
zhǔ shuài
  • commander in chief;chief commander
主帅 [zhǔ shuài]
  • [commander in chief;chief commander] 最高将帅;主要将领

主帅[zhǔ shuài]
  1. 主帅:富兰克林德拉诺罗斯福,他的将士们和他们的战争。

    Commander in chief : franklin Delano roosevelt , his lieutenants and their war .

  2. 昨晚巴西足球队主帅卡洛斯·佩雷拉因球队被禁止在温布利球场训练而大发雷霆。

    Brazilian soccer boss Carlos Parreira hit out angrily last night after his side were barred from training at Wembley .

  3. 巴西国家据称在安切洛蒂的转会名单前列,因为他看上去可能会和前AC主帅重聚。

    The Brazilian international is rumoured to be high on Blues manager Carlo Ancelotti 's shopping list as he looks to be reunited with the schemer who was an integral part of his AC Milan side .

  4. 微软去年经历了主帅更替的动荡期,长期领导者史蒂夫o鲍尔默离任,纳德拉接手。这位新任CEO一直尝试着改善这家科技巨头的境遇。这番话正是他希望潜在商业客户铭记于心的讯息。

    It 's a message that he hopes potential business clients will take to heart as he tries to lift Microsoft 's fortunes after a year of upheaval during which he replaced longtime leader Steve Ballmer .

  5. 苏格兰队主帅GeorgeBurley说他的队长弗莱彻本可能成为卡佩罗阵中的一员大将,因为他出生于英格兰和苏格兰的边界。

    Scotland 's manager George Burley has claimed that his captain , Darren Fletcher , would be part of Fabio Capello 's England set-up had he been born on the other side of the border .

  6. 如果林书豪能一直效力尼克斯,他可能会成为真正的明星。尼克斯主帅迈克德安东尼(MikeD'Antoni)曾以疯狂进攻的打法成名,而他的布阵重点就是控球后卫。

    If he can stick with the Knicks , the stars may have aligned for Lin. Knicks coach Mike D'Antoni made a name for himself with a frenetic style of play that puts particular focus on the point guard position .

  7. 但是Bevington相信前皇马主帅会像以往一样全力以赴。

    But Bevington believes the former Real Madrid boss remains as committed as ever .

  8. 在担任球队主帅的八个赛季,带领球队获得了347胜216负(胜率为61.6%)的成绩,在NBA历史上,在所有执教超过500场的主教练里,布朗现在所获得的执教胜率能够排在历史第十位。

    He owns a career record of 347-216 ( . 616 ) over eight seasons , which ranks as the 10th best winning percentage in NBA history among coaches who have registered at least 500 games at the helm .

  9. 阿森纳主帅温格(ArsneWenger)质疑,此次交易是否是有意设计绕开财政公平竞赛规则,上一赛季曼城就未成功。

    Arsenal manager Arsne Wenger questioned whether the move was designed to get around the FFP rules - which City failed last season .

  10. 西班牙国家队主帅博斯克(VicentedelBosque)说,西班牙足球这次夺冠是有历史意义的,我们谈论的是一代伟大的球员。

    This success of Spanish football is something historical , Spain coach Vicente Del Bosque said . We are talking about a great generation of players .

  11. 上周日1-3兵败东伦敦,达格利什对失利没有任何怨言。在本周末曼狗来访L4之前,红军主帅有一周的时间对症下药。

    Dalglish had no complaints at the3-1 scoreline in east London on Sunday and the Reds boss now has a week to put things right before Manchester United visit L4 next weekend .

  12. 比赛临近最后几分钟时,荷兰主帅路易斯·范加尔(LouisvanGaal)已经因疲劳换下了头号射手罗宾·范佩西(RobinvanPersie),奥乔亚看上去似乎坚不可摧。

    By the time the final minutes arrived , Netherlands Coach Louis van Gaal had already pulled his top scorer , Robin van Persie , because of fatigue , and it felt as if Ochoa were impenetrable .

  13. 这是阿兰·佩兰(AlainPerrin)担任主教练之后的首场比赛。他被任命几乎没有引起任何轰动或是兴奋的情绪,许多人当时希望2006年世界杯中,带领队伍夺冠的马尔切洛·里皮(MarcelloLippi)担任国足主帅。

    It was Alain Perrin 's first game as head coach after he was appointed with little fanfare and excitement , with many wanting the 2006 World Cup winner Marcello Lippi to take over .

  14. 这位19岁小将要从U20层次晋升到国家队阵营中,在现在这套阵容里,他可是主帅OscarTabarez不可或缺的一员。

    The19-year-old is yet to make the step up from Under-20 level to the full national team but it will be hard for coach Oscar Tabarez to overlook him on current form .

  15. 这位U18队队长在主帅肯尼·达格利什的帮助下感受到了完全的梅尔伍德,与西班牙小将苏索一同参加这个项目,为踏上他们成为俱乐部未来之星的道路做准备。

    The U18s'skipper was handed the full Melwood treatment by boss , Kenny Dalglish , joining Spanish ace , Suso as part of a familiarisation programme for the club 's stars of the future .

  16. 追逐三师军团主帅竞争开始了。

    And the race is on for the Three Lions boss .

  17. 新泽西主帅同英国媒体介绍自己。

    New Chelsea boss introduces himself to the English Press .

  18. 他早先就曾抗拒过前任主帅戴夫-乔尔格的进攻安排。

    He resisted offensive shifts from former coach Dave Joerger .

  19. 多梅内克留任法国队主帅,而我则正式退出国家队。

    Raymond Domenech is staying and I am quitting the national side .

  20. 作为一名主帅,他把尺度掌握的相当好。

    As a manager , that 's a good knack to have .

  21. 就说阿森纳主帅旺热吧。

    Which brings us to Arsene wenger , of arsenal .

  22. 英格兰队主帅盖雷斯?索斯盖特带动了一波复兴潮。

    England soccer manager Gareth Southgate is launching a revival .

  23. 巴西主帅邓加特意强调了荷兰快速反击的打法。

    Brazil coach Denga has highlighted the Netherlands'rapid counter-attacks .

  24. 在世界汽车业鏖战中的福特&福特新老主帅及其独树一帜的成功经营

    Ford Engaging in Fierce Battle of Global Auto Industries

  25. 特拉法加海战中英国海军主帅是?

    In the Battle of Trafalgar , who is the commander of British Navy ?

  26. 但这位主帅却在随后的地区性杯赛中失去了帅印。

    But poor results in a regional tournament would later cost him his job .

  27. 三位主帅都面临着一个艰难的任务。

    The trio have a tough task ahead .

  28. 马拉多纳身为阿根廷队主帅,手下兵多将广,有多名世界顶级前锋可用。

    Maradona has the luxury of choosing between some of the world 's best forwards .

  29. 伊阿古没有什麽,主帅;要是&我不知道。

    Iago . Nothing , my lord : or if & I know not what .

  30. 我想皮克特将军是主帅。

    Pickett 's charge , I think .