
  • 网络Cloud Computing Center;IBM Cloud Computing Center;IBM Cloud Labs & HiPODS
  1. 在2008年6月,IBM宣布启动非洲的第一个云计算中心。

    In June of2008 , IBM announced Africa 's first cloud computing center .

  2. 在2008年2月,IBM宣布计划在中国无锡建立第一个云计算中心ChinaCloud。

    In February of2008 , IBM announced plans to establish the first cloud computing center in China , in Wuxi , called the China Cloud .

  3. IBM当前在世界各地建立了13个云计算中心。

    IBM currently has13 cloud computing centers worldwide .

  4. IBM正致力于在ResearchTrianglePark,N.C.和东京创建两个大型云计算中心。

    IBM is working hard to create two large cloud computing centers in Research Triangle Park , N.C. , and Tokyo .

  5. 已分配的线显示了CPU容量始终是基于用户请求而添加的(新的云计算中心的典型情景)。

    The allocated line shows that CPU capacity is consistently being added based on user requests ( a typical scenario for new cloud computing centers ) .

  6. 在私营部门,像谷歌、微软、Facebook和亚马逊这样的公司投入了数以十亿计的美元在云计算中心上,而解决科学问题并不是云服务的侧重点。

    In the private sector , companies like Google , Microsoft , Facebook and Amazon invested billions of dollars in cloud-computing centers that don 't focus as much on solving scientific problems .

  7. 云计算中心采用云计算技术设计开发信息服务平台。

    Cloud Computing Center uses cloud computing technology to design information service platform .

  8. 而云计算中心操作系统,则是针对云计算数据中心的,是负责云计算数据中心基础软件、硬件资源管理的系统软件。

    Cloud computing operating system , manages these software and hardware resources in the data center .

  9. 腾讯方面表示,位于香港和硅谷的云计算中心还计划在今年扩大规模。

    Tencent said cloud operations in Hong Kong and the Silicon Valley are also slated for expansion this year .

  10. 紧挨着惠普云计算中心的就是运算速度全球排名第二的超级计算机&“天河一号”,共由138个机柜组成。

    Just next door to HP 's cloud computing center , 138 cabinets hold the world 's second fastest supercomputer , Tianhe-1A .

  11. 通过这种方式,云计算中心可以提供高性能、低成本和使用简单的计算资源和海量的存储资源。

    In this way , the cloud computing center can provide high-performance , low-cost and simple to use computing resources and vast amounts of storage resources .

  12. 通过访问developerWorks云计算资源中心,首先可以在AmazonEC2上宿主这些产品(及更多)。

    You can get started with these products ( and more ) on Amazon EC2 by visiting the developerWorks Cloud Computing Resource Center .

  13. 然而,如今五巨头控制着在人们生活和工作中占据重要位置、更加多种多样的数字化平台——从智能手机到云计算数据中心,再到移动通讯应用(App)。

    Now , though , the big five control a much wider array of digital platforms around which life and work revolve - from smartphones and cloud computing data centres to mobile messaging apps .

  14. 本模型通过对云计算数据中心中服务器历史数据的搜集并分析资源的信任度。

    This model collects and analyzes reliability based on historical information of servers in a Cloud data center .

  15. 云计算数据中心通常拥有成千上万台物理结点,在其上运行着各种各样的服务和应用程序。

    Cloud data center can potentially house thousands of physical servers , and there are various services and applications running on them .

  16. 但是在云计算数据中心内,若两个具有大量相同内存页的虚拟机运行在不同的物理机上,则内存共享并不能充分发挥其作用。

    In cloud computing data center , two virtual machines holding lots of identical pages and residing on different physical machines will cause sharing lost .

  17. 具备高密度、低功耗、易管理、高性价比等特性的刀片服务器将成为云计算数据中心建设时的重要组成部分。

    Blade server which have the characteristics of high-density , low power consumption , easy to manage and cost-effective will become an important part of cloud computing data center construction .

  18. 在基于集中式子系统的全互联结构下,我们将云计算数据中心的节点根据机架进行分组,每个机架为一个集中式资源信息管理子系统。

    Under the fully interconnection structure based on centralized sub-systems , nodes are grouped by the rack in the cloud computing data center , and each rack is a centralized resource information management subsystem .

  19. 由于IBM云计算的服务中心位于美国及加拿大,该项目组研发人员在操作云计算服务中心的远程机器时,需要使用SSH协议进行远程连接。

    Because IBM cloud computing service center is in the United States and Canada , when the R & D staff of the project team operating the remote machine of the cloud computing service center , they need to use the SSH protocol for remote connections .

  20. 缺乏有效的网络带宽隔离机制,当前面向云计算的数据中心网络至少存在以下风险。

    Lack of effective bandwidth isolation , today ' scloud-oriented data center networks undertake at least the following risks .

  21. 他们不是单一的销售公司,他们自己也生产机器,生产贴有他们自己公司标签的黑盒子,而这些盒子以后就会放在云计算的数据中心里。

    They 're not just a sales company , they make machines , they makes boxes that have their logo on , that will sit in these data centers .

  22. 公司于上周确定了五个“优先发展业务”:路由与交换、云计算与数据中心、“架构”(网络设计)以及视频业务。

    The company last week identified five " priorities " : routing and switching ; cloud computing and data centers ; " architectures " ( Network Design ) ; and video .

  23. 云计算以用户为中心、面向服务、商业性等特征,使得目前主要的工作流调度算法是基于QoS的调度算法,而且很多是借鉴原来网格环境下的调度策略。

    Cloud computing is characterized by such features like user-centric , service-oriented and commercial , and present workflow scheduling algorithms are mostly based on the QoS constraints . Many of those algorithms reference the scheduling strategy in grid computing environment .

  24. 然而,云计算环境下数据中心的故障频发问题为并行查询处理提出了严峻挑战。

    Nevertheless , frequent failures in datacenters pose great challenges to the Skyline query .