
zhǔ fàng dà qì
  • main amplifier
主放大器[zhǔ fàng dà qì]
  1. 时钟恢复电路(CRC)从主放大器输出数据信号中提取出时钟信号供数据判决和后续电路使用。

    Clock recovery circuit is used to extract clock from the output signal of main amplifier .

  2. 新一代ICF激光驱动器的主放大器均采用多程放大结构,放大器一般由八片左右的片状放大介质级联而成。

    In new-model laser driver , the main amplifier which commonly has many disk amplifier mediums is multi-pass amplifier system .

  3. 由低功耗X光管、正比计数器、前置放大器、主放大器、AD变换器以及多道分析器组成的系统是经济、实用的X荧光分析系统。它在科学研究和工业自动化过程中得到广泛的应用。

    Made up with a low-power-consumption X-ray tube , proportional counters , preamplifiers , amplifiers , AD converters and multichannel analyzers , an XRFA system is economical and practical and is widely used on scientific research and industrial automatic process control .

  4. 首次实现了AVM对神光n输出脉冲波形的控制,获得了较好的脉冲波形畸变一致性,最终实现了多程主放大器的AVM功率平衡控制。

    The pulse shape of " SG-II " laser was controlled triumphantly by AVM , attaining a better uniformity of multi-beam pulse shapes , and realizing the power balance control of multi-pass main amplifiers eventually ;

  5. 该电路由前置放大器和作为主放大器的限幅放大器构成,其中前置放大器采用RGC形式的互阻放大器实现,限幅放大器采用改进的Cherry&Hooper结构。

    The RGC ( regulated cascade ) techniques are applied in the transimpedance amplifier and a modified Cherry-Hooper architecture is employed in limiting amplifier .

  6. 用三维电子输运Monte-Carlo(MC)方法研究了双向四电子束泵浦KrF准分子激光器MOPA系统中主放大器(H1M)的能量沉积空间分布。

    The spatial profile of the energy deposition for the main amplifier ( H1M ) of a KrF laser MOPA system is presented by meams of 3D Monte Carlo method .

  7. 目前主放大器的发展主流是组合式多程放大器,因此在组合式放大器中插入AVM功率平衡新方案具有重要的应用价值。

    The built-up and multi-pass amplifier is the mainstream of main amplifier nowadays , so the new scheme that is inserting the AVM in the main amplifiers has important application value .

  8. 两级放大器中主放大器运用标准的折叠式共源共栅结构,决定了电路的主要性能参数;第二级使用带有AB类输出的快速放大器,用来监控LDO的输出电压变化,以快速响应此变化。

    The main amplifier which uses the standard folding cascode structure determines the main properties of the circuit . And the second stage using fast amplifier monitors the variation of the LDO output voltage .

  9. 控制由机械装夹方式所引入的波前畸变以提高惯性约束聚变(ICF)输出光束的质量,是在大口径钕玻璃片主放大器结构设计中必须考虑的。

    Controlling the wavefront distortion introduced by mechanical mounting to raise the quality of output beam in inertial confinement fusion ( ICF ) facility must be considered in the structure design of the large aperture Nd : glass main amplifier .

  10. 考核了带有AVM主放大器在高能实验下的运行安全性,这是其可行性的前提。计算结果与神光&Ⅱ主放大器原型-同轴型双程放大器-实验结果相符合。

    The security of AVM to the system was checked under the high energy experiments , which mean the preface of the feasibility of AVM ; The calculated results consist with the experimental results coaxial double pass amplifier of SHENGUANG ⅱ facility results .

  11. 本文中的主放大器采用了限幅放大器的形式,其宽带放大单元使用了经过改进的Cherry-Hooper结构以获得足够的增益带宽积。

    The limiting amplifier is adopted as the main amplifier . The broadband units of limiting amplifier are implemented in improved Cherry-Hooper structure , which can acquire high gain-bandwidth product .

  12. 神光-Ⅱ实验装置主放大器中寄生振荡的研究

    Investigation of Parasitic Oscillation in Main Amplifier of the Facility SHENGUANG ⅱ

  13. 激光聚变主放大器能源系统述评

    Overview of main amplifier power conditioning for the laser fusion

  14. 神光Ⅲ原型装置主放大器剩余热畸变模拟研究

    Modeling of Residual Thermo-optical Distortions of the Main Amplifier of SG ⅲ Prototype

  15. 神光-Ⅱ主放大器的研制

    Investigation of " Shengguang - ⅱ" Main Amplifier

  16. 神光Ⅱ主放大器角变反镜衰减曲线的精密测量

    Precise Attenuation Measurement of Angular Variable Mirror Used in " Shenguang ⅱ" Main Amplifiers

  17. 利用可编程芯片设计的主放大器

    Main amplifier in programmability chip 's apply

  18. 主放大器把前置放大器的输出信号放大到数字逻辑电平,并且保持数字电平的恒定,以实现限幅的功能。

    Main amplifier is used for amplifying the output signal of preamplifier into digital voltage level .

  19. 介绍一种由电荷灵敏前置放大器、主放大器、甄别器、成形电路所组成的一体化电路。

    A hybrid circuit consists of charge sensitive preamplifier , main amplifier , discriminator and shaping circuit was described .

  20. 本文介绍单匝耦合变压器作为前置放大器和主放大器之间的隔离元件。

    This paper introduces the single-winding coupling transformer serving as an insulating element between the preamplifier and the main amplifier .

  21. 主放大器有两种实现方式:自动增益控制放大器和限幅放大器。

    An auto Gain Control ( AGC ) amplifier or a limiting amplifier is generally used to realize the main amplifier .

  22. 光接收机的基本结构由光检测器、前置放大器、主放大器、自动增益控制电路和再生电路所组成。

    The elementary circuit of the receiver is made up of PIN photodiode , pre-amplifier , main amplifier , automatic gain control and regeneration circuit .

  23. 为与主放大器工作物质钕玻璃的峰值增益相匹配,采用Nd:YLF作为预放大器的工作物质。

    Using Nd : YLF as work material of pre-amplifier in order to match the gain peak of Nd : glass used in main amplifier .

  24. 补偿放大器是由一个主放大器和一个辅助放大器组成,辅助放大器消除了主放大器自身的失调漂移。

    The compensation amplifier consists of main amplifier and an auxiliary one . The auxiliary amplifier reduces input offset drift on output of the main one .

  25. 我们设计了两级联混合结构的光纤放大器,即掺铒光纤放大器和铒镱共掺光纤放大器在系统中分别作为一级预放大器和二级主放大器。

    We employed a two-stage hybrid structure which comprised an erbium-doped fiber amplifier as the pre-amplifier and an erbium / ytterbium co-doped double-cladding fiber amplifier as the post-amplifier .

  26. 它由多丝室、延迟线、主放大器、定时单道以及时幅变换器等组成。

    It consists of a multiwire proportional chamber , a delay line , a main amplifier , a timing single channel amplitude analyser and a time to amplitude converter .

  27. 其硬件构成主要由记录电极、前置放大器、带通滤波器、主放大器、A/D板、微机系统及神经刺激器等组成。

    The hardware comprised record electrodes , pre-amplifier , bandpass filter , main amplifier , microcomputer system and nerve stimulater , etc. The software complied with BASIC and assembly language .

  28. 由于限幅放大器具有设计简单、功耗低、芯片面积小和外接元件少的优点,我们选择采用限幅放大器的形式来实现光接收机的主放大器。

    The latter one was chosen to realize the main amplifier in our design since it has the feature such as simple topology , few external components and fast responsibility .

  29. 主放大器采用开关电容共模反馈电路在获得大输出摆幅的同时降低了功耗。

    Used the switched capacitor Common Mode Feedback circuit ( CMFB ) in main amplifier to achieve a large output voltage swing and decrease the static power consumption at the same time .

  30. 列读出级采用新型主从两级放大列读出结构,其中主放大器完成电荷到电压的转换,从放大器驱动输出总线来满足一定的读出速度。

    In the design of column readout stage , master and slaver structure has been adapted , where master amplifier converts charge to voltage , and slave amplifier works with standby mode to drive output bus .