斯•格里姆(ThomasGriem)前段时间发布了一个新系列的地毯,起点来自于日本的木刻版画。

    Architect-turned-product designer Thomas Griem released a new collection of rugs earlier this month , which have taken Japanese woodcuts as their starting point .

  5. 根据两位“熟悉苹果公司计划”的知情人士透露的线索,彭博在第一周发表了一篇报道。报道称,苹果调用了100位产品设计师,正在开发一款腕表式的设备,能执行一些目前由iPhone和iPad完成的任务。

    Bloomberg 's contribution that first week was a report , sourced by two people " familiar with the company 's plans , " that Apple had 100 product designers working on a wristwatch-like device that could perform some of the tasks now handled by the iPhone and iPad .

  6. 把自己想象成一个产品设计师。

    Imagine that you are a product designer .

  7. 情景描述法为消费产品设计师提供了分析和研究人的因素的有效辅助手段。

    Scenario building provides designer with a valuable and additional technology to analyze and research human factors .

  8. 产品设计师通过成功的运用人性化的设计语言,从而正确引导人们的生活和情感。

    Designer achieves directing life and emotion of the people by means of applying the humanized design language successfully .

  9. 课程将帮助业务经理和产品设计师开发他们品牌行销的知识和技能。

    The aim of the class to help business managers and product designers develop their branding knowledge and skills .

  10. 布雷耶表示,需求量最大的是产品设计师,他们甚至比后台电脑程序员更抢手。

    Product designers , even more than back-end computer programmers , are in highest demand , Mr Breyer says .

  11. 公司技术力量雄厚,经营管理现代化,配备了一流的洁具生产设备,拥有一批专业的产品设计师及技术人员队伍。

    We have strong technical power , modern management , top-ranking production equipments of sanitary and professional team including designers and engineers .

  12. 在美国,它们能找到经验丰富的产品设计师、工程师、营销专家,并接触到高端消费市场。

    In the U.S. , they get experienced product designers and engineers , marketing experts and access to the high-end consumer market .

  13. 内地的外资生产商以及有意拓展海外市场的大型内地制造商,也是香港产品设计师的顾客对象。

    Foreign-funded manufacturers and large indigenous mainland manufacturing companies aiming for overseas expansion are the logical target customers for Hong Kong product designers .

  14. 本文的目的是探讨制造业在产品设计师、人才稳定性和创作设计精品三者之间都有哪些相互关系。

    This paper discusses the relationship between the product designer , sustainability and the creation of good quality work within the manufacturing sector .

  15. 米兰的中心和边缘地带都演变为工作室兴旺发达的地区,时尚业、建筑师和产品设计师都获得了蓬勃发展。

    Its centre and edges have evolved into thriving areas for studio spaces , with the fashion industry , architects and product designers all thriving .

  16. 并且作为它继续迅速扩大市场,产品设计师正在寻找更大的需要非常小,成本有效的蓝牙天线能够进行可靠的服务。

    And as it continues to expand rapidly in the market , product designers are finding greater need for very small , cost effective Bluetooth antennas that can perform reliably .

  17. 德国一位产品设计师朱利恩·理奇耐在考虑这个问题时,萌生了一个大胆新奇的、可持续回收咖啡渣的方法——将其变为咖啡杯具。

    It was while contemplating this issue that German product designer Julian Lechner came up with a radical new and sustainable way of recycling coffee grounds - turning them into tableware .

  18. 这种创新证明,一个由眼科专家、公共健康医生以及产品设计师组成的小团队聚集在一起解决问题会创造巨大的潜能。

    This innovation is evidence of the enormous potential created when just a small team of eye-specialists , public health doctors and product designers come together to solve a single problem .

  19. 今年50岁的贝尔内特是一名产品设计师,他对最后所提到的这件家具尤其感兴趣,因为在二十五、六岁时他的背部曾经受过伤,这让他至今仍有困扰。

    Mr. Bernett , 50 , is a product designer with a particular interest in the last item , thanks to a back injury in his mid-20s that still gives him trouble .

  20. 本文意在通过对生态指标这种新兴的生态工业技术的介绍,为产品设计师打开新的思路,提供简单有效的产品环保性设计方法。

    By the introduction of the Eco-indicator , a newly arisen Eco-industrial technology , which give the product designers a new way of thinking , and provide a simple and available device for them .

  21. 为了使产品设计师能在设计阶段就较准确地预测产品的制造成本并进行成本优化,为产品市场报价或重新设计及改进提供依据,需要提供一个能快速准确建立产品成本模型的系统。

    To make the designers can predict the cost of product in design phase precisely for providing the basis of price in market or designing again , a quick and precise system of modeling is needed .

  22. 形态视知觉心理是沟通消费者与产品设计师桥梁,论文采纳了格式塔心理学原理,运用形态视知觉心理归纳、总结了家电产品造型设计的几种方法。

    Form vision and feeling psychology is the bridge which connects products designer to consumers . The paper accepts the theory of Gestalt Psychology and sums up several methods used to design electric products used in house .

  23. 翘曲变形是影响注塑制品质量最重要的因素之一,必然会受到产品设计师、质量控制及用户的关注和重视。

    Since warpage is one of the most important factors which affect the quality of plastic products , warpage gets more and more attentions from the designers , quality control and customers to guarantee plastic product quality .

  24. “爱迪生”在今夏的发布,让英特尔有机会老老实实地检验一下,看看那些已经在研发可穿戴设备和嵌入式技术的产品设计师们的愿景是否与英特尔自己的愿景一致。

    This summer 's launch of Edison should provide Intel with an honest measure of whether the product designers already developing the wearable and embedded technologies that will populate the future will align their vision with Intel 's own .

  25. 这些人专门捣鼓数据,他们测试消费者是更愿意接受绿色按钮还是红色按钮、或像素是20还是10的图像,并把相关信息反馈给产品设计师。

    Data scientists – the number crunchers who test consumers ' receptiveness to a green button over a red button , or a 20 over a 10 pixel image , and feed this information to product designers – are also in high demand .

  26. 为博朗(Braun)设计过剃须刀和收音机等产品的设计师迪特尔•拉姆斯(DieterRams),是乔纳森爵士崇拜的人之一。

    One of Sir Jonathan 's heroes is Dieter Rams , the designer of Braun products such as shavers and radios .

  27. 一些最伟大的产品始于设计师一闪而过的灵感。

    Some of the greatest gadgets start with a flash of inspiration by a designer .

  28. 面对来势凶猛的文化入侵,中国当代产品造型设计师应该在行业内肩负起自己的历史使命,用自己的专业特长捍卫自己的民族文化。

    Confronted with the severe cultural invasion , the present Chinese production modeling designer should shoulder their own historical mission and safeguard the national culture with their specialty .

  29. 但繁荣时期信贷创新产品的设计师们正开始重操旧业,寻找新办法对资产负债表进行小修小补,并从仍处于制定阶段的法规当中寻求生路。

    But the architects of boomtime credit innovations are returning to their desks , finding new ways to tinker with balance sheets and carve through rules that are still being developed .

  30. 产品是设计师和消费者之间信息传递和反馈的纽带,意象是消费者对产品的感觉表达,设计师只有根据消费者的意象表达来设计产品方案,才能使产品更加满足消费者的需求。

    Product is the link between designers and consumers of information transfer and feedback . Image is the feeling expression for a consumer about products , while designers based on the expression of consumers to get the image design .